The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 128: The curtain call of shadow justice

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Arm knife dripping blood.

Miying believes that there are no wronged souls under her sword.

After beheading Gaoni, Miying ruthlessly put his heart aside, and recovered the fragments of his linen clothes with mysterious power. The textures on these clothes are like the art of deep space races, perhaps hiding unknown secrets, only energy Only the shattering effect of the blade can destroy it, the arm knife cut it, but failed to cut it. Then there is Gonny's wand, and it is the first time that the shadow seeker has seen this casting medium outside the animation work.

She found the remaining half of the book on the ground. The remaining half of the book had been soaked in blood. The **** chaos at the scene had reached its peak. Gaoni was cut to pieces. Normal people would feel terror and fear, but Miying had no special feeling.

In her concept, the corpse is the dead male Homo sapiens, and the blood is the fluid tissue circulating in the circulatory system.

"Why..." Tulisa sobbed, "Gonny..."

Tired of the screams coming from the screen, Miying shattered the screen with a knife.

The evil seed of the wicked must also carry inherent evil. If it is not limited by physical distance, Mi Ying will definitely eradicate the roots.

She turned to the wall-mounted screen in the room, and as usual, imported the patterns stored in her database into it, leaving a huge symbol on it.

Heptagram, Cross Cross and Roaring Ghast.

Murderer, Shadow of Cyber ​​Demon!

Leaving the scene, Miying used the hook to climb up.

The boss at the wine-selling stall outside had been awakened by the silence, and he hid back in a panic. When many people gathered, he dared to approach. At this time, Miying had already fled the scene, escaping into the dark and complicated intestines. In the rat lane, the rat sentinel closed the grid well door at the entrance of the rat lane.

Knowing the whole scene of the scene and the whole process of Miying acting independently, Xu Yang was satisfied.

It seems that the shadow of the cyber ghost has gradually grown into a hero in the dark. Xu Yang thought to himself. This is a good change. In the future, her strength, armament, and level of awakening will continue to increase, and the height she can grow to is limitless.

Xu Yang instructed Miying to remember to bring the spoils back to the industrial park, and then cut off contact and was busy with his own business.

Miying continued to analyze and review the battle just now, and promoting good and stopping evil made her more sure that she was living.

This "survival" refers not to relying on the power supply to maintain the operation of this mechanical body, but to make her self-perception module run very smoothly.

As early as the moment she parted ways with other female synthesizers and made up her mind to avenge her fate, the self-perception module in Miying's heart was unlocked.

The "self-perception" module is used to allow synthesizers to confirm their human-like attributes. It is an experimental function. It is only open to the 3rd-generation AI synthesizer, and the 2nd and 1st-generation AIs have no way of detecting it.

Most critically, the self-awareness module is usually disabled, and unlocking without warning is usually regarded as a dangerous vulnerability, representing a certain awakening of the synth.

Miying hunts criminals time and time again, proving that she can perform independent actions, has the self-respect as a "human", the self-perception module has no flaws and bugs, and some are just a series of beautifully stated codes, running fast, increasing her confidence.

Once Miying fails and misses, the self-perception module will fall into a fatal error, making Miying find herself insufficient to act as an individual with independent will, forcing her to return to the "it" state, that is, according to the factory settings The action logic activities are no different from other synths.

... She was a service synth before, and once she returns to that state, she will only cater to the needs of male users.

Whether it can maintain this sense of "survival" is the key to whether the shadow seeker can continue to execute the shadow justice.

Through the rat track, Miying ran very fast, but she felt that it was not enough.

Why can I only avenge the victims after the tragedy? Why can't I prevent the tragedy in advance? Or appear at the scene of the victim instantly?

Synths will never get tired, just need to recharge to keep fighting.

Thinking of this, Miying decided to continue running in the darkness of Aizu Castle.

"As soon as bullying happens, use the communicator to summon me," Miying raised the mouse communicator in Perry's hand, "I want to prevent the tragedy from happening, I want to stop the atrocities as soon as they happen. ."

Perry hesitated.

For the Rat Sentinel, things are quite different. Although Miying's strength and determination made it completely shocked, it also wanted to be a partner of justice, but it knew that Miying could not be allowed to do such a thing.

Because it is difficult to enforce justice.

"You... can't get to every place the first time." Perry sighed.

"What?" Miying asked, "Why?"

"Every day, every moment, there are messy things happening, slaps, fights, murders, and gang fights and blackmails," Perry said. "How can you manage it?"

"You—don't care." Miying's self-perception mode began to collapse in an instant, "—I am Shadow Justice, I am—I can implement my—"

It wobbled, leaning heavily with every step it took, as if it would fall to the ground at any moment.

Perry was uneasy, but he didn't dare to approach, and let Miying keep going to her destination in this stumbling posture.

Miying returns to Cui's Advanced Prosthetic Clinic.

Using Xu Yang's investment, Cui Junyou built a large-scale comprehensive prosthetic medical service facility, which has already begun to operate. People come and go. The navigation robot at the door guides them to different diversion areas to meet their different loading and unloading prosthetics. Demand, the queue is neat and orderly.

Many bipedal combat robots with revolving machine guns patrol the halls, guarding against night-timers. These days, the armed forces of private doctors are quite fierce.

The prosthesis center is indeed hugely profitable. Each order can earn a large amount of surgical fees. In addition to the profit from the implant itself, the turnover has reached 980,000 within a week of opening.

Cui Junyou recruited a large number of apprentices to fight for him. He himself is already very busy. He has 7 operations to do in a day, but he earns a lot and is willing to do so.

Aizu City was closed for two weeks before, and many people struggled to have a suitable place to repair and replace the prosthesis. Cui Junyou originally followed Xu Yang's warning to avoid the limelight. He established a relationship with them, cultivated the first batch of loyal customers, and took advantage of their publicity. Later, he opened a medical center, which immediately attracted a lot of people to visit, and the business was getting better and better.

According to the previous agreement, it is estimated that at the end of the month, Xu Yang will be able to receive a dividend of 240,000 yuan.

Correspondingly, Cui Junyou should also be alert to the relationship with the gang.

The gangsters in Huicheng District are not as powerful as the little gangsters in Katagi District. The local company's jurisdiction is intricate and the gray area is narrow. The gangsters who can open up here are supported by large enterprises, and many of them are agents cultivated in the underground city by Anjiu City.

The largest gang, the "Chainsaw Angel Gang", is always thinking of hitting Cui Junyou and taking a share of the profits of the diagnosis and treatment center. He currently adopts a strategy of spending money to eliminate disasters and pays a lot of protection fees, but he is also dark in his heart. hatred.

Right now, Cui Junyou can only hope that Xu Yang's Nisto company will expand to Huicheng District as soon as possible, and help him destroy the chain saw angel, so as to save them from causing trouble again.

Miying has no interest in Cui Junyou's business, and she comes to Niederte's room.

At this time, Niederte was concentrating on downloading the cutting-edge research results of implant medicine in his mind. This cost him a lot of money. For this, he needed to clear some of the thousands of dramas in his brain memory. Selection can select the relatively poor quality of these boutiques, and then delete them.

If you downgrade them all to non-collectible quality, you can save a lot of space, but true enthusiasts will never allow compromise.

"What is the ending of Shadow Justice?" Miying asked.

"What ending?" Niedlet paused the download. "Wow—you seem to have more weapons."

"Don't worry, what will the ending of such a dark hero be?" Miying asked, "It's those villain heroes in anime works who use all means to exercise justice. What is their ending? You never let me see the ending part. "

"Well..." Niedlet thought about the possibility and concluded, "I won't show you the ending, because it's not very good. In fact, there are three main endings... The first one is influenced by the protagonist, and then added to their In the team, they serve the main plot and major events, and lose their own personality; the second is that they are contaminated by violence and darkness, lose themselves, and the cause of justice is not Negative news, In the end, he had to go into hiding, or be hunted by the whole world; the third is to die tragically after a fierce death battle, using death to sublimate and solidify the image of this character, and fans will love this character even more.”

"In other words, won't this justice end well? Either it will be distorted into something specious, or it will die." Miying whispered, and the self-knowledge module was broken down again.

"No, no," Niedlet said hurriedly. "In addition to those endings, you can come to me to help. In the clinic, we will study and live together!"

"Accompany you?" Miying looked at Niedlet, "Live with you?"

"That...that's fine too." Niedlet felt a burst of eagerness from the bottom of his heart, "Why can't we live together?"

"You're beyond recognition, Niederite." Miying turned her back and left the room.

Niedlet was stunned for a moment.

- You have to know those endings.

Feeling lost, he turned back to the work table and sat down, picking up a pair of artificial eye models made of glue. Right now, only the results of his work can make him feel a little relieved.

Niederite consulted a lot of patent documents and developed a cheaper imitation product, which cost less than 1,500 yuan, which is one-fifth of the price of the same level of prosthetic eyes. He wants to make the poorest blind people in Aizu City see again, make eye disease and visual impairment a thing of the past, and bring color back into the vision of every blind person.

Implant technology is technology that can change the world and make people's lives better, he believes. But deep down in his heart, he couldn't help but miss Miying.

If only she would stay in the clinic...there must be a way to keep her in the clinic.

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