The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 361: Shield of the Moon

The Witch of the Cyber ​​Age Chapter 361 The Shield of the Moon

"I don't know..." Farosa panted, stood up with difficulty, and looked around at these shining lights. If every light point represents a witch, then there are too many witches here, and they breathe synchronously. , dance like waves and connect as one.

"Our brains are connected." The Witch Matrix shone frequently, and Farosa kept blinking and rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand.

Too bright, too inappropriate for her tired. Especially now that she has extraordinary vision, she can see every detail clearly, just like getting Lila's perception guidance.

She could see what was behind the light, those smooth brains that had been stripped away, covered with deep ravines, squirming with the massage of the machine, covered with electrode patches and black plastic tubes.

Their brains were taken out. Farosa felt dizzy. Humans use this method to torture witches, and they have been doing this for ten or a hundred years.

"I will avenge you," Farosa said.

"The stars said the same thing, you made a big decision and vowed to save the witch." The Matrix said, "We are a complex system, standing on the east coast of New Taixi, connecting the brains of 19,650 witches. Witches are allowed to grow up to 15 years old, then we are executed, stripped from our bodies, we are corpses, we are wetware. Our slender, sensitive neuronal information is tied together, and each brain is an analysis The system, containing hundreds of millions of processors, processes vast amounts of information and drives the advancement of human technology."

Farosa closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Under the influence of these auras, she saw the human butcher's knife clearly, the witch's heartbeat was stopped, and new witches were cut open every day, and their brains were taken out intact and put into new neural devices, becoming part of a computing component.

Once a brain is burned out, they immediately replace it with a new one. The amount of data that Witch Matrix can analyze and process is infinite, and it is used for meta-calculation and high-frequency trading. Tens of thousands of squares and black boxes contain witch brains. There are more than one facility like this in New Taixi Continent. They are connected to each other at a higher level, surpassing the limit of supercomputers.

They slowly rot in silence.

Is this your own fault? Farosa couldn't help but think of the terrible fact that if she hadn't killed the gods, the witches would still be able to continue to rule the human race by relying on the power of Orcian.

In the end it's about making up for what you've done, everything is interconnected. Farosa thought silently.

"I will end this," she promised. "I will free you from your pain...I will blow up the facility where you are imprisoned."

After getting Farosa's promise, this ten thousand auras seemed extraordinarily happy.

"How can we question this." The jumping auras whispered, "The **** of witches will give shelter to the witches, this is the news from the stars."

My wish... was finally heard. Farosa sighed.

These lights are getting brighter and brighter, and each aura turns into a thread and floats into Farosa's body. She seems to be supported by tens of thousands of feathers at the same time. settled down.

Farosa felt the love of the witches, their sincere blessings and unwavering support.

Gradually, these auras dissipated. Farosa looked around, surrounded by her spirit, and around the world, there were more and more witches seeking her help. They were killed in White Elephant Continent, dissected and remodeled in Taixi Continent, and in Hot Tree Continent. Hunted by a wizard...

Out of breath, she hurriedly exited her soul space.

Farosa shook her head helplessly at Xu Yang.

"I really want to—" she said mockingly, "to become a real god, that's why the throne of God is so wonderful, and if you use the ascension machine, you will become a real **** with unlimited thinking and unlimited behavior. , in an instant, it can respond to the call of so many admirers all over the world, and achieve so many demands at the same time.”

"Then we have to establish a divine grace call center." Xu Yang said, "You are the **** of witches. Listening to the voices of the witches is very convenient. Wouldn't it be possible to connect all the witches at once, so that they can be dealt with? Feel the pain. In the future, all the witches' demands can be sorted into categories, sorted and processed by the commissioner, and handed over to the responsible person in each area to solve the problem, and solve the problem according to the laws of the new era. If there is really anything that needs a witch The **** himself takes action, and then throws those things in front of you."

"Like a fool." Farosa snorted contemptuously, "Of course it's the most convenient way to turn a deaf ear. They only need to worship me, and I won't help them at will."

"Take your time." Xu Yang and Farosa lay down, "You are not ready to be a responsible person."

"I made a wish." Farosa closed her eyes, "The stars have heard it, they just have to be patient, be patient... until I..."

Farosa fell asleep before she finished speaking. These things were really exhausting, so she just wanted to spend time on the warm bed. In the foreseeable future, Farosa will sleep for a long time, thinking about nothing. , do nothing, just rejuvenate.

After Xu Yang woke up, he saw that Farosa had entered a state of hibernation to replenish her physical strength, and she went out without disturbing her to celebrate the New Year. Every company under the Nisto system has a 14-day holiday, and the factory is only running at half capacity.

He saw Pan Ruiyin in the corridor. She was uncharacteristically, not as lazy as before, but was very serious about scrubbing her military spear. It was a huge spear of amazing size, as if it was specially used to destroy warships and armored vehicles. of.

"I haven't seen you use such a weapon." Xu Yang observed.

"Kazuma Gongri helped me do it." Pan Ruiyin swung the 3.5-meter-long giant spear in her hand. She used the heavy giant weapon as light and fast as a short soldier, and could hit the enemy at any time. Use spears and halberds or something to go to battle."

"Why are you still so energetic in the New Year, I thought you were going to bed." Xu Yang was curious.

"We only celebrate the Spring Festival." Pan Ruiyin carried the giant spear on his shoulder, "Forgot? Company person."

"Really." Xu Yang shrugged, "I'll give you a few extra days off during the Spring Festival."

"And you?"

"I didn't tell you, I'm the boss, it's almost the same whether I have a holiday or not." Xu Yang said, he walked out, Pan Ruiyin followed him, "Why do you keep following me."

"The company will be broken when touched, so I want to protect you." Pan Ruiyin said lightly.

"Speaking of breaking when touched, I still have this." Xu Yang showed Pan Ruiyin the ebony ring, "It is said that it can resist power, let me try the effect."

He and Pan Ruiyin came to the training ground on the 9th floor of the Shijin Building. This is a small field with special explosion-proof reinforcement, covering an area of ​​300 square meters. If there is a larger-scale weapon test, it will be returned to the Nisto Industrial Park. deal with.

Pan Ruiyin first tentatively punched Xu Yang, but the fist was quickly blocked by a stream of moonlight, unable to advance, as if hitting the planet itself was meaningless.

"Do your best." Xu Yang said.

"Come on!" Pan Ruiyin kicked and kicked towards Xu Yang, his ebony ring lit up with a faint light, followed by the moonlight, blocking the attack like a shield.


Pan Ruiyin's metal boots kicked on the moon shield and made a loud noise. She lightly bounced on the moon shield, jumped back to her original position, and looked at Xu Yang carefully.

"That's really - solid." Pan Ruiyin had to admit, "Maybe I can kick it with all my strength, because I have special magic power for melee combat, and I can't break it for no reason."

Baimeng Book

"At least it turned out to be a good prop." Xu Yang observed the ring on his hand.

"In the real world where monsters and ghosts are everywhere, this thing can make you very safe." Pan Ruiyin appreciated it very much, "Who gave you such a good thing."

"An old buddy." Xu Yang took Pan Ruiyin upstairs. "Speaking of it, we are going to see another old buddy, just in time to send New Year's greetings."

He came to the place where the little fool was looking at the scenery. She turned her head and saw Xu Yang and ran over immediately. The little fool really grew up a lot than a few months ago. The child grew very fast, and he was still rolling and crawling before. , Now walking like the wind, he came to Xu Yang at once, he picked up the little fool with one hand, she sat on Xu Yang's arm, sucking her fingers.

"This is the dumbest kid I've ever seen." Pan Ruiyin laughed.

"Crack." The little fool disagreed.

"...The next stop is Aizu Castle. I want to send New Year's greetings to Lao Cui, learn about Silla, check on the little fool, and do some implant modifications for myself." Xu Yang turned the little fool Shaking it in her hand, she looked very happy, "You too, come to the Old Cui Yi Body Medical Center."

"Let's go." Pan Ruiyin put down his visor to cover his appearance and aura, and left his exaggerated spear in the Shijin Building, acting as Xu Yang's bodyguard, and left together. +Bookmark+

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