The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 46: Meridian Gate


The passage of time seems to have slowed down, and Xu Yang's greatest terror has now arrived.

"Are you ill?" Farosa couldn't help but ask Xu Yang, "You look so bad...don't scare me."

Xu Yang could only vaguely hear Farosa talking.

Endless terror had already been placed above his fate, making him unable to calm down.

...Companies hate runaways, especially people like me with company-grade implants and technology.

I will be taken back to Gaoge Kyushu by Pan Ruiyi.

The company will destroy me, dig out my brain, make a personality matrix disk, insert it into a robot, and let my spirit work with the machine forever, my personal will is worn away, leaving that robot to continue labor.

The real lifetime employment system, do not have to worry about the good news of unemployment.

Now that I think about it, maybe it was because people were connected to the Internet to stab things out here before, which led to the infinite application of riot squads in Kyoto to control the situation.

Pan Ruiyi's fighting ability is most suitable for controlling the situation in the underground city, and its power is even more terrifying.

After being called by Ye Ye, Pan Ruiyi turned her head to stare at Ye Ye, and then her eyes moved to see the shuttle and everyone behind her.

"Huh?" Pan Ruiyi observed Xu Yang carefully, although she was covering her face, she could still recognize him.

Xu Yang! Xu Yang! Xu Yang!

Paid leave for walking!

Pan Ruiyi's expression was ecstatic, he leaned his body quickly, and appeared in front of Xu Yang in the next second, flying with a kick.

"meet again!"

Facing her kick, Xu Yang didn't see what was happening at all, only heard a loud bang, Lila had stopped in front of Xu Yang, stretched out her arm, and blocked the attack for Xu Yang.

The metal shattered in response to the sound. In order to protect Xu Yang, Lila's left arm was kicked off, and the shattered metal fragments fell in front of Xu Yang.

"Be serious, I can kick the two of you fools into two puddles of mud." Pan Ruiyi withdrew his feet with a smile that was not a smile.

Lila didn't say a word and didn't care about her scrapped left arm. She felt relieved when she realized that Xu Yang was not injured.

"This... what is this doing..." Kojima Yeba shuddered, "Why..."

Facing Pan Ruiyi, Xu Yang felt unprecedented pressure.


As a powerful fighting witch, Pan Ruiyi is armed to the teeth by the company, and has the special magic power brought by the witch's physique. The reflexes, wisdom and combat quality are far beyond human.

"Caught you," Pan Ruiyi showed a terrifying smile, "you don't know how much I want to go to the Chain Islands to enjoy a wonderful vacation."

Xu Yang took a deep breath.

No amount of calculations could have imagined that Ye Ye would suddenly run out and take the initiative to attract Pan Ruiyi, and things went out of control in an instant.

When Pan Ruiyi stared at him with contempt for looking at trash, Xu Yang didn't dare to come out.

"As I said, you can't accomplish anything if you leave the company!" Pan Ruiyi laughed, this is her favorite part, arresting those self-righteous exiles and letting the company execute them, there will be one or two cases every year, "I never thought we could still Goodbye! In a place like this, in such a run-down and disgusting little place, in this case, you and your... 'followers'."

She looked at Lila and the others with even more disdain.

"Look," Pan Ruiyi said in a long voice, "what kind of **** you brought, big fat man, prosthetic doctor, female student, robot girl playing role-playing, transformation human, synthetic human, gangster, courier delivery, Fast seem to have assembled a large group of rabble underground! It's really hard for you!"

Xu Yang could bear the sarcasm, but Farosa couldn't. She raised her head and looked directly at Pan Ruiyi, her self-esteem would never allow the other party to be so arrogant.

"What's your attitude?" Pan Ruiyi frowned, "Who are you?"

"I—" Farosha was about to speak when Xu Yang grabbed her.

As long as Farosa says a word that angers Pan Ruiyi, everyone here will be wiped out by Pan Ruiyi.

What's more, as an ancient witch who is secretly contested by major corporations, once Farosa's identity is revealed, I don't know what will happen.

"Okay," Xu Yang calmly kept Farosa behind him, "...I'll let you deal with it."

"Do you like her?" Pan Ruiyi laughed and said, "What show are you playing now? I'll blow your head off."

Lila held a gun in one arm, ready to shoot.

"If you move." Pan Ruiyi turned to Lila, "I'll tear off your remaining arm and gouge out your eyes."

"Don't worry." Xu Yang gritted his teeth, "Lila, don't think too much."

"I will die with you." Lila's attitude was calm.

"Xu Yang..." Farosa also appeared from Xu Yang's cover.

If Farosa unleashes her power, it is not that she has no chance to kill Pan Ruiyi. Although she is protected by armor, she is a mortal body after all.

Xu Yang held his breath.

"Help, help..." Zuo Hongchen couldn't bear the pressure of Pan Ruiyi's presence.

"Okay, someone is going to pee his pants," Pan Ruiyi stretched out his hand towards Xu Yang and grabbed his shoulder, "before things get uglier, let's go, now it's a company business, come on, let me have someone dig your brain out come out."


"I'm going to behead you." A40 walked towards Pan Ruiyi, holding a knife in both hands.

"Synthetic?" Pan Ruiyi turned to look at the A40, "You will be killed by me in a second."

A40 approached with a leap, its stature was swift, and its movements were as swift as a hawk.

A bullet-like high-speed slash, so fast that it can be missed in the blink of an eye.

However, Pan Ruiyi's reaction was quicker. If the A40's attack was as fast as a bird, her counterattack was like a thunderbolt. She instantly turned back and kicked, hitting the A40's alloy sword. The metal boots collided with the blade, making a loud noise. Afterwards, it flew backwards, circled in the air for a few times, and landed on the curb in the distance.

The A40 was stunned for a moment, and the color of the lights in its eyes flashed several times. One time it was red, which symbolized hostility, and another time it was black, which represented peace. Finally, the frequency of black was higher, and it was locked to black.

It chose to turn around and hurried back to pick up its own knife.

This scene made Pan Ruiyi almost laugh out loud.

"Are people in this place so funny?" Pan Ruiyi was extremely contemptuous.

It was A40's ignorant and reckless attack that bought Xu Yang a moment of respite.

Xu Yang secretly scanned the advanced armor that Pan Ruiyi was wearing. According to his experience in Gaoge Kyushu, her armor should be able to be controlled externally.

He kept calm and quickly connected to the intelligent background of Pan Ruiyi's armor.

Pan Ruiyi can only fight with witch abilities, he is not familiar with human technology, and he is unaware of Xu Yang's secret infiltration.

In Xu Yang's digital mind, the intelligent module of her alloy armor has been connected, and the core code and functional components are at a glance, most of which are to assist and enhance the witch's power, endurance enhancer, reactive armor, buffer components, thrusters ...

The columns and programs were read out by Xu Yang, and he held his breath.

The company's defense against witches is much more rigorous than its defense against humans, and there must be loopholes that can penetrate.

After some searching, I was quickly connected to a hidden program in the armor's experimental module.

——“Fighting Seventh” Witch Armor Interactive Access Terminal——

-Warning: Unauthorized Access-

-"Meridian Gate" Security Procedure-

-Introduction: This program is designed to trigger this program to destroy the armor when an irreversible witch rampage occurs, and annihilate the wearer together to quell the witch rampage incident.

-Enter the key "Si Ming" here to complete the access permission.

Xu Yang realized that this was a limiter mounted on the witch's armor and was connected to the high-level security department platform in Gaoge Kyushu. Once the witch's rebellion occurred, the security department would activate the armor's self-destruction module.

The war witch needs permission from the superior department to take off this armor with the help of external force, and can never be freed from the armor by herself.

What the company is most afraid of is the witch's runaway, so there is always a way to control it.

He tried either to start cracking the key, or to bypass the key enabler, both ways.

It takes at least 2 minutes to crack with the "Flying God 4" processor.

2 minutes!

As long as these 2 minutes are delayed by any means, the situation will be completely reversed.

With all my strength and wisdom, can I divert her attention?

"I didn't appear here for no reason," Xu Yang explained calmly, "Actually, the company gave me a secret mission, and this was my original intention to leave the company."

"Take me for a fool!" Pan Ruiyi punched him.

"Ancient witch!" Xu Yang blurted out.

At the same time, with the help of his survival instinct, his body bounced back like lightning, Pan Ruiyi's fist hovered in the air, and the fist wind scratched Xu Yang's cheek.

"True or false?" Pan Ruiyi stopped, very curious, "How did you know about this?"

"Yes." Xu Yang wiped the blood from his face.

"You, what are you doing!" Kojima Ye Zi finally recovered from the series of conflicts and snarled, "Stop it!"

"What qualifications do you have to call me to live—er..." Pan Ruiyi was stunned.

Ye Ye took out a golden card with a picture of her at least 8 years younger, probably taken when she was in elementary school. She waved the card angrily, as if she was going to slap Pan Ruiyi in the face.

"A 100-level special security card." Pan Ruiyi carefully observed and scanned the authenticity, "...Kojima Leaf."

"It's best not to be so embarrassed in public." Xu Yang said.

However, he was also very surprised at the special guarantee card!

From level 1 to 180, the higher the level, the rarer it is. The 100-level special security card is already a very high protection authority, and its effectiveness is stronger than most security services. The holder is already unattainable in Xu Yang's concept. exist.

Ye Zi quickly walked to Xu Yang and blocked him with himself, with a very stubborn expression.

"If you want to move him, go through my body first!" she said, "In that case, the alliance will punish you too!"

Pan Ruiyi narrowed his eyes, thinking about the plan.

"Follow me." She jumped away from the crowd in the square, not wanting to be seen by irrelevant people.

There was already a commotion in the square, and I was puzzled by the situation on Pan Ruiyi and the shuttle.

Xu Yangba couldn't avoid paying attention, and quickly followed.

They came to a small square away from the No. 1 connection. At the same time, Xu Yang continued to crack the key to her armor.

The program itself was quadruple-locked and repeatedly encrypted with the SIII algorithm. Xu Yang used the decoding module of his digital mind to perform astronomical calculations per second, which made his body heat up and wanted to throw away his clothes. Overload and die.

must be patient...

As long as the "Meridian Gate" program is activated, Pan Ruiyi will not be able to escape.

At this point, there is no way out, and the conflict with the company has exploded, right now.

In the context of the rat tide, greater chaos may lead to greater survival.

Entering the small square, before they could talk about anything, A40 picked up the knife again.

"I'm going to defeat you!" A40 pointed the sword to Pan Ruiyi, and charged towards her again.

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