Meek morning light, alarming clock noises, and the nightmare made me sprang up. Feeling like going through a hard party last night with a bit hangover, I went for a shower, leaving cold water running down on my head. Feeling like there were many shit last night, I did not want to shit and instead had my teeth brushed, dressed up as the mirror told me I was not dreaming.

An ancient-looking symbol was sitting smugly on my forehead.

I went back to my bed, closed my eyes for half a minute, and got up to the mirror again.

It was still there and I decided to go back to bed once more, only to see the circle remain engraved on my face.

The process went on for an hour before I really did give up. ADHD came back for a moment with slight alteration; Annoyance, Disappointment, Hunger, and Desperation. I had been hoping it was a really bad dream. While I looked in remorse at the reflection of myself, an intense realization almost blew me off my feet.


I'm alive!

I touched all over my body and pinched on my arm to make sure everything was still normal and in its place. The pain was overcome by delight when I was sure that I was still breathing and kicking, and not dead like I had thought yesterday.

Nonetheless, the celtic-symbol on my forehead still reminded me that I was not curse-free. But as long as I live, I have hope.

Grabbing scissors, and with one swift cut, I found myself observing my new full bang. I thought it look weird but I had no choice since walking outside with something tattoo-liked on your forehead was far weirder. I arranged the bang hoping the hair was enough to hide the mark, remembered now that last night I had rubbed it with everything I could find, soap, shampoo, Vaseline, sunscreen, collagen, salt scrub, beer, orange juice, coffee, and even cabbage, but not the slightest fraction would come off. I would just put another plaster beneath the bang as well just in case.

Downstairs the kitchen was deserted but the TV was on. Morning news about heart attack causing by summer heat was a disturbing subject for breakfast. The weather had been exceptionally, unbearably hot this year and that was why it rained so hard last night. I tried to look for mum, but she was nowhere to be seen when a message from her came in. It was saying that she had an urgent trip to Arizona about the heart attack case, she asked me to turn off the TV, and that she would not be back for a week.

A reporter and a sudden trip were two things that couldn't be separated. I was used to it but also felt lonely sometimes. But for once, this might be a good timing for escaping mum's question about this thing on my forehead.

I sent her a 'good luck' sticker and told her to take care and not to worry then set out for school.

I live. But it would not be long before the curse consume me. Something must be done before that happen!

People were streaming from every direction into the school gate like every other morning. I looked from side to side, flipped the hood over my head, then thought it was going to attract attention and pushed it back. I bit my lower lip knowing that I had to face Dylan anyway if I was to settle this. The hood went up and down a couple of times until Dale called me.

"Morning Leigh! Wo—wow! What's the occasion?"

He stared at my bang. "Morning Dale."

"This is new!" said Dale as we walked through the busy morning corridor arriving at our locker. "I like it though."

I ignored Dale's comment on my hair as he went on showing me the brochure for his concert and puffed up proudly when I complimented them. He made those himself refusing the help from me even though he knows very well of my skill. I was a little upset at first but well- Then, he looked at the time on his iPhone. "Shoot! I'm gonna be late for the concert sponsors' meeting. See you later Leigh."


I did not have a chance to talk much or tell him about the curse, about Dylan Ziarre. Actually, I was not sure if I should. Dale had his own to worry. I did not need to add anymore of mine to him.

"Back away! The Queen's coming!"

I turned in time to see seven girls stepped on Adam's assignments stamping dirt on them as they made their ways. Viva La Juicy filled up the space. The girl in the middle brushed her curly long blond hair and something seemed to be glittering on her neck. Heck! It's a real diamond necklace!

Somebody cheered while somebody sighed with boredom, but none dared to block their way. Everyone knew something not very nice would happen if you mess with this squad, especially Natalie or the pale blue-eyed girl with the diamond necklace. But she was pretty, very pretty that she became the school's most popular girl—or the Queen—within one week of our first year.

I took another turn to avoid the Queen and ran into Conner. Our eyes met and I quickly ran away. Damn! Why do I have to run away? I sighed as I saw that he did not follow and moved on.

Sonnia was waiting in front of Geo checking on her make-up and hair. She was a pretty girl and with the pale pink tank top that we bought together last week, a mini-skirt jean, and the perfect big curl on her copper red hair, she looked just like a model. She dressed exceptionally well today.

"Hey! Nice bang!"

I hated that everyone just had to talk about it and reminded me of the curse.

Sonnia gave me a big smile like always. She put the pocket mirror away, straightened her top, tilted her head slightly until her overly sparkling red hairpin speared through my eye. "What about me? How do I look?"

"You're pretty."

"Oh right! I know!!" Sonnia beamed with pride. "Let's go."

It was as if time had slow-downed when I was about to cross into the classroom threshold. I was dreading and counting down in milliseconds. Nervousness had me doubt whether I could succeed my mission.

My first class was Geology.

I repeated the plan I made this morning.

1. Follow

2. Observe

3. …..


3. ….

I cut off the thought, leaving number three blank to adjust along the situation and feeling like I had such a great plan.

Two guys in white clothes caught my eyes first instead of the huge crowd surrounded my target that I had expected. They were the DW, the delinquents, which was led by Don Winter and usually wore dark. The lighter color had become weirdly popular with Seth Lee's arrival. Also, the fact that they came to class today was another mystery. The unused corridor at the back of the school was their regular habitat.

It was briefly before I turned to my main target. I could not see him but I knew he was there. His friendly and sweet voice was drifting from the group from time to time.

Sonnia darted over there and was swallowed amidst the giggling horde. I heard her unusually high voice screeching and greeting, and the center of attention guy amiably answered in return. She was one of his admirers.

I went straight to Michelle who was already in the room saving seats for us. Her face was behind a glasses and a book like always. "Morning. What are you reading?" I tried to act normal while keeping a look out at the crowd. My forehead tingled, the mark tingled.

"What happened to your head Dylan?" Sonnia's voice rose and the noises in the room suddenly died down. Those who were not circling him also looked at the direction. A hole between Jessie and Rose loosened and I got a sight of a figure with mystical onyx hair who was dressing nicely in grey leather jacket, blue T-shirt and black jeans. Dylan Ziarre, or the monster, the super popular monster and the center of the crowd's attention, had a bandage wrapping around his head. I froze.

"I fell down the stairs." He said and turned a fraction towards me. I got gooseflesh and quickly looked away.

The curse was really from him!

"What happened to your head Leigh?"

I jumped at Michelle's voice as everyone started to resume their conversations. It took me almost a minute to get what she was saying and what should I tell her? "Oh—oh this? This?" I pointed at my bang, relieved that I had it now. "I just feel like a change—"

"No, I mean the plaster on your forehead." said Michelle and I froze for the second time.

"I—I—" Since he took the stairs then—"I hit my head with a wall."

"A wa—?"

"Anyway, what are you reading?" I cut her fast, not wanting to continue the subject. "Oh, I see you've been reading this one for ages!"

Michelle shifted her glasses like all the professors did and glimpsed at the cover. "Yes. It's so addictive. I'm reading it the twentieth time."

"Twenty times!" I exaggerated my scream.

"It's about a sea monster who fell in love with a human girl."

I did not really care what it was about. I cared about my life more. "That's disgusting." I talked to her just to keep her out of my forehead.

"No no no not at all! The sea monster is in human form and actually very intelligent and good-looking."

"It's still disgusting. Knowing that the guy will turn into a monster at anytime." And that reminded me—the monster! Oh no!

Michelle chuckled. "Oh, how I wish I could be that girl in the story."

I shuddered at her thought. Real life was never like in the stories. I was not going to have a princess-like happy ending. I was on the verge of death. I had to focus from now on.

All my senses alerted on Dylan's action throughout the class. After the first hour, Sonnia and Michelle went for their Math, and I followed Dylan to English. I should have Chemistry at this period, but I would not let the evil monster escaped my eyes. I would follow him and get him to uncurse me. Maybe he would kill me but I would die either way so what is there to lose?

Lunch was much easier. I got to eat with my friends while still being able to observe Dylan. Dale was glancing worriedly at the white clothes figures while talking about the sponsors meeting which seemed to go well. It was odd with the DW members scattered around the cafeteria. They had been going to classes and walking everywhere in the school like normal students since this morning, this create quite a disquieting to the whole school.

I left when the monster did, telling my friends I needed to do some homework, and followed him down to the library. He was there for about an hour, and went off to Chemistry. When he was drinking juices and chatting with his friends during break, I attached myself to the pillar not far away feeling like a psycho paparazzi. Later that day I attended Physics with him but fell asleep. And before going back home, he went into the loo. I almost walked in there too but held myself just in time. I loitered in front of the toilet growing more embarrassing every second passed and started to hate myself for this!

My plan did not seem to work out as I had thought. Dylan's life was even more normal than the DW. If it was not for the bandages on his head, I would assume that everything I saw about him was just my imagination.

Dylan came out of the toilet a few minutes later but quickly disappeared in the rushing crowd. I countered the human current trying to get a glimpse of him. It was the time I wish I was taller than average or having Superman's eyes so that I could see through everybody's head. The Queen's friends, Cleo and Simone, coming from the opposite were just too tall on their high heels. I stood on my toes trying to look up but the bang got into my eyes. Argh!!

That was not for the eyes, but for the sudden pull that got me into a not-so-bright corner.


I turned round and saw the face that I had been observing all day smiling. He looked even more—urgh! I hate to say—cute up close. I blushed and the mark prickled harder as if about to explode.

"I see you've been following me all day. Do you want to talk to me?" Dylan said it so directly and looked at my forehead. "Did you—"

The plan!

The number three suddenly popped up!

3. Run!

"I…I wasn't following you. No. Nothing. Good bye." I shook myself away from his grasp and acted on the number three.

"Leigh!" he called out and came running after as hairs on my neck stood up with the realization that—he knows my name!

Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! I hear nothing! Nothing, nobody's coming after me. I'm alone!


Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore!

"Leigh! Leigh!"

Just ig—

Then, in a blink of an eye, Dylan Ziarre was in front of me.

I was startled and almost fell backward if it was not for Dylan who grabbed at my hand fast. But I quickly shook him off and swerved toward the parking lot, to my bicycle.

"Why are you running away from me? Don't you like me?" Dylan followed me doggedly. "Am I not nice?"

Wow! You could ask!

"Don't you want to talk to me? Why are you following me?" His questions bombarded me making it hard to concentrate on running away.

"What happened to your head?"

And that was the nuclear bomb.

My knees suddenly came loose and my heart fell to the floor. I looked up at his face with horror pressing my lips, lifting my cheeks so the tears would not pour out. Dylan seemed to be confused and reached out to touch me. It, instead, provoked me and I gathered my last strength scampering to my bike.

"Let's talk." Dylan popped up before my bike out of nowhere.

"I don't want to talk. It's none of my business!" I scowled back managing to repress fear with anger.

"But it's mine!" he exclaimed.

"Who cares!"

"I do! Look Leigh," Dylan grabbed my shoulders and put his face so close to mine. "You have to understand—"

The rest was lost to me, taken over by muscle convulsions. The monster held me so tight that I could not escape or turned away. And when I had no choice but to look at his gorgeous face, into his black eyes, I saw that tinge of blue and green with black feathers falling down in those turquoise backgrounds. Fear started to revive like a click. I did not know if Dylan were just talking to me or what, all I could see was he was trying to eat me! I will die!

I screamed, burst into tears, and collapsed onto the floor.

"What! What!" I heard Dylan stammered in desperation. "I haven't done a thing! Stop crying Leigh! Stand up! Quick! Everyone's looking this way!"

He took my arm and dragged me into a bush. He was so strong and I could not do a thing to resist. "Oww…!" I moaned at his clutch because it felt like my bone was about to break. Dylan immediately let go, "Sorry," he said and tried to wipe my tears with his handkerchief. I snatched it from him and did it myself.

"Ahem…ummm you have to return me that." said Dylan pointing at the handkerchief.

I stuffed it back to him.

Dylan pushed back my hand, making a face. "Keep it for now."

I buried my face in the handkerchief, temporarily forgot that it belonged to a monster.

Dylan sighed as he looked at me. I peeked at him wanting to know what he was going to do with me next. Boil? Fry? Bake? Or barbeque?

"I'm sorry I pushed you to hard." He said once again looking at me with sympathy. "But I really don't understand? I'm just asking about your wound."

He continued rather sadly. "You know, I'm asking it just to be nice. See? I'm not like the Winters or Natalie. I'm sooo kind. And I saw that you were following me earlier, so I just want to give my fans some sign! What's wrong with all of these?!"

Fear allowed me to miss his conceit. Voice started to make sound in my throat, "Nothing wrong it's just—"

"What're you saying?" said Dylan leaning even closer for a better hearing.

"wings—" I mumbled.

"What? Wigs?" He touched his head. "This is no wig!"


"Yes, tell me, and I'll take care of those." demanded Dylan.

I gathered all that was left of my courage and looked up, spitting it all out.

"You grow Black Wings!"

I stared at him with fright, trying to keep my mouth shut without much success. Words kept pouring out as if it could take away the nervousness conquering my head. "G—Green Eyes!"

Sympathy on Dylan face vanished without a trace, his friendly smile lost without a trail. White translucent muscle of his beautiful face strictly tautened as his marble eyes widened. I could feel forces rushing out of him, threatened me to withdraw as if his power was activated. His blackhole stares had gone from fierce to calm to cold. Despite yet to get to the curse part, I regretted telling him. Now I was so terrified that my conscious had fled far leaving pure basic instinct to deal with the situation itself.

Tongue stuck in my mouth, air stuck in my throat, I wanted to throw up. I held my hands across my mouth to prevent my breaktime's kiwi juice from spurting out as my legs drew backwards little by little—I was actually quite amazed at how much I could move. But it was not long when Dylan darted swiftly forward as if blown by wind, drilling a hole within me with his pupils in which their dark spaces were eaten up by sparkle of blue-green. His lips moved up and down but the most terrifying voice seemed to be ringing right within my ear.

"It's you!"


I screamed as hard as I could into his face and ran. Grabbed my bike with sweating hands, I started pedaling frenetically breaking the record on wake-up-late-rainy day.

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