The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 150: tree guard

Now it's like a real witch's secret society.

Farosa sat in the first seat of the room, looking at the little witch who was crouching and kneeling in front of her. A dozen candles lined up on both sides, shaking slightly, illuminating each witch's face.

At present, there are still 4 loyal servants, 101, 102, Yoshioka Mizuhiro and Qianmeng. In fact, there is also Pan Ruiyin, who is clearly the number one expert under Farosa, but he is temporarily out of contact and needs the help of the future forest master to communicate. In other words, it can be considered that there are 5 followers, and 2 witches need to be recruited before the first ascension ceremony that Farosa is looking forward to.

There are still two witches in the industrial park near Chi Chi, but unfortunately Lila is so focused on Xu Yang that she is lukewarm towards Farosa. The Rat Witch has her own ideas, and she is bent on the hope of becoming a Rat Race, and is unwilling to go to Farosa's command.

It doesn't matter, the great cause doesn't need them. Farosa is very confident.

The superiors only spoke when necessary, and Farosa's eyes swept over the little witches, observing their behavior, and no one dared to look up in Farosa's eyes.

Farosa gave them fear and hope, and they each had their own reasons to follow the Council of the New Witch.

In order to protect more important things, to be safe, to grow, to gain strength... Relatively speaking, Qianmeng's admiration for Farosa is simpler, and other people have their first impressions of her before they actually come into contact with her. , and Qianmeng only thinks that Farosa is very attractive, and her heart is full of awe, love and worship.

About Farosa, there are still many things that Qianmeng doesn't understand. For Qianmeng, who held the strange thoughts of adolescence, she also wanted to lie between Farosa's feet and smell the breath on the arches of her feet.

101 knew the process from Farosa in advance and acted as a commander. She was actually not good at speaking, but she still obeyed Farosa's will and forced herself to speak.

"Our plan is very clear." 101 pointed out softly, "At present, the location of a mysterious group has been found in Aizu City, and they follow the will of the Lord of the Forest."

"Are you trying to rob them of something?" 102 asked.

"It's a dewdrop, and it's a powerful dewdrop." 101 explained, "It can enhance the power of Lord Farosha. In return, Lord Farosha will give us the power."

"Gift? What's that like?" Qianmeng was extremely curious.

"It's like a dream to me," Yoshioka Mizusaki attests to this, "After receiving the gift from Lord Faroza, I'm no longer a witch who can only release a little ink, and the magic power that was once sealed grows and evolves again. ."

"Qian Meng, only by proving your loyalty and offering dedication can you get the reward from Lord Farosha." 101 announced, "Let's go now."

"Yes!" Qianmeng nodded vigorously.

They took action one after another.

Yoshioka Mizuhiko was in charge of driving Anonymous, purchasing supplies, and 102 debugging and preparing the standard witch armor. Qianmeng repeatedly felt the magic in her body, hoping that the chain would not fall off when she used it.

"You did a great job." Farosa was deeply satisfied with 101, "Go on."

Talking exhausted 101's energy, what she prefers to do is to sit in a daze, and now she can only slowly nod to Farosa.

"I am instructed." 101 nodded.

For the sake of her sister's health and safety, she knew that following Farosa and Xu Yang was the best way out. As for other companies, they couldn't even give this kind of treatment.

The first raid of the New Witch Council is about to begin. Once it is successful, Farosa will be able to get the dewdrops she has dreamed of, and get a lot of props for rituals, which will be of great benefit to her journey to the gods. The Forest Lord also acquiesced to this act, betraying his followers in exchange for the promise of Farosa to free him.

Farosa's ruthless means of devouring the gods, it is not afraid of it, but appreciates the courage of this witch.

There's nothing she can't do.

According to the forest lord's report, its secret group is located deep in the No. 26 highland, in Block B, Building 7, Abandoned Apartment Complex in Yancheng. Control, whose leader is Takejiro, a ruthless middle-aged underworld leader who used to be the underworld overlord of Aizu City.

Five years ago, the real estate company did not have sufficient funds to complete the 7 apartments. In order to recover the funds, they still promoted it on schedule and posted advertisements all over the streets and alleys. After the tenant moved in, they found that the building was dilapidated, there was no water and electricity, the load-bearing materials were shoddy, and the building was in danger.

The tenancy contract stipulated that they must live for 24 months, and they made a 6-month deposit in advance, which left the tenants with no way out. Half of them swallowed their anger and continued to live in rotten apartments, paying expensive rents, living an extremely inconvenient life, and being blackmailed by the surrounding bamboo gangs, while the other half directly lost the courage to live.

Today, the Rock City Apartments are even more abandoned, with tenants moving or being killed one after another, leaving behind a ghostly shell-like residence. The surroundings are bare, not even a store, like a barren tomb.

In accordance with the principle of business affairs, Farosa, in the name of the witch department, applied to Nisto Company's CEO Lila for information on Taiyang Biological and Nohara Masato, and quickly got their relevant information.

It's a wonderful and rigorous company system. The moment she received the reply to the email, Farosa almost forgot how much grievances existed between them.

After studying the information, I learned that Taiyang Biological is a secret group disguised as a biological company, and Nohara Masahiro is an important existence among them, almost equal to elders and priests, dedicated to reviving the status of the forest lord in Aizu City.

They prepared the battle plan in Building 6 of the apartment, across the street from Block B of Building 7. Anonymous hovered on the rooftop of the apartment, leaving only a narrow gap from the pseudo-empty screen of Aizu Castle, and it would hit the crystal screen if it was accidentally.

102 is carrying a large chain axe and is ready to attack. She is wearing a "Ming" class witch armor, with amazing defense. In addition, this alloy battle axe with advanced materials, which can be near and far, has excellent destructive power and attacking ability.

The person in charge of the reconnaissance was 101. She was wearing a tool vest with a high-speed camera on the front and back. She teleported directly to the interior of Building B, Building 7, and kept teleporting, jumping on each floor, and flashing in each room for a while. Every time she went, the camera she carried on her body would take pictures of the surrounding room and the distribution of people, and transmit them to Yoshioka Suishui’s smart screen. She scanned these images and handed them over to Farosa.

Because of 101's continuous jumps, before the people in the room could see her clearly, 101 had already moved to the next area.


"There are strange apparitions..."

"What is that..." The members of the secret group pointed and pointed, suspicious, wondering if they were wrong.

Farosa looked at the information brought back by 101, and gradually understood the overall structure of Block B of the 7th building.

The basement of the apartment to the middle of the building has been hollowed out, and the ceiling has been broken, leaving enough space for plants to grow. A developing giant tree grows upwards, surrounded by thousands of sun lamps, creating a similar phenomenon in the ground. The environment of the clear sky illuminates this tree. Each of its branches is strung with the withered body of a person. They have not died, but have achieved symbiosis with this giant tree. From the basement to the second floor, there are enough More than 70 people were hung from the giant tree.

Their bodies overlapped with branches to varying degrees, their vertebrae turned into thick branches, their limbs turned into thin branches, and their hair was shaped like leaves. The sun lamps hanging around make the giant trees continue to perform photosynthesis, creating energy to maintain their lives, so that they have been lingering on, like dozens of dry parasites on the big tree, which is shocking.

The top floor of the apartment is the ceremony point. In the center of a large clean and spacious room, there is a statue of the Lord of the Forest, like a monster with three heads: a deer head, a bear head and a wild boar head. A patchwork of cheap metal and plastic, tangled in thousands of thorns and dripping with blood.

Around it, there are countless followers who are pierced by trees and whose bodies have become vegetative. They have turned their bodies into nutrients for the Lord of the Forest, and it is faintly visible that a force has turned into a green light, along their corpses toward the center. The three spirits drifted away, immersed in the mysterious statues made of metal, forming a substantial transmission of vitality, ensuring that it would not freeze to death in the extreme north, which was the most worthy sacrifice for them.

The lower layer is the giant tree with hanging people, the upper layer is the ceremony point, and the mezzanine is where the followers rest and cook. The elite elders of the secret group wandered back near the ceremony point.

101 ends the reconnaissance and jumps back to where Farosa was.

Aside from the parasites hanging on the giant tree, there are quite a number of active enemies, including 200 ordinary followers, with some dandy branches on their bodies. There are also 7 "elders" who have dedicated enough to be transformed into mature treemen by the forest lord.

In addition, there is... Nohara Masato, the head of Taiyang Company, who is also the most confident and powerful among them.

According to Farosa's judgment, he is at the middle level in the power system created by the forest master, reaching the level of tree guarding above the tree man, and has a certain combat effectiveness.

It is really sad to send a little witch with a delicate body to fight against these tree monsters. What if there is some damage? Farosa secretly said. If the Rat Witch was willing to kowtow and obey, it would be a wonderful thing to send those little mouse people to be cannon fodder. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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