The idea of ​​using reality manipulation to change the game is wonderful, like a spark running around the fuse, and the sparks are about to reach the body of the explosive.

With so many different events in parallel in Wasp's Chaos mind, she's got too many things to think about, intimacy, deprivation of life, and robots, and the A40's battle fits right in with all three themes.

"You're a weapon of destruction," Rollo put his hands on his knees, "all your actions require a report sheet, approval, and your plan will eventually be... yep... submitted to the CEO's office. on the table."

"Why show it to the people above, will it cause trouble? Will the competition lead to any terrible consequences?" Wasp pointed to the screen, "Like letting the favorite player win the championship in skating or throwing a discus, we quietly do it. , no one will find out."

"Want me to explain? one knows what you're trying to do," Rollo said, "...unpredictable your next move, maybe you'll kill me...block Blackfire's plan, maybe you'll escape……"

"Why would I do such a stupid thing!" the wasp yelled.

She jumped on the table, pulled out all the foul language in her shattered memory, and scolded Rollo like a storm. He sat on the low stool and used the armor on his body to fend off the wasp's voice, like he was defending against bullets. It wasn't effective, but it saved his life.

Rollo patiently watched the footage on the screen while being scolded by the Wasp.

A40 was taken off the stage, and on a stretcher, it greeted Li Si, who also exited the stage. No sound was recorded, but they seemed to exchange opinions amicably. After talking to A40, Li Si sat on the metal bench outside the lounge. Losing the game initially depressed him, but he quickly recovered and was ready for the interview.

"It's okay, I still have a lot of other games to play." Li Si said to the eye robot interviewed, "and I'm still alive."

"A40 players used toxins on their weapons? What kind of experience?" asked the Eye Robot reporter.

"I respect it," Li Si said, "so I can't reveal its tactics, lest he be targeted."

"The other party seems to be a warrior who doesn't talk about martial arts, which is in stark contrast to you." The reporter said, "Do you think such a despicable warrior is eligible to enter the next round?"

"Ah, 'wude'? Wude is a requirement for oneself," Li Si said. "It's not used to manipulate and restrain others. This is a giant egg battle ceremony, not a moral forum."

According to Li Sifu's plan, he would travel to other places in the archipelago to heal his injuries, and the toxin left incurable sequelae on him. After the interview was over, the program group connected to the advertisement, and the picture naturally transitioned to the next game.

Wasp cursed exhausted and squatted on the table.

Rollo watched the battles of other groups of samurai. Under the advertisement of singing and dancing, the modders and warriors wearing advanced implants fought with each other. The exaggerated light effects and sounds overshadowed all martial arts details.

"…Yeah," Rollo said, "why not let the A40 win? A little robot trying to win by all means outperforms one big company after another. It's's revenge...just like us The 'Heart of Darkness', focused on fighting, so won the last grand ceremony... Although Black Fire Innovation did not participate, A40 has virtually represented Black Fire in battle... This is a kind of spirit..."

"Then..." Wasp muttered.

"Use it at the right moment, when it meets an unbeatable opponent."

"Hey." Wasp laughed. "That's how it should be."

She felt light and airy, as if she was in a cloud, and all the sounds around her were deforming. The soft whispers of the narrator on the screen turned into harsh screams, and the cries of the dead in the city outside the window sounded sweet.

She walked to the window, looked out at the burnt block, and smiled at the chaotic world.

On the other hand, the A40 was loaded and transported back to the Shijin Building. It adjusted its combat core in the lobby on the first floor. The complete set of artificial intelligence modules has completed many self-iterations, jumping to a higher version, and achieving combat evolution.

Xu Yang brought the A40 back to the back office. It came back victorious and immediately attracted everyone's attention. The young witches pointed at the A40, as if it was a priceless treasure, eager for it to bring the next victory and become a new tool for making money. But soon Xu Yang updated the management regulations, pointing out that they were underage and should not participate in gambling activities, so they stopped.

When Farosa arrived, they stepped back like silent servants and lined up by the wall. Farosa smiled at them, then walked into the room and looked at the A40 placed on the empty table.

"Then, this is our gladiator." Farosa looked at the A40, which was cut into two pieces. "Send people and let them go to the field to fight and fight for power."

"The prospect of synthetic human technology is very broad," Xu Yang nodded. "This kind of competition can encourage it to evolve."

He shut down the A40 and exported all the files on its storage hard drive and processor, so as not to be reset in the reply.

"Anyway, this is a very interesting game." Farosa was satisfied, "It's like the Great Arena on the Seven Hills. I've only heard about it before, but I haven't seen it before, and I can't forget it. Now it can be considered that my previous wish has been fulfilled. Bar."

She released the law of recovery, and the body of A40 was put back together in an instant, intact, but the circuit state and core chip were also adjusted to the state before the war, and it was necessary to shut down again, and then overwrite all the previously exported files.

Human memory is stored in the soul and is not affected by magic. The robot's memory is stored in chips and hard drives, and will be distorted along with the law of recovery.

After turning it on again, the A40 quickly sat up from the table and conducted a self-inspection analysis on its own combat core module. Because the time stamp was wrong, the time point on the machine firmware was before the war, and the files in the chip were from after the war and needed to be corrected. .

"Is it okay to win the championship?" Farosa observed the A40. "As a battle robot, you will definitely work hard for victory. If you lose, who will be satisfied?"

"Yes, I will definitely win!" A40 said firmly.

"I'll watch your game too, don't lose in front of me." Farosa smiled, then turned and left.

The A40 is sitting on the table, and the color of the light tubes in both eyes turns white, which means that it is down or idle.

"Farosa scared you?" Xu Yang sat beside it, "You still think winning the championship is impossible."

"Now I feel a completely different taste," A40 looked at the ceiling, "this feeling of being placed on high hopes, so do you, so do Farosa, so do the witches in the company, and maybe all kinds of people outside the venue. Support. I've heard of many unfair battles! But I don't understand why someone would choose to fight fake matches in this situation, why would someone humiliate themselves for money! This is a competition, there is nothing else but a champion Worth pursuing?"

Winning the title is wonderful, but people also have to prepare themselves for a second plan. Xu Yang said secretly. Once you fail, you have to take care of your family and find a way out for your life after retirement.

But you can't use these ravings to affect the performance of the warrior, let it go.

"Your opponent for the next round has also been decided." Xu Yang turned on the battle replay.

One side of the battle is a female knight with overweight armor, wearing what is said to be the last set of "dragon bone" armor in the world. The full set of heavy armor is cast from the bones of ancient mythical dragons. It has the best protection in this competition. Moving a giant smashes any opponent like baseball. It has always been a fighting style of waiting for the opponent to do it first. It is a type of extremely specialized armor.

On the other side is a black mechanical ball-like samurai, code-named "Black Storm", equipped with roulette-like blades, and his fighting style is to spin at high speed like a top, crushing opponents by cutting and tearing. "Dance" is difficult to stop, and swept across the battlefield in an instant, because the whole body is covered with sharp blades, so it is difficult to be hit.

This game is also an absolute upset.

It stands to reason that the female knight has amazing protective power, which happens to be the nemesis of this kind of light robot, so most people put their money on her before the war. As a result, her armor was cut open and finally pierced. She is now being rescued in the infirmary. It was called the most terrifying trading operation in the group stage. Hundreds of millions of retail investors' funds evaporated instantly, attracting overwhelming abuse and curses.

The Black Storm has successfully entered the next round, and will compete with A40 the day after tomorrow to compete for the 32 to 16 places. The winner will become the top 16 of the Dome Battle Ceremony.

Cyclone Cutter, against Synth Knife.

"If you win, it will be the top 16." Xu Yang said, "This is our goal before the war. Of course, your biggest pursuit is still the championship."

If you win the Black Storm, you can tell it about the Wasp by then. In addition, the top 16 can be considered a dividing line. To become the top 16 means that the level of strength has reached a certain level. The reputation of A40 will really start, and the reputation of the new world agency will be more abundant, which is convenient for them to provide cover for their actions in Anjiu City.

"Yes." A40 rolled over and jumped off the stage.

It will spare no effort to beat this spinning blade top.

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