The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 365: forever song

"Roar!" The Antlers Tiger let out a long roar.

It found that the electronic shackles bound on its body were ineffective, so it struggled hard, broke the iron rope, and got out of the cage at once.

Sudden changes, loud voices, antlers out of control for a while, wildness emerges! He slapped the sales robot around him with a slap.

It shrank back in horror and cried out for help.

"The tiger is out!"


"It's scary!" Nearly a dozen customers were still robbing the clothes in the glass booth. They turned their heads and saw a huge tiger suddenly appear. They were so frightened that they ran out gropingly.

The beast came out of the cage and chose people to devour.

"Fuck you!" In order to protect the child behind him, a man hurriedly turned on the flamethrower in his right palm, and sprayed a raging flame at the head of the antlers tiger. make it doubly annoyed.

"Roar—" Antlers tiger rushed towards the man angrily, wanting to tear him apart.

"Wow—" The screams sounded again and again, with such weight and sharp claws, no one could survive.

Pan Ruiyi kicked the ground hard, dashed out with the reaction force, twisted in the air, and hit the back of the antler tiger like a solid cannonball.


With a loud crack, the entire spine of the antler tiger was broken, and it let out a scream, and was stepped on by Pan Ruiyi!

The tiger fell to the ground, without even the strength to hold its head up, Sora opened his mouth and let out a low whine.


"That's..." People were stunned, watching this terrifying scene.

Pan Ruiyi pulled out the blood-stained boots from the corpse of the tiger, and looked at the crowd around her. She was already prepared. She took out the Nisto company badge hidden in the personal carrier, and hung it on her chest. fake identity.

This is Nisto Corporation!

"so amazing……"


"No wonder it's so powerful!" People couldn't help but feel admiration, and they had doubts before, but now they are in awe.

Nisto has already contracted the defense projects of the entire city of Anjiu. The scale of paramilitary forces and public security personnel has continued to expand, and now it is also a star enterprise on the surface and underground.

"Thank you for your help!" The staff of the social security company hurriedly came to thank them. If something happened in their defense jurisdiction, it would be equivalent to a serious breach of contract, and the compensation could be doubled.

"Don't let your guard down, leave the scene!" Pan Ruiyi spoke with a voice changer, sounding like a brutish guy, which also matched her first impression of her strong armor.

Nisto company also has such elite armored soldiers, as powerful as power armored soldiers! They couldn't help but admire it, and turned their eyes to the dead tiger.

The action was so vigorous and resolute that it also made the social security workers feel ashamed. They kept order, organized the scene, and accounted for losses.

Pan Ruiyi turned around and retreated, Xu Yang let people pay attention to the dead tiger, bought it at a cheap price, and then evacuated the scene with Pan Ruiyi and the little fool, so as not to be confused.

They came to the apple orchard food canning factory. After it was incorporated, it was basically a large-scale nutritional cream manufacturing base, providing people with cheap food. In the office here, Xu Yang continued to track the follow-up situation.

"...Unknown hackers affected the normal trading activities of a food street owned by the Green Ridge Company and caused commercial chaos." A spokesperson for the Social Security Company explained to a reporter from Corner House Media.

Behind them, a ferocious-looking old soldier watched all this in silence. He was the former president of the social security work. People called him "Khan" and seemed to be dissatisfied with the security services provided by his successor.

After all, if they don't stand up, the local security supply will be monopolized by Nisto.

"The social security company has been providing cheap and reliable security services for the residents of Anju City and Aizu City," the reporter asked, "but this incident shows that your company lacks the technical ability to resist hackers. Does this mean that we should fully access Nice The security provided by the trust company and the new Aizu security company? After all, these two companies can also provide sufficient security personnel.”

"Actually, we implemented an emergency plan," the spokesperson explained. "We arrived at the scene as soon as possible and did not give the hackers more opportunities to cause damage. We will find the hacker as soon as possible."

"Is it related to the cyber ghost?"

"It's still under investigation," the spokesman said.

Xu Yang easily forwarded the information about catching the food street hacker, so that everyone would be informed in real time and track the clues. Then he silently connected to the network terminal of the Green Ridge trading platform. The network security personnel of the Green Ridge Company were upgrading the firewall suite. Xu Yang slipped in and searched for the information before they completed the update.

Judging from the system self-inspection log, the other party has set up operations in batches and set the price of commodities on the entire street to free. The camera did not capture much valid information, and the other party should have mixed into the crowd and escaped.

The amazing thing is that there are a lot of redundant files left in the system, similar to the effect of Xu Yang's use of the Internet avatar at the beginning, and a lot of subconscious codes are generated, which means that this hacker may also be able to enter the cyberspace.

Another hacker...Xu Yang secretly said, network security issues are rampant, every company should come up with new network security solutions, this battle of offense and defense is very close, and it must be observed.

"Boss, Gong Xi Fa Cai." The relay sent New Year's greetings, and Xu Yang, who made a lot of money, was considered a big moneymaker for the camera-free customs.

"Is there any big news in cybersecurity recently?" Xu Yang asked.

"Of course, various companies are preparing to launch a brand-new network security solution, led by Lighthouse Core, Rainforest All Things, and jointly designed by giant companies such as Northern Military Industry, All Gods Mingri, and Near East Godsend, whose name is 'Sea of ​​Hillis'. , also known as 'XLS system', is a brand new network security solution, which means that all traditional hacking methods will fail. There have been too many network security system accidents recently, and they have to launch this cross-generational network security technology in advance. ."

"What is the specific operating mechanism?" Xu Yang pondered, and then made his judgment, "Every company is going to set up a high-level local area network, completely beggar-thy-neighbor, and shut down unlimited communication services?"

"You're absolutely right, that's the core idea of ​​the Sea of ​​Hillis," the relay replied, "all electronics will work in the solitary sea, and no outside means will be able to enter, no. All keys will be With the update, I can guarantee that every hacker will lose their jobs when the system is fully operational."

This is difficult. Xu Yang said secretly. When all the giant corporations upgrade their security systems to the so-called "Sea of ​​Hillis", they can no longer use hacking techniques as they used to.

"But based on your tone," Xu Yang replied, "it doesn't seem like you're nervous at all. Could there be a countermeasure against the lack of cameras?"

"Of course," Relay said, "Boss Todd hacked a prototype of the Sealis Sea from the lab at the heart of the lighthouse, and intends to share it with everyone at the Global Hacking Conference in March so everyone can keep up. The footsteps of the times.”

"Then I can't be absent from this meeting."

"Ha, I will send you the access key at the end of January. How can giant companies stop brave hackers? We will sail on the sea of ​​Hillis until a fair and open free network is established." A smiley face.

Sea of ​​Hillis...Xu Yang pondered. This means that companies will hide their core databases in secret structures, and only a cyber-spirit that really gives up the flesh can sneak in and find the secrets.

The war between cybersecurity and hackers is destined to escalate, and you can't be behind the times, you must keep up with the latest progress.

On the other side, in the streets of Aizu Castle, Miying received a reward, ready to arrest the food street robber.

"I know who can help us solve it." Hosoda Yoshiyuki pondered.

"Where are you going?" Miying said.

"A fellow inmate, he can help us." Hosoda Yoshiyuki said, "Many robbers who were good at escaping from prison are now wandering I know one of them, and he should be in Aizu City. "

"It's best not to cause trouble." Miying warned.

"Oh, I should be careful." Hosoda Yoshiyuki said.

He left the hiding place and started to contact his old brother. The other party's code name was "Yongge". He was not a living creature, but a flowing personality code. He lived in the body of a robot and could devour and take away other robots and electronic devices at will. , has reached the pinnacle in the aspect of consciousness digitization, and is a strong man in technology, and therefore has many crimes.

"Yoshiyuki Hosoda?" Yongge's electronically encoded voice came.

"I changed my body again." Hosoda Yoshiyuki hid deep in the alley and responded calmly, "You really can't rest."

"It's great to see that you're still alive outside," Yong Ge sighed, "I didn't expect fallen people like us to be able to reunite. Oh, with trouble, bounties, and a dark past on our shoulders, even if we were arrested, I have to work for a prison company until I become free."

"It's all over. I want to take you to meet some people and do some decent work. When you meet them, be honest and tell your abilities and experiences." Hosoda Yoshiyuki said, "...they all have Nice people and I don't want you to embarrass me. Can you make a living now?"

"Ha." Yong Ge took a contemptuous attitude, "I'm a technologist, and of course a technologist can make a living. You really underestimate me."

"Then what have you done recently?" Hosoda Yoshiyuki felt that he was extremely excited, as restless as he had knocked on a stamp.

"Recently? I bought a set of energy batteries and a box of sushi for no money, messing up a food street, causing overload and frying the transformer box. It's all very simple things, you can see my masterpiece when you open the news. already."


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