The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 139: cut off the wasp

Hearing the sound of the wind, Wasp flashed to the side, with a light gesture, like a dancer, with a shallow smile on her face.

Facing the light of the A40's knife, Wasp thought of countless things at this moment. Skeletons, rotten grass, flowers covered in frost, and the smiles of dying people were all familiar scenes she had seen in hallucinations every day. After stamps, these things will fly around themselves.

Even with the help of implants, Wasp's poor living habits still damaged her fighting ability, and her diseased body also slowed her down, but she couldn't deal with A40's strange and irregular slashes just for a moment of distraction.


The sharp blade slid, and Wasp tried her best to dodge, but she was still hit, and the pain brought her back to reality, from hallucinations to sobriety. Her left arm was cut off by the shoulders, the whole arm fell to the ground, and the blood gushed like a broken arm.

Wasp's face turned pale, staring at the entire left arm that was cut off, like abandoned garbage.

"Blade is better than magic." A40 pointed the sword at the wasp, and his eyes flashed with blood-red light that was bloodthirsty and warlike.

Wasp quickly knelt on the ground, pressing her right hand on the ground, letting her broken arm bleed.

"I surrender," she said aloud.

"Oh?" A40 probed the knife forward, "What do you want to do?"

Very handsome... Wasp stared intently at it.

"I want to exchange contact information with you!"

The A40 was shaking its sharp blade confidently, but it stopped for 1 second after hearing the news.

"You—" Wasp shouted emotionally, "the action of beheading is very beautiful! You have killed all the things I hate, this broken arms store, my clumsy left arm, and Tian Tian. You've killed all that useless guy like the babysitter who oversaw me - who were you sent to save me?"

"Thank you for the compliment!" A40 responded.

Wasp had a dreamy look on her face and blood stained her colorful clothes.

"This is my communication number." She reported a number to A40, "Can you contact me?"

"Contact you mean dating?" A40's eyes widened, "I haven't had a date yet!"

"Actually neither did I!" Wasp's heart pounded, "No one promised me, you—would you like to be the first?"

A40 quickly reported to Xu Yang secretly: "What should I do?"

Xu Yang detected the situation around the store. The street camera scanned a large number of gang members and occupational security personnel approaching. A black fire shuttle had already driven to the street corner, and it would immediately run over the arms store with a roar and go straight to the wasp. Obviously, Wasp is an extremely important high-value target for Blackfire Innovation, and she will never let her fall into the hands of other forces.

"Let's go." Xu Yang ordered, "You have no time."

If you drag it down, there will be no possibility of retreating.

"Goodbye!" The A40 recorded the number in memory.

Wasp took a deep breath, and the severe pain of her left arm being chopped made her tremble all over.

A40 turned and retreated. At the same time, the black fire shuttle broke through the wall and went straight to the wasp. A bullet chased the back of A40 and penetrated its right leg. It lunged forward, dragging the disabled legs escaped.

An armored gunman jumped out of the shuttle, ready to kill.

Wasp is reluctant to let the rare date fall to the ground, so she tried her best to get up, stop the other party's gun line, and ask him for help.

"Save me..." Wasp's tone was weak.

The armored gunman coldly raised the large-caliber sniper rifle in his hand, the barrel was on Wasp's forehead, but he did not pull the trigger.

Thanks to the wasp's cover, A40 was able to retreat smoothly with Xu Yang and the others.

"The action is too slow." Xu Yang said.

"It's faster next time! What's next?" A40 dragged his lame leg, "She said she wanted to date me!"

"Fix yourself first, and then take the information out of her mouth, don't be foolish and take it seriously." Xu Yang hacked into a taxi and took them away, "Emotional drama or something, I'm practicing."

"Must have such a utilitarian plan?" A40 is not suitable, its logic unit is very simple, "I don't want to act, I am willing to give my heart!"

"Be careful that she eats no bones left." Xu Yang shook his head, "How do you know what she is thinking?"

"Yes!" A40 is uneasy, and is very afraid of dating. For it, it has entered an unpredictable and unpredictable mysterious field.

It's better not to see her, and I'll behead her next time!

On the other side, the arms dealer after the burning.

A nervous black fire clerk jumped out of the shuttle. She was Liu Zhizi. She set out to investigate the information on the gravekeeper's street before, but her motorcycle was taken away by Miying, and she also leaked a lot of black fire secrets. This time, she learned to be smart and called the doorman of the office directly. With such a combatant here, she was somewhat at ease.

The armored gunman wears a fully enclosed metal helmet with a pig-mouth breathing filter attached to the outside, and wears heavy metal armor with the black flame logo of Black Fire Innovation on it. ", invincible.

The sound of his heavy breathing through the mask sounded like the smoldering fire beneath the ruins had not yet been extinguished. As one of the last 2 senior combatants remaining at the Black Fire Innovation Office, he can handle any kind of armed incident.

The armored gunman neatly instructed others to clean the scene, recover resources, and search for possible clues. He didn't want to ask the Hornets, because he couldn't ask anything.

Wasp looked alert. This guy is a retired security officer from the Black Fire Innovation "Invisible Guard Army". It should not be underestimated. This unit is the elite of the elite of the security department, and it will not fall behind in the top confrontation.

When Liu Zhizi saw that Wasp's chest did not have the dark golden limiter, and that Wasp's original guardian, Evie, lay dead on the ground for a long time, she was so frightened that she lost her soul.

She hurriedly crawled back into the shuttle, opened the box, found a new limiter, activated it with Blackfire's innovative identification code, and held the limiter tremblingly in front of Wasp.

In Blackfire Renovation, reality manipulators must carry limiters to avoid irreparable damage to the world.

"This is a limit - a limit -" Willow branch hesitantly, his feet going weak.

She faced the wasps.

Eve Anark's "command reality" played too well in her hands, and directly buried the witch era. She only said a word in her life and was sealed in the biological cabin until her death. Therefore, Command Reality, also known as "Yan's Magic", has been bound to this legendary witch.

Now Willow Branch is facing the current holder of "Order Reality", and what Wasp says by infusing magic power will become reality.

Wasp's resume can be described as bizarre. She was once known for her genius as a reality manipulator. She was discovered in a company in Taixizhou, which was full of ambition and intended to use the great magic of Wasp's "ordering reality" to become a new giant.

Wasp was implanted with a control chip after she was 10 years old. In order to escape the control of the chip, she smoked, drank, smoked stamps, and shattered her nervous system. Smoothly adjusting her completely deranged thoughts, cyberpsychosis cannot be controlled by a chip, and Wasp's brain signals have been dominated by a chaotic subconscious mind.

The original enterprise did not dare to breed Hornets, lest she run wild, and Black Fire Innovation spent huge sums of money to acquire Wasps. After all, Black Fire has the most powerful anti-witch technology.

Considering her insanity, addiction, and madness, Wasp was kept in Aizu Castle for a long time to exercise, hoping to return to normal one day.

And become the strongest weapon used by Blackfire Innovation to rule the world...

However, the wasp has been disappointing the black fire innovation all the time, mastering the magic power of "ordering reality", but with a very bad personality and an uncertain temper, she is willing to be a waste witch who can't help it. Suffering from multiple diseases, including 2 different types of cancer, she made herself a black hole of resources for Black Fire Innovation, desperate for death, and even more defying control, so she suffered.

Blackfire Innovation will not let her die easily.

"...Hurry up, stop pretending." The armored gunman urged, alerting the surroundings.

In his opinion, arms dealers and golden branches are not important, only the Hornets are the key.

"I will wear it." Wasp looked down at his severed left arm and released his magic power, "--the broken arm is reborn."

Command reality, magic is fulfilled.

Her broken arm quickly began to deform and swell. The wasp gritted her teeth and endured the pain of growth. The wound healed quickly, the limbs were reconstructed, the nerves and flesh were remodeled, extended, and spliced. In about half a minute, high-speed regeneration, cell tissue, bone , ligaments and blood have been formed successively to form a complete arm, and the skin is as clean as new.

The armored gunman grunted contemptuously, adjusting the bomb collar around Wasp's neck. Only if it is confirmed that the wasp has fallen into the hands of other forces and cannot be saved, will she be executed with a bomb collar, she is a treasure.

"What are you laughing at?" Wasp looked up gloomily.

"I want to be your new guardian, Willow, you upload the personnel change report." He took the limiter from Willow, ready to pierce Wasp's body.

"Okay...Okay..." Liu Zhizi felt a lot of pressure, one side was a reality manipulator and the other was a senior combatant, both of whom were key figures in Black Fire's innovation.

"I want you to give me three hours a day for dating." Wasp gritted her teeth, "or I'll kill you."

The armored gunman laughed, no one could die with him in charge.

"Finally found a date?" the armored gunman dragged his voice. "It's already famous in the office."

"I found it! I'm not kidding about this!" Wasp raised his voice, "What am I..."

"Okay, until September 1st." The armored gunman nodded, holding the dark gold spear behind the wasp.

"You are disgusting." Wasp's face was expressionless.

The dark golden short spear pierced through Wasp's chest from the rear, and all the magic fluctuations in her body were sealed. The familiar feeling of stagnation filled his heart, and he could no longer operate.

Why does his magic power dictate reality? Her expression became more and more ugly.

Wasp is extremely talented and developed faster than the previous owner, Eve. At the age of 10, he could spell out a realistic command of 5 words. At that time, Eve could not control 2 words. But Wasp's character is different, her fighting spirit is ten thousand times stronger than Eve's, so she has been exploring opportunities to escape from control.

She found that the hallucination caused by smoking stamps can temporarily shield the influence of the control chip, so she tried her best to practice herself, drinking and smoking, inducing her own cyberpsychosis, blocking the magic spring in her body, and the original company announced that she had completely lost her training value.

I thought I could escape my fate, but I never thought that Black Fire Innovation would buy her scrap iron at a high price with hope, and wanted to forge her into a sword that could terrorize the world like Eve.

The Hornets did their best to keep themselves like a piece of garbage, and never practiced their own means of manipulating reality. The best record so far was to steal the golden branch by turning glass into water and cooperating with stealth technology.

It would be nice if his magic power wasn't ordering reality——if he wasn't a witch.

The magic was like a curse, giving her endless **** and control.

What the wasp wants is freedom, the life of an ordinary person...

"Liuzhizi, deal with the scene." The armored gunman followed behind Wasp, "I have to follow her and stay in Aizu City for a while."

"You're not a woman, how can you guard me." Wasp frowned.

"I just want to follow you. I want to watch you sleep, go to the toilet, bathe, date, and don't give in an inch. This is the duty of a guardian."

Wasp let out a laugh that bordered on whining.

She laughed more and more hoarsely, as if she herself was being torn apart in the middle. No matter who it is, please—kill all the witches and all the witches in the world!

Enough is enough...

Stamp addiction caused her to have morbid convulsions from time to time. She saw dead corpses dancing around, clothes woven from eyeballs draped over people, the world was covered with huge shadows, and she was sinking and sinking in a rotting river.

That person won't be calling.

After returning to Nisto Industrial Park, Xu Yang was going to throw the safe into an industrial machine and smash it, and then let Farosa use the law of recovery to restore the torn golden branches. This is cheap and convenient, skipping any messy procedures.

"Maybe the Wasp will tell us the password." A40 has never forgotten the Wasp, "This way, we don't have to spend a lot of time."

"What if the counterintelligence detonated the code and blew up the box." Xu Yang shook his head, "And wouldn't that reveal the fact that we stole the golden branches? Be careful about everything."

A40 searches memory storage and finds that memories of the wasp are expanding as rapidly as a virus. Its to-do list is jam-packed with encounters with the Wasp.

Looking at the serious Xu Yang, the A40 repeated the calculation dozens of times, but decided to express his wishes and was at the top of its program execution sequence.

"I want to have a communication with her without involving any of our secrets, please allow me!" A40 solemnly requested.

"As long as you can be responsible for what you do," Xu Yang said.

"What does it mean to be responsible?"

"We completed the main task, got out of arms dealers, were not tracked, and did not lead the pursuers to the industrial park. This is responsible. And once you come into contact with wasps, you can't meet other people for at least a month. You must always pay attention to relevant investigations. And once you are captured, you know what to do." Xu Yang instructed.

"I will blow myself up," A40 nodded. "Responsible warriors can't put their partners in danger."

"Is it so important?" Xu Yang frowned.

A40 kowtowed deeply to Xu Yang.

"I've been treated as an unreasonable synthetic human until now," it said. "Now, please allow me to associate with her unreasonable witch!"

"Now that you are ready to re-contact with the Hornets, go ahead. Beware of stalking, don't contact other people under our command, avoid implicated them, and take responsibility for everything yourself."

"Please rest assured, I will distinguish between public and private." A40 couldn't hold back his emotional module, and contacted the number left by Wasp.

After the blind tone, the wasp's lazy voice sounded, like waking up from a long dream.


"Before, we fought hastily, I don't know how to describe it, but I want to meet again."

"...Okay. You cut me off a lot before."

"I've never had a date, so please guide me." A40 said, "Should we go to an izakaya, a roast bird shop, or a coffee shop?"

"Go to the warehouse at No. 100-IA, Niaohui Avenue." Wasp reported a place name.

"What are we going to do there?"

"Murder, then date."

The A40 set off immediately.

Looking at the back of the A40 going away. Xu Yang pondered.

"Command reality"? Farosa must be interested. No wonder such a crazy woman, Black Fire Innovation will always be in her hands. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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