The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 264: seal point

A40 looked at the rage enchanted by the power of vanishing, the blade had become untrustworthy, and it thought that it was not qualified to use such a powerful power.

So, the A40 disappeared from the training hall, took a driverless taxi, filled the emotional module with codes about remorse, and went all the way to the beach.

A jagged cliff rises from the edge of the sand, with two eye robots taking pictures of the landscape, and when they leave, the A40 runs up and throws its fury out to sea.

It does not want to fight with this weapon.

As soon as the angry blade touched the sea water, the sea surface collapsed like cotton wool, like a piece of paper being crumpled into a ball, and instantly indented inward, as if a large piece of blue jelly had been dug from the surface, and the one that came into contact with the blade. The place disappears instantly!

All the sea water with a radius of about 200 meters disappeared, and the anger was still falling.

Terrified, the A40 dashed down quickly, using the jet device on its back to accelerate desperately, only to catch up with the rage of free fall, it grabbed the knife and fled back to the cliff on the coast, watching the sea gradually smooth its own strangeness Dents, waves, refills in situ.

It is sitting on the cliff on the coast. Now the feeling of holding the knife is no longer self-confidence, but nervousness. The strong distress makes it difficult to control it. It holds anger in one hand and looks into the distance at the same time. There are no seabirds or fishing boats, only A icy sturdy white warship ambled alone on the horizon, alerting to any possible attack.

There was no room to think alone. The two eye-eye robots that took pictures went round and round and flew back. A40 was afraid of being photographed by them, and then fled down the hillside.

It contacted Taro Tanaka.

"A40, with just one signal," Tanaka Taro said, "I can turn off all your emotional triggers related to self-blame and confusion."

"Are my emotions all manipulable?" A40 asked.

"Don't be sad," Tanaka Taro explained. "Not only robots, but also human emotions can be manipulated. There is a kind of chair, after you sit on it, you will only have endless happiness and no worries."

"I don't know." A40 responded.

Tanaka Taro asked for the mental report log of the A40, and he was surprised to find that the mental version of the A40 had been upgraded from 3.3 to 3.45, which was a precious evolution.

It observes two important nodes in the upgrade report.

The first was a date with the Wasp, that date updated the mind version to 3.3. The second time is to be given a mismatched power, so that its mental version has been self-evolved again.

"You should keep these emotions," Tanaka said. "Once your mental version evolves to 4.0, you're a real human emotionally."

"Is the goal I strive for to become a real human?" A40 was at a loss.

"This is very important." Tanaka Taro said, "The minds of the third generation are still learning and imitating, while the minds of the fourth generation can truly empathize with and understand each other... This is as meaningful as the evolution of species over thousands of years. Significant. Our greatest achievement in this era is to create another 'race' that can communicate with us humans, which shows that humans have successfully overcome the limitations of natural conditions and can create new intelligent races by themselves! It shows that humans will succeed In place of the creator, gods and witches..."

Before Tanaka could continue, the A40 hung up the communication.

It wanted to know where the warrior Galadyte, who was "disappeared" by himself, went to the nearest izakaya, watching the news on the wall screen, looking for clues, and found that Galadyte suddenly returned to the world, it should be Sylphy let it out, just a few minutes ago, it appeared on the streets of Anju City, and was immediately besieged by other interview robots.

"It was a really mysterious experience," explained Gallardet, "and in a split second I was in a weird realm, floating around with a lot of jumbled bottles and jars and my sword. Must be magic. The result. Fighting, you say? Ah, it's frustrating to lose, but luckily I didn't get hurt, except that a puddle of seawater suddenly came in and drowned me so badly that I nearly burned the wires."

Seeing that Gellardit is fine, the A40 is a little off, it somehow contacted Sylphy to remove the magic on the weapon, and can only try to continue to use the weapon.

At the same time, Yanagawa Fumiko also defeated the representative samurai of Kyoto Infinity. The whole battle was quite bloody, Yanagawa Fumiko displayed the unique skills of the first samurai in the island continent, and instantly defeated the female ninja sent by Kyoto Unlimited, and she is still rescuing.

The next schedule is the ultimate showdown between A40 and Yanagawa Fumihiko. On the stage of 8 into 4, once it defeats Yanagawa Fumiko, the championship is almost in the bag.

In this experience, the fighting literacy and experience of the A40 have grown a lot. It reviewed the past and remembered some memory fragments before the factory settings. It once challenged the powerful witch Pan Ruiyin, but she was kicked to pieces, that is it The biggest failure in my life.

It records its oath in a log in memory. If there is a chance to meet Pan Ruiyin again, I must defeat her, and I will be ashamed!

On the other hand, Xu Yang watched how Pan Ruiyin easily cleared 12 phase demons.

They rested and slept in the cave, gathering useful supplies and ammunition, and then carefully maneuvered outward as the Martinez cruised away.

Outside the cave, a large group of phase demons whistled close, appearing and disappearing like fog and lightning. Pan Ruiyin unfolded the steel wings on his back and rushed towards the group of demons without fear.

They look strange. If they want to cause damage, they must emerge from nothingness, and at the moment when they appear, Pan Ruiyin will make a neat shot, punching, elbowing, turning and kicking, and each attack can easily destroy the phase demon, almost To hit the other side of space, tear their mist disguise to shreds.

Pan Ruiyin's martial arts are very complex, with ancient martial arts as the core, plus judo, boxing and wrestling skills. In addition to unarmed, she is also proficient in all kinds of weapons, mainly spears and long sticks, but the weapons are in and Yan When the demons fought, they were destroyed and disappeared. Magic is like a special effect catalyst in her body, and the two merge with each other, giving her unimaginable destructive power.

Vice-captain Zhang Yunxi successfully copied Pan Ruiyin's magic power to create a similar effect. She can use far fewer martial arts moves than Pan Ruiyin. She fights with military martial arts, carefully killing fish that slip through the net, lest they cross Pan Ruiyin and attack the rear. companion.

Phase Demons do not have long-range attack methods, nor do they need them, because they can approach the enemy in a semi-invisible state.

When they were defeated, they just dissipated like smoke, leaving no tangible entity, and the phase demons had little contact with each other. After the group of phase demons in front of them were defeated, the phase demons roaming the surrounding islands did not have anything at all. No response, no concern for similar encounters, lack of linkage.

Although she was victorious, Pan Ruiyin did not relax in the slightest. The murderous intentions made her uneasy, and the giant air carrier and Yan Mo floating in the air were even more terrifying.

"Move! Move!" Pan Ruiyin took the lead in the charge, and had to get to the seal point before they interfered.

They moved stealthily, keeping a low profile and slow, and it took them another half-hour to reach the ancient shrine on the island.

Even as they managed to evade detection, the Martinez spotted the team approaching the island seal, and the two fighter jets slid out of its belly hangar as the observation post alerted.

"They're here!" Xu Yang searched for 2 high-speed moving machines, and immediately began to interfere, but with little success.

"Go ahead and find a bunker!" Pan Ruiyin vibrated the steel wings, and the fiery propulsion wings quickly pushed her high into the sky. When she broke the sound barrier, a loud noise broke out. A horrible load of flying.

The menacing Pan Ruiyin launched a high-speed confrontation with the "Air Overlord"-class fighter jets, opened a distance of thousands of meters in an instant, and fell into a battle with the entire sky as the battlefield. Floating guns and anti-air missiles were continuously raised from the Martinez. Other armed equipment, ready to slap Pan Ruiyin in the air like a fly.

In the face of endless murderous intent, Pan Ruiyin was aggressive and refused to give in an inch.

Let them experience the power of elite war witches!

Countless missiles and shelling poured out from the Martinez, chasing Pan Ruiyin constantly, she alone took all the pressure on the front, and bought time for the companions below to run into the shrine.

As the seal point of Yan Mo, the ancient shrine itself is not complicated in structure, and it was almost destroyed by Yan Mo, leaving only a huge rock platform and a small number of auxiliary wooden buildings.

Xu Yang crossed the entrance and went straight to the ceremony point. There was an ancient stone wall at the end of the high rock platform, and in front of it was a cube-shaped moon-silver altar. Destruction, still helps to perform the ritual.

As long as we seek the power of the Moon Dragon here, we should be able to solve the Martinez and Enma.

"Come here!" Xu Yang saw that Farosa was still outside the seal She stood on the stone steps and looked at the two heavy fighter jets, as well as the bullets and artillery fire flying all over the sky, with a calm expression .

"I know what I'm doing." Farosa clenched the magic in her hand.

An air overlord passed Pan Ruiyin and dived towards them. The cannons attached to the fighter's wings began to shoot frantically, and countless bullets shot down their heads and faces. Farosa looked at the heavy fighter rushing towards her, as annoying as wild dogs and sharks.

"You're going to die!" Zhang Yunxi looked back at Farosa, who was still outside, shouting while preparing to pull Farosa in, "Are you crazy!"

The pilot pulled down the joystick forcefully to maintain high-speed flight, while the shooter manipulated the weapons and equipment, pouring 30mm caliber aviation cannon bullets on Farosa. foam.

The shooter was surprised by the fearlessness of sending the dead, but he didn't take it to heart. He adjusted the firepower system and prepared to bomb the shrine body. When he turned his attention to the observation instrument again, he found that the woman was still standing still.


Heck! He was shocked, and the next second, Farosa released her power, and the gray sickle-shaped magic power dissipated, and shot into the air like a web of death.

When it passed through this gray magic, the flight trajectory of the fighter immediately became unstable, and the pilot and shooter turned into precision-cut pieces of meat one after the other on the seat. Fly away!

The entire fighter jet crashed into the ground out of control and exploded into sparks!

"Ah..." Zhang Yunxi was stunned.

"Lesson 1: Nothing can hurt the Witch God." Farosa passed her and followed Xu Yang.

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