From every angle, this is a beautiful letter. The machine prints ink on the plastic cardboard. When Xu Yang turned it over to the back, he quickly saw more things that Sylphy left behind— —She wrote a poem for Farosa, which was very brief, and Xu Yang read it silently in his heart.


We end the absurd dinner party and extinguish the leaping flame.

The long night leaves a wisp of smoke, and mountains and flowers appear.

Everything has changed since you came to us.

Because you are day, let the stars annihilate. "

The machine reproduced Sylphy's handwritten font. Her strokes are round and skilled. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a calligrapher. The entire letter and the poems behind it can be regarded as works of art. Xu Yang put it away carefully, and didn't even think about folding it, ready to hand it over to Farosa.

"God-killing weapon." Xu Yang pondered, "If the champion of the dome can get it, the reward of this game is too rich."

"The most important thing is," Ye Zi showed a regretful smile, "I'm afraid it will fall into my mother's hands. My mother sent Yanagawa Fumiko to compete. No one can beat him."

Xu Yang switched to the top 32 list of this Dome Competition.

The entire competition is divided into four parts: the upper western half, the lower western half, the upper eastern half, and the lower eastern half. A40 is currently located in the upper eastern half.

He quickly locked down the respective powerhouses in the four divisions.

The upper half of the west: Han Shishan of Tianshu, and Shiori Kamhara of the Tianjoin family.

Lower West: Ultra Tech's Era Titan robot.

Upper East Half: A40, Black Storm, Vanguard's Galladite battle droid.

The lower half of the eastern region: Yanagawa Fumiko of Xisheng Investment Group, and Ten Praying Orange Fragrance of the Ninja of Kyoto Unlimited.

"Even if A40 can get out of the top half of the East, they will meet Fumihiko Yanagawa in the semifinals." Xu Yang said, "In this way, its probability of winning the championship will be minimized."

"Of course, if it's an A40, it's impossible to beat Yanagawa Fumiko." Ye Zi's tone was helpless, "In the beginning, when Xisheng was still in the pioneering period, many opportunities were made by Yanagawa Fumiko with one knife and one knife, and he has always followed resolutely. With his mother, he has gradually become the world's leading remodeler samurai."

"He came to the competition, and it was a blow to all the other players." Xu Yang felt troubled.

If you can't beat Yanagawa Fumiko, A40 will quit the game in disgust, and the opportunity of the Dome championship will only be handed over.

"The family has its own plans," Ye Zidao said, "to let Xisheng continue to deepen his control over the islands, and sending Yanagawa Fumiko to the competition is also for this purpose. If they can win the championship, people will deepen their recognition of Xisheng. Originally, we planned to support Black Fire Innovation to clean up everything, but they rebelled, and I don't know what their confidence is."

"Fairy Wood"

"I'm afraid it has something to do with the disappearance of the Martinez." Xu Yang pondered, "The news said that the company lost track of the Martinez."

"It's scary," Ye Zi murmured, "Hey, when I think about it, I feel like the hairs stand up. There are reality operators, war witches, and countless advanced fighter jets, missiles, and nuclear weapons on that air carrier. Disappearing at sea, making the next strategic plan impossible to unfold..."

"I handed over this letter first," Xu Yang comforted her, "Don't worry, protect yourself, Ye Zi."

"Yeah!" Ye Zi nodded, showing a cute expression, "We'll talk later!"

Ye Zi's signal was disconnected from the secret communication channel. Xu Yang checked the encrypted communication line and found some suspicious undirected access, as if someone was trying to trace the secret channel between him and Ye Ye, and the other party was also a skilled hacker. , these sniffs leave no trace, meaning that communication with the leaf is no longer secure.

Did the Xisheng family notice the clue? Xu Yang said secretly. It is time to change the communication channel with Ye Ye. She lives in a place like that, so she must be monitored both overtly and covertly 24 hours a day. Even if she was on guard, she didn't have enough technical knowledge to make a thorough arrangement.

The Deep Anonymous Network is a good transfer station, but Xu Yang is worried that the leaves will not be used. All of its content is not indexed by conventional search engines, and it refuses to be linked to the superficial network. All information is encrypted, which has cut off most of the world's Internet users.

In addition, the deep anonymous network has no publicly formulated rules. Only experienced users, hackers and network security personnel compete with each other, and finally establish a law like a dark jungle society. Whoever dares to reveal his true information, whoever Will be torn to shreds, eaten and wiped by others on the anonymous web.

In the end, you still have to build a point-to-point encrypted link yourself.

Thinking of the deep anonymous network, Xu Yang checked the discussion thread of cyber monsters. It has been occupied by several artists. They are very interested in this topic and turned it into a forum for distributing avant-garde art. , uses black and white bitmaps or high-precision watercolor oil paintings to outline cyberpunk in pre-era contexts, including mechanized animals, cities under glass barriers, and deconstructed gods.

A mix of romantic and non-romantic things. As he walked to Farosa's secret room, he looked at these portraits. Art established a subtle connection between the artist and the appreciator in an extremely personal way that was indescribable.

Farosa has built an ingenious wooden barrel next to her workstation with a tin metal tap at the bottom, and she sits at her desk in a trance. Xu Yang removed the lid of the wooden barrel and filled it with Coke, the ice cubes sank and the lemons floated up.

"I have a letter for you." Xu Yang handed Sylphy's letter to Farosa, "As entrusted by others, it must be handed over to you."

Farosa seemed to have just woken up from a dream, her eyelashes were trembling sharply, her eyes hurriedly swept over the letter, and then she took it over. She recognized Sylphy's handwriting, but did not dare to confirm it. . She laid the letter flat on the table and read slowly. After reading it, Farosa was very unhappy.

"Who does she think she is?" Farosa's tone was indifferent and contemptuous. "Who allowed her to deal with my god-killing weapon like this? I told her to keep it well, but she handed it over to mortals."

"Very angry?" Xu Yang felt interesting.

"The taste of betrayal." Farosa emphasized, "I told Sylphy, many years ago, 1,000 years ago, I entrusted the weapon of killing gods to her because I trusted her, and I also believed Our relationship was good enough for her to keep that vow. But she gave the company the weapon and turned it into a reward for a fighting competition... I'm sorry, I got her wrong."

"There is more content on the back of the letter." Xu Yang said.

Farosa frowned, turned the letter over, and hurriedly read the little poem, her clenched hands loosened again, and she sat on the chair and fell silent.

"Why write poetry?" she said. "Why write poetry like this."

"She looks very elegant." Xu Yang said.

"She was very old, the oldest witch I knew at the time."

Farosa closed her eyes, as if to digest the impact of Sylphy's poem.

"She compared you to daytime." Xu Yang said.

"That's because I'm young," Farosa opened her eyes and sighed, "Ah, I was the last to join them, Sylphy is 190 years old, I'm only 17 now, so she thinks I'm During the day. She wants me to send away all the haze of the past, some kind of old woman's expectation of the younger generation."

"Looking at it from another angle, 1190 years old and 1017 years old sound like they are not far apart." Xu Yang said.

"I'm definitely age-freezing, she doesn't necessarily," Farosa said.

"It's so well written, only people who like you very much can write such poems." Xu Yang sat on the table and read the poem Sylphy wrote to Farosa again, "Farosa, you are a daytime teacher. , annihilate the stars."

"Why don't you write poems for me?" Farosa looked at Xu Yang.

"I've already given you my heart, and adding another poem seems too light." Xu Yang said.

"Don't say anything that embarrassed me." Farosa wrapped the letter around her fingers, using her index finger as a sleeve, turning it into a scroll. She quietly looked at the candles projected by the hologram. The false candlelight had no smoke and no pure natural shaking, but played a 15-second looping flame image, which was part of her entire medieval atmosphere.

"Then, do you want to show up to meet her?" Xu Yang asked, "She gave the god-killing weapon to the tournament team, obviously to **** you off and to catch you out."

Farosa rested her elbows on the table and pressed her forehead.

"Let's do third-hand" she said.

"Having two hands is very good, where did you get the third." Xu Yang smiled.

"First-hand preparation is the Seven Witch Project." Farosa packed up the work on the table, "I have already cracked 95% of the contents of the slate, and I have probably figured out how to get to Nanmiyajima. Let's go now and put Pan Ruiyin found it."

"It's a bit sudden." Xu Yang pondered, "But it's time. Pan Ruiyin is in such a dangerous place and may die at any time."

"The second-hand preparation is the Gladiator A40," Farosa said. "I hope it can win, and I can directly win the God-killing weapon without a lot of trouble."

"Once you leave, you can't treat its damage, and it's hard to go long," Xu Yang said.

"That's why we have to prepare third-hand." Farosa stuffed the letter paper into the drawer, "If A40 can't win, we'll take away the god-killing weapon. That's why we have to find Pan Ruiyin first to ensure our strength. Let's go. , to Nanmiyajima."

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