The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 223: witch's mission

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September 20th at 6 am.

Outside the Apple Orchard Nutrition Cream Filling Plant, in order to defend against the Katsuragi Gang, the Chainsaw Angel personally redesigned the factory's defense system and installed four times the number of smart sniper rifles, turrets and laser tripwires to seal every corner neatly. Built like an iron barrel, it can hinder any kind of storm.

In addition, the gang members carry out rigorous military training every day to strengthen the defense of the factory. The backbone and elite members of the gang are all die-hards of the Chainsaw Angel, and they absolutely agree with her force and courage.

The factory itself produces a large amount of nutritional cream every day, which is distributed to all parts of the archipelago. Apple Orchard imposed a new marketing strategy, designed new packaging for the nutritional cream, raised prices, and made money instead. In the context of the food crisis, it is mysterious that shipments have not decreased.

The Chainsaw Angel Gang cooperates with them to protect the safety of the factory. The factory itself has also become their largest stronghold. With this as the core, they still have absolute influence on the surrounding area, and strictly prevent the infiltration of the Gecheng Gang and are across the street from them. confrontation.

Parking the Anonymous, Yoshioka Mizuhik leaned back against the alley, and the other 4 witches followed her.

"There are two main points in this battle," Yoshioka Mizuhiro said. "First, we must exercise the ability to act independently, so that our magic power can be exerted and grown, not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of mentality. Second, the opponent is holding hostages, if the movement is too big and the hostages die, even if the Chainsaw Angel Gang is finally wiped out, this battle will not be successful."

"Yes." The other witches understood.

"Blue Dragon Palace." Yoshioka Mizuhiko picked up the phone and communicated with the nearby Katsuragi Gang cadres. The password was handed out by Katsuragi Qian personally, and it was changed regularly with different meanings.

"Pomegranate." On the other end of the communication, the cadre of the Katsuragi Gang gave a secret signal, "The factory is still heavily guarded, and there is no way to sneak in. There is a cargo shaft in Anjiu City that connects the factory, but it is for goods, and people can't squeeze through it. ."

"In other words, there are warehouses for loading and unloading goods at both ends?" Yoshioka Mizuhiro asked.

"Yes, the cargo channel goes straight up and down, and the upper end is connected to the distribution center of Bai'an Logistics Company," the cadre explained, "the lower end is their finished product warehouse."

"How many people are in the warehouse?" Yoshioka Mizuhiro mused.

"Unfamiliar," the cadre was a little ashamed, "we can't get in, they have their own hackers, a ruthless character, a third-level neural network engineer or something, called Tang Benjun. If you do anything casually, it is easy to cause alertness. "

"Wait a minute." Yoshioka Mizuno muted the communication.

Taking out the smart screen, she recalled the three-dimensional model of the nutritional ointment filling plant and pointed it to the cargo channel of the factory. The finished nutritional ointment was loaded from the factory warehouse, transported to the logistics center above, and then transported to the islands. all over the continent.

"On the Internet side, the other party was protected by a hacker named Yumoto Jun, and his information office was an important target for our attack. This warehouse is a weak point of defense," Yoshioka said. "We can let 101 take us directly to jump in. ."

"No," 101 denied, "a low-complexity room is fine, but a warehouse is obviously a crowded place, and I can't jump into an area I'm not familiar with. Any single sticking bar, cluttered shelves, or even a pile of A cargo box could kill me."

"In this way, other areas are also very dangerous. To be honest, we are not familiar with any structure inside, only the appearance. Let's change the method." Yoshioka Mizuhire reopened the communication with the Katsuragi Gang staff, "They have certain staff. Are you going in?"

"Yes," the cadre recalled. "There is a car that transports food raw materials. It enters the factory at 8:00 every morning. The raw materials for the nutritional cream they make seem to be scavenged from somewhere in Aizu City."

"At 8 o'clock, that means there are still 2 hours left, we have to intercept the car." Yoshioka Mizuhiro pointed out, "Please provide the license plate number and body information, so that I can pinpoint where it appeared at the first time."

"Yes." The cadres searched for information. They followed them for many days, and they gained something, and conveyed the information to Mizuo Yoshioka.

Phew... Yoshioka Mizuiro looked at the other witches.

Through the mask, they couldn't see their true faces, but they could feel that these rebellious children doubted her authority all the time.

She knew she was chosen as the leader mainly because she had a career as a mercenary and was older. Yoshioka Suimei is 22 years old, Du Qianqian is 16 years old, Qian Meng is 15 years old, and 101 and 102 are only 5 years old.

Not only that, but her character is also more normal and mature. In other words, she is moderate, neither extreme nor crazy, and is more suitable for leading the team.

When she lived as a "Bacchus" before, she had received a certain degree of hacker training. Of course, her level was not very good. Without equipment assistance, she would at most enter the surface subnets of various companies to collect information.

Fortunately, Mizuhiro Yoshioka also grew up on the streets of Aizu Castle, so you can probably guess where such a car will appear.

The raw materials for the nutritional paste were probably collected by this car. Since the No. 26 highland and the Pianmu district have both fallen under the control of the Gecheng Gang, the direction of the car can only be rotated within a limited range of Huicheng District. .

Searching according to this principle, Yoshioka Mizuhi quickly locked on several key streets, lowered his head to access the network module, and began to search and compare the data in the archives.

"How long do we have to wait?" Du Qianqian was bored with waiting and began to tease.

Du Qianqian did not oppose the teamwork model, but felt that Yoshioka Aqua was completely unqualified. She wants the entire team to revolve around her, focusing on transformation magic, she wants to be the focus and core role of the entire mission, and go back with credit, not only can she get a promotion from Lord Farosha, but also find The reason for being close to the master.

"Be patient, otherwise your post-war report will be tainted." Yoshioka Mizuhiko has a way to deal with Xiaomaotou.

"Uh..." Du Qianqian kept silent when he thought that Yoshioka Suise had the right to comment on their performance.

"I found it." Yoshioka Mizuhiki ended the search and found the truck at the entrance of a small hotel. The video data shows that it passed through the gap between the buildings 20 minutes ago and drove to the small parking lot behind the hotel. There should be a deal there.

They boarded the Anonymous, and Mizuhiro Yoshioka drove this small black shuttle through Huicheng District. Most of the area is the boundary of the Katsuragi Gang, so it is very safe. The hotel is located at the junction of the two gang forces, in a chaotic area. , She parked the shuttle in a hidden place, then brought the witches close to the hotel, turned on the armor's invisible module collectively, quietly passed through the vehicle passage, and came to the parking lot behind the hotel.

Here, the truck supplying the Apple Orchard Nutritional Cream Filling Plant was parked brightly in the middle, and a group of people were loading the truck.

They are wearing...


A man-high sack, almost like a person, a group of gang members carried the sack's "hands" and "feet" and loaded it into the car.

From the back door of the small hotel came two more strong men. They hugged a man whose life and death were unknown, stuffed him into a green sack, tied it tightly, and then sent him to the back of the truck.

Looking around, there are countless such "sacks" piled up in the carriage.

After the two strong men left, a man took out a dirty swill bucket from the hotel, sealed the lid, and carried it into the carriage of the truck, which was also used as part of the raw material for the nutritional cream.

When the strong men returned to the hotel to load the goods, Yoshioka Mizuhiro confirmed that there was no one else in the parking lot. He first released the invisibility to save electricity, and then used the armor's built-in communication channel to send messages to other witches.

"We use it to sneak into the interior." Yoshioka Mizuhiro pointed to the compartment.

"Stay with the corpse?" 101 questioned.

"This is not an outing." Yoshioka Mizusaki said, "How can there be so much care."

"Kill the driver, I will become him and drive in." Du Qianqian said.

"What should I do if I meet someone on the road and want to communicate with you? How much can you explain? Do you know his fetishism, interpersonal relationship and communication habits?" Yoshioka Mizuhiro lowered his voice, "Just follow me, the unloading yard leaves the information office It's also close, it's a way."

With about 40 seconds of power remaining in the stealth position generator, she moved quickly and led the witches into the trunk.

...the raw material is the corpse.

Even wearing armor, they could vaguely smell the strong corpse stench, and thinking that the nutrient paste was made from these things, they felt disgusting and fearful like never before.

When Yoshioka Mizuhiko was a mercenary, she had seen something more perverted than this, so she could bear it. She gave the clean space to others and sat on two sacks with corpses. It was pitch black inside, full of concealment.

The strong man dragged a lot of sacks over, and he didn't know where he got the corpse. The more and more "nutrition cream ingredients" were packed, so that they could easily hide inside.

"Be careful with these cockroaches, the lid is exposed, and the factory is full of worms." A man pulled a trailer over with a huge blue jar with a capacity of at least 500 liters.

"5 tons of recycled restaurant waste," the truck driver calculated, "300 pounds of cockroaches, 1 ton of people."

Hate corpses, not because 101 is hypocritical.

There were a lot of dead people in the carriage, so 101 couldn't help but think of the scene of Black Fire's innovation to create the Son of Phantasm. A large number of failed products floated up and down in the blood pool, and each of them already had the prototype of a witch. At that time she was dressed in white and led 102, sleepwalking through the factory where they were made, led by the instructors of the invisible janitor.

Now, once again, I have tasted the blood and chaos. clean up.

101 took 102 in his arms, helped her adjust the armor, improved the degree of shielding against odors, and blocked 102's field of vision.

My own generation of witches must overcome all obstacles in the blood swamp, and the next generation of witches can see the light. 101 believes that this is their mission.

The driver closed the compartment door, got in the truck, turned on the radio, listened to the replay of last night's live broadcast of Jiyi Suzukawa, and drove leisurely back to the bottling plant. The gang acquaintances on the road greeted with a smile and chatted about the past few days, and then drove slowly into the loading and unloading area and stopped the car.

In the carriage, Mizuhiro Yoshioka made a few silent gestures in front of them. Although it was pitch black, it could be seen clearly through the night vision module on the mask. They restarted the armor's optical stealth position. After confirming safety, they took the witch twice in 101 minutes. They all teleported to the open space outside the car, and then they all went straight to the information security office in the industrial park, which was not far away and arrived quickly.

Going upstairs and pushing the door open, I saw Yumoto Jun, a hacker of the Chainsaw Angel Gang, sitting in front of eight smart screens, wearing a data analysis helmet, monitoring and managing the conditions of various surrounding areas in real time.

Tang Benjun had noticed the abnormal readings on the nearby temperature and motion sensors at this time, so he could not help but sit up straight and be vigilant.

"Lord Chainsaw Angel..." He sent a message to the leader.

Du Qianqian took out a knife, covered the hacker's mouth with one hand, and cut his throat with the other.

Tang Benjun, Tang Benjun. Du Qianqian read silently, she still remembered the information provided by the cadres of the Gecheng Gang before, and quickly transformed into the hacker's appearance, with his clothes, appearance and voice.

"What's wrong?" came the voice of the chainsaw angel.

"Just to confirm the communication~" Du Qianqian replied to the voice communication system in the voice of a

Yoshioka took the helmet off the hacker's head, reset the system, cleaned out other plug-ins, and put it on her head, connecting the wiring to her own brain-computer interface.

She personally operated the knife, connected to the main console of the Apple Orchard Nutritional Cream Filling Factory, quickly searched the area where the Chainsaw Angel kidnapped the season, and located where she and the season were.

Inside the factory building, the "Chainsaw Angel" is tormenting the poor season.

As the daughter of the president of Corner House Media, Ji Ji was once considered a flower girl, but now she is tied to a chair and shivering.

The chain saw angel was communicating with the information office, and she felt that Yumoto Jun was a little weird today.

"Come here." The Chainsaw Angel ordered.

"Okay." Du Qianqian stretched his waist, "I'll go in person."

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