Ear-piercing squeal filled the sky. Like a sword, it ran through my head in a powerful single thrust. And I truthfully hoped that it could stab that dragon RIGHT NOW!



I screamed and ran across the meadow. But as my voice vibrated with the thudding of its wings, a very sensible thought caught meHey, maybe that dragon isn't following me after all? Maybe it's just passing by having a leisuring flight? Maybe if I scream or move too much I will annoy it?

I shut my mouth and whirled around at once facing the hideous creature. Stopping dead, I briefly wondered if I should play dead too, but play dead is with a bear! Okay, okay, let's play cursed into a stone!

Feeling the chill stinging on my skin, I stood still like a stone statue with sweat smells.

The creature was enormous! Its body was covered with thousands and thousands of brown scales which might be gold once, but time and dirt and grime and mosses had cooperated in dulling them. The spikes along its spine were sharp and crook. I did not think anybody could ride on those like in many movies. The thick tail, also with many of those sharp stalagmites, swooshed heavily in midair in accordance to the thudding wings. Its feet, if I looked very closely, was stained with dry blood and there was even a bone sticking in one of its claws. Whose bone it was I preferred to be kept in the dark about it.

I was taking in all of the detail of the dragon that I did not realize when it landed in front of mewait! In front of me?!

Bumped on the ground, the dragon roared the thunder-liked noise announcing its presence and shaking the vast land laid before it. The vibration rocked me up and down and made me want to throw up. Blood in my face evaporated into the air. The creature looked satisfied with the triumphant entrance before casting its red eyes down, coming back to its business which I thought --was me. Seriously?!

White smoke puffed through red hot nostrils heating the surroundings. Its fiery eyes could not set fire in my body. Frozen still, I panicked and, little by little, my conscious tried to flee. The big monster inched forward bringing together its musty odor. The dragon lowered its head, sniffed around me, and grunted with disapproval. I started to relax when it did not do anything more than that. But as ever--I was wrong.

Out of the blue, it roared--into my face.

Hot air steamed my flesh. I was convinced that it breathed fire for a moment and that I had already turned into Grilled-Leigh or Steamed-Leigh or even Burnt-Leigh. And I was not even talking about the horrible rotten meat smell.

Suddenly the sight of the dragon blurred and was replaced by pitch black curtains. I guessed I was already in the after-death because I found this place very cool and soothing. Warm beautiful melody floated faintly all around. I heard people talking to, but the pleasant voices were far in the distance so I could not make out words.

The peace did not last long. Earthquake came and I thought they were sending me to hell. I did not yell because I could not utter my voice. The shaking went on for a long while until I felt like my head was going to fall off. With that one last jerk, I was brought back to senses and the awareness that I was not dead and Dylan was holding onto my shoulders shaking me out of my shit, his black wings spread behind protecting us both from the dragon.

"Leigh! Leigh!" His voice started to sound rather irritated than melodious.

"Yes! Yes!" I replied adjusting to the reconnected senses.

Dylan blew a whistle, "I thought that you'd already gone out of your mind seeing Jimmy."

"Jimmy? Who's Jimmy?"

The demon raised his black hand pointing right at the hideous dragon. And it snorted back at him.

"This guy's Jimmy." said Dylan "Seth's dragon pet."

"Dragon? Pet?" Okay, okay, slow down Leigh--"Can one have dragon as a pet?"

"Sure!" Dylan nodded vigorously.

"Where can you get them?" I knew this was not the time to ask but sorry it really bugged me.

"Well, you can ask Seth if you want one."

So the guy's a dragon agent.

Jimmy roared again to get attention. His bone-breaking howl sent hairs on the back of my neck stood up straight and I shrieked, pressing both hands on both of my ears, and curled like a frying shrimp. Dylan faced the dragon trying to say something to it through the deafening noise. He then spread out his black beautiful wings and hurled them elegantly.

Fierce strong wind forced Jimmy to shut up and retreat. It was irritated and snarled at the demon viciously. In the little hot brain of him, no one was better than dragons, and sure, not this tiny no-name demon. He had met this folk somewhere before, yes, he had. But at the time it was so fast that he could not catch it. Not this time, though! This time he will catch and smash it! And master will touch his head!

Jimmy was very much encouraged by the thought of Seth's white and cold hand on his hot head. It opened its mouth as wide as it could, at the same time, huge column of flame blazed through air, right toward Dylan. There was some sort of blur and I felt the lift. I saw later that the demon was carrying me out of the fire path. He held me so tight and tighter even when the crazy dragon seemed to have fun breathing fire. Both black-feathered wings spread wide covered both of us as the orange flame broke out on them. For a second, I thought we were at the sun.

"A—are—are you—" I looked through the feather alarmingly watching the fire danced on his wings.

"Don't worry. This guy's fire's just a baby toy. Can't even heat my pinky."

I did not know how to explain my feeling after hearing that. I was part scared, part relieved, part comfortable, part confuse. Most of all, I did not know when did I begin to be less scared of Dylan.

"This stupid lizard!" Dylan grounded his teeth. Looked like Jimmy succeeded in getting him annoyed. "I have to teach him some lesson!"

For a split second when the fire stopped, Dylan unfolded his flying instrument and darted quickly to the dragon kicking it hard in the ass. Jimmy choked on its fire and cried out in pain. Plume of black smoke flew everywhere.

"Stop it! You'll hurt this person." said Dylan pointing at me. "You guys are not allowed to hurt human, remember?"

Jimmy gagged on his amber flame and howled out in pain, plume of black smoke flew everywhere. It looked at Dylan with pure fire of hatred.

"Go! Go back to your place!" said the demon again with great command.

The last word from the black demon was like fuels--a silky liquid, grade A petroleum that was trapped deep down in the center of the earth. Jimmy jolted back a little at first but decided to fight in the end. That was why the fuel words resulted in another big ball of fire, several roars, and many slashes.

The dragon attacked like mad. Big rough tail whipped here and there without navigation. The barb struck and dragged the land forming wide canals. Many trees went down. Deadly claws swung about the air, like a Viking boat rocking on the sea, piercing through trunks and shredding them like tissue papers. The bone stuck between filthy nails was flung up into the sky and immediately burnt down into ashes by continuous fury fire. Dylan was yawning--yes, yawning, acting as though this was just a child play. He jumped right and left easily avoiding the blows. This insane one-side fighting went on for a while. My eyes followed both around-the-clock. Dylan's boring face was such a contrast to the seriousness of the situation.

"What's with this stupid dragon?" Dylan scoffed and flew aside as the boredom got over him. Jimmy rocketed along persistently. Dylan, having more than enough, drew out both black hands. Dark blue pole-liked something appeared there. It shimmered like water on the surface and darted swiftly forward and hit Jimmy.

Bone breaking sound reverberated the air. It was so disheartening as I saw the muddy dragon fell. Its massive trunk hit the ground. Left wing tattered, right wing which hit the earth shredded like dangling clothes. On its huge underbelly was a wound, bleeding. Dylan landed on the ground rushing to my side.

"Oh, I may have overdone it!" exclaimed the demon.

Amongst the scarlet blood, Jimmy tried to stand up again. It was now piercing a malicious look at us. I had to shift behind Dylan.

The dragon clenched its dangerous fangs. It tried to roar but could only growl, which I imagined goes like this--

No, this cannot happen! I cannot lose to such tiny demon. I'm a dragon, master's DRAGON! We are the greatest in the world. Humans are scared of us! Demons are scared of us! Even other dragons are scared of us! This is a shame! No! I could not let this happen! Master will punish me. Master will not like me! Master will hate me! He will not pet me again! OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"That's enough Jimmy."

Cold icy voice extinguished all the fire that was burning inside Jimmy. Seth Lee and his friends appeared behind his dragon without warning.

Jimmy whined like a baby. That whine could have meant many things. Perhaps Jimmy was greeting his master, perhaps it was for the pain, or perhaps he was afraid to see Seth.

"Never mind," said Seth but he did not pet the dragon, "I won't blame you. I underestimated that demon. It's not your fault."

Jimmy cried as if understood what Seth had just said and lay down to rest.

The snow boy then turned to us and I saw Dylan's face tightened. Seth merely gave out such a sharp stare which was like a fierce cold disturbing wind before walking away.

After Seth departed with his team and Jimmy limping away after them, I slowly exhaled all the air stuck inside and plunged onto the ground. I just had no more strength to stand.

Dylan sat down with me, and gave a beautiful smile. "So, are you okay?"

I nodded. "Don't you want to follow them? They almost killed you with that dragon."

Dylan shook his head. "No, it won't be any good messing around Seth Lee, especially now that he knows about our contract. And I think it's you he wanted to kill."

I choked. "What?! What have I done to him?"

"Not you. Me."

Dylan refused to talk anymore and it grew a bit awkward in this silence. I started up brushing dirt out of my pants and said shyly. "Umm, thank you. How did you find me anyway?"

The demon gave me a dazzling smile. "My friends told me."

"Your friend?"

He nodded getting so excited at the mention. "Do you want to meet them?"

It was peculiar. I did not feel like I hate or fear the demon anymore. The unease was lift and went with Jimmy. So I followed the demon into a forest, to meet his friends. As trees got denser, I wondered if I made the right decision.

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