The Winged Guardian

23 Whirl Wild Wind

I was stuckwith him! Dylan, reminded me with that gay rumor, chose to attach himself to me wherever I went, whatever I did, however I did it. He seriously was becoming a haunting ghost. He even sat watching me going to sleep which made it a great deal harder to even hold my eye shut. I had to pull the cover over my head to get rid of that pretty face.

Next morning, I tiptoed out of my room with Stix and friends trailing behind. I put a forefinger in front of my mouth to shush them down. They were quite obedient and allowed me to exit the house and I successfully ran down the street with them on my shoulder.

The ravens started flying when we were out in the open. I took the turn through a wood thinking that shades and leaves could hide my presence. Thinking again, it might be wrong since demons were associated with nature, it might be easier for Dylan to find me here.

At the thought, I went off the track again. It was the shortest shortcut to a busy morning avenue which was full of mouth-watering smell of fresh baked bakeries. Just by the thought of it had already stirred up the demonstration from my tummy. I hadn't had anything this morning for fear that the demon would wake up.

There was an opening at about midway. The light creamy ground led off to one side and the earth dropped away there to the land of velvety blue rolling carpet. The noise of the crashing waves was clearer here. The headwind collided with my face like a smacking kiss. The wind out in the open was always a bit strong.

As soon as the first waft of wind was gone, the second lot came. I was forced to root there, unable to move. I tried turning my back but almost slumped onto the ground. Stix and friends were having a harder time. Their wings looked fragile comparing to the current. And the ravens floated and swayed in the air like pieces of dead leaves or burnt papers.

I know wind could be strong in a wide opening cliff. But isn't this--

The third lot came and it dried all the moisture in my eyes.

Heck! Isn't this a bit too strong!

Stix and friends were blown away.

Then, the wind came from every direction all at once. I was caught and squeezed in the invisible walls. I wanted to flail my arms to send them away like when we did it with the flies, but could not raise even my finger. Temporarily, the air was lost in this dimension so I could not breathe. When the wind suddenly vanished all together again, I almost flopped.

That is a very strange-- "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

Not a very strange 'Aaaa,' sorry. I had not even finished my thought and here the gale was back again. This time it hit me so hard that I flew to the edge of the cliff. My left elbow hit with a small rock on the ground and bled.

I got up and ran back to the track. My foot lept forward as I was thinking--

Shit! This must--

The crazy gust clashed and I was back toward the empty space again.

…be-- The wind hit me and I ran battling my way toward the safety of the wood--

…some kind--


…of doing--

My eyes! Ow! Sands flew into my eyes.


I can't see!


I finally finished my thought, but the wind also finished their work too¾it successfully blew me out to where the soiled ground could not reach.

It was actually very short during the fall. But in that short moment, plenty happened¾such as, the realization that there was no floor under my sneakers; or that it was about five meters between me and the churning sea, four and a half if I did not count the jagged rock that was right under my feet; and the ferocious wind was gone leaving only light carefree briny breeze; I wondered where was the forest demon who was the cause of this; I wondered what would it be like flying without wings, hitting on the rock; I also wondered whether I could try to move a bit to the right so that instead of the hard rock, I could fall into the sea; I was worried about Stix and friends and stopped worrying because they would probably be fine, they had wings.

Why wouldn't my misfortunes end just yet? What is the purpose of doing these to me? Is it because I talked to Conner yesterday? But that's nonsense!--Oh, there's a squirrel eating an acorn over there.¾I'm not sure what's the feeling I felt with Dylan last night. There was a giddy whirl like the wind just now when he got too close. I don't like it. I like the feeling when I'm with Conner. But those green eyes are so nice, shoot! That acorn makes me think of chestnut. I should have eaten some breakfast. Bother! I'm falling.

It was a terrific rush through air. My hair upraised like billows of black flames painting my vision with black strips. I stretched my arms to one side and did a freestyle hoping the strokes could move me a little to the right. Just a little, and I would not have to be smashed by that rock!

I remembered there was an 'Aa' ringing somewhere when I was falling.

Maybe it was Stix or one of his friends. But they could not help me. They were too small.Next, there was also a pull.

The damn wind came back again! It seemed to materialize this time. I could feel quite a solid line of something whipping at my waist. At least, it would veer me out of the rock path.

I was halted in the midair and realized it was not the solidified wind. It was Dylan holding me--SHIT! That's too close! His face's too close!

"Seriously Leigh," Dylan said while flying up to the cliff-edge. "I don't think swimming in the sea this early morning would be fun. And you're jumping too high."

Swimming?! In the morning?!

"Your diving posture's hideous. It looked awfully like falling." He added.

"I was falling!" I protested.

"Did you?" Dylan smiled now. "I believe the path's about seven meters from the cliff. You must be very sleepy to be able to walk off there. Were you sleepwalking?"

"I wasn't--there's--there's this wind--very, very strong wind. I--I don't know where it's from. And, and, phew! Blew me off!" I stammered.

"Are you saying that there was a very strong wind blowing you out of the path and off the cliff?"

I nodded fervently.

We are now above the ground. Dylan was descending down but there was no sign of letting me go. "If you really want me to be closed to you, just tell me so Leigh."

He's unbelievable!

I should have objected those. But he was unbelievably full of himself that his fullness stuffed up my mouth and I was unable to utter a word. He set me down and I walked on as if nothing had ever happened in muteness.

Oh my, there's one thing.

I went pale turning my face to the demon. "I wasn't calling for your help though!" Why saying this made me feel really bad now?

���Yes sir!" Dylan mocked me by acting like a soldier. "I was sticking up my nose. It's kinda fun, you know."

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