The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 72: Cyber ​​Goblin

Remember for a second【】

Under the remote control of Xu Yang, the shopping guide robots rushed into the anonymous account like loyal dogs and waited in line for inspection.

Xu Yang took the armor boxes from their hands, and then coded them to fly back to sleep. At the same time, he deleted his own operation records, and also manipulated the surrounding cameras, and then drove the anonymous number to leave.

The security team called by Yu Lie Pavilion is about to arrive, and if they don't leave, they will be targeted. They rely on Tianshu objects and have a formal system. They have standard procedures for dealing with such crisis situations.

2 minutes later, a shuttle belonging to the Tianshu Property Damage Management Department approached the scene, like a giant whale swimming into a narrow bathing area. This shuttle is twice as large as the Anonymous. It is a large shuttle and hovers on the street. In the sky, it was enough to fill the entire road, the side skirt armor slid open, and the sixteen floating guns dragged the purple tail light and swirled upward, forming a cannon array without dead ends, constantly scanning the surrounding targets.

Two elite warriors in solid power armor jumped from it, accompanied by a witch behind her. She shook the magic sword in her hand, and the azure magic blade immediately lit up in the handle. Constantly fluctuating and detonating.

Due to being frightened by the cyber demons, the retreat of the witch and the mechanical ronin slowed a beat, and was blocked at this time.

"Put down your weapons!" The power armored soldiers raised the revolver guns in their hands, ready to turn them into a hornet's nest.

Power armor is an invincible land combat equipment. It has evolved from the exoskeleton armor of individual soldiers. Now it has become the standard configuration of the security forces of elite companies. Very few external forces can directly break through these heavy armors.

The witch's face changed suddenly, and she immediately summoned magic power, preparing to burn these elite sergeants from the inside. She unleashed all her strength, instantly making them feel hot all over, the temperature was unbearable, and the skin almost melted.

"Lu Jing!" Another power armored soldier called, and the witch holding a sword beside her waved a sharp blade, but not to attack, but to throw her own magic power out, forming an invisible partition in the air, hindering the transmission of magic power flow.

Because the flow-like conduction in the air was cut off, the witch could not continue to heat up the target, and immediately lost the means of counterattack.

After a series of shooting noises, she and the mechanical ronin beside her were annihilated, killed, and corpses on the spot.

"oh oh!"


"Finally!" The survivors trapped in the dark room flew out again and again to salute them.

"What happened?" One power armored soldier went to the indoor situation, and the other went to recover the wreckage of the witch, mainly to retrieve the brain, make the will into a personality matrix, and put it into a robot, and then it can be transformed into a biochemical witch. The company provides services.

Her ability to heat up is excellent, and can be sent to a high temperature physics laboratory, or a power plant.

A witch with a matrixed personality, her magic power will not progress, but will gradually decline, so this method has three main purposes.

The first is a means of punishment, as a cruel punishment; the second is to use it on newly captured witches who died in battle to recover the residual value; the third is to use those witches with rich scientific research experience to continue to tap their scientific research potential.

The situation subsided, and the surviving clerks and customers couldn't help but talk about the haunting of cyber demons. …

The mysterious and unpredictable cyber demon not only gave a warning, but also shot and killed one of the robbers, leaving the robbers at a loss and losing ground. If it weren't for the cyber-goblin interfering, they would have been burned to powder just like the security guards.

"Our shopping guide machine has been remote-controlled?" a power armored soldier judged, "It's a hacker, and it's of a very high standard."

"I was shot by a 14mm armor-piercing projectile." Another soldier inspected the killed metal transformation man. "The shooting distance did not exceed 600 meters."

"Turn up a nearby camera."

"The file was damaged and the shooter was careful. No trace of action, maybe a shot from a shuttle."

"Lu Jing, write a report on cyber demons to the supervisor, at least 6,000 words." A soldier said to the contemplative witch beside him, "What are you thinking?"

Lu Jing's witch ability is "anti-magic", her magic composition is completely opposite to that of other witches, so it can be used to hinder other witches from exerting their power, which is also a witch's nemesis in a sense.

It's just that she is introverted and withdrawn, careless, distracted, slow to respond, and likes to play text adventure games. The purpose of transferring to Kyoto Infinite is to buy character accessories.

"'s nothing." Lu Jing shook his head, thinking just now that Otome is the handsome guy in the love game, who is also like the cyber monster. He is black, beautiful and strong. He is good at hacking, hoeing the strong and helping the weak. She lent a lot of money. The man who just got it.

As for the real cyber monster...

She was deeply suspicious from the bottom of her heart. When it came to hacking technology, she always thought of Xu Yang, the neural network engineer who defected from Gaoge Kyushu. If it was him, he should be able to do all kinds of similar tasks with his digital mind.

When I heard the news before, I always admired this guy very much, and he was able to summon the courage to escape from the giant enterprise like Senluo prison, and escape the established destiny arranged by the enterprise for us.

It is a pity that he has been discovered and killed by the witch Pan Ruiyi of the mobile riot squad. It is said that his death was extremely tragic. In the chaos of the rat tide, human life is worthless. Pan Ruiyi's strength is also ranked among the top witches in the world, and she will die in a fight with her, and it is not a problem to tear power armor.

It is not surprising that Xu Yang fled to a nameless place like Aizu Castle and died suddenly. If he persisted for one more day, he would be able to see the city being flooded by fans of Suzukawa Kii. Maybe at that time will not die.

Pan Ruiyi is the biggest winner. It is said that he also got in touch with Xisheng Capital. With this connection, plus hunting and killing

^0^ One second to remember【】

Due to Xu Yang's merits, she has been promoted continuously in the Gaoge Kyushu Security Department, and has resigned from the Mobile Riot Suppression Team, and no longer needs to supervise all parts of the Eastern Hemisphere at all times.

I'm jealous……

"In my opinion, this cyber monster may be a hacker with good technical skills." Lu Jing gathered his thoughts and put forward his own opinions, "...Be it before or now, it all proves that the other party has the ability to directly attack civilians and even civilians. Common company products, we should try our best to attract them."

"Then continue to investigate this cyber monster until the truth comes out," the power armor soldier agreed, "and then see how to deal with it, win over, kill or invite him to work."

These armored elites are the backbone of the company's security department. They undertake the most arduous combat tasks. They are also very well-rounded. All of them can be independent. A powerful company will invest in a team of such soldiers to make them cooperate with the witch. …

Lu Jing understood, but felt a trace of sympathy in his heart.

If Xu Yang is not dead, he may become a banner for the suffering company people, pointing out that leaving the giant enterprise can also find a good way out. However, from the past to the present, no matter who escaped from Gaoge Kyushu or Tianshu, all were hunted and executed, without exception.

Our future can only be to work until the last ounce of value is drained and then kicked out mercilessly.

way out...

There is no way out, take care of your job, and don't have expectations for tomorrow.

She put up a bounty on the local forum for information on the "cyborg ghost", who also took away a lot of expensive armor! Especially the legendary armor "Beast in the Cloud", if it is used by this guy to arm it, it will create an invincible terrorist existence.

On the anonymous account, Xu Yang also noticed that Tianshu was investigating the cyber monster on the forum, pointing out that it interfered with the business activities of the store under his name Yu Lie Ge in a recent event, and asked the public to actively provide clues.

Cyber ​​goblins will never show their true colors, and that's enough. Xu Yang thought to himself. This name is only a hazy existence now, but it will be heard like thunder in the future. This monster can be a ghost, a ghost that haunts corporateism.

Let's take a look at the armor collected.

He first carefully investigated and analyzed the information module of the armor, modified the positioning system inside, and deleted the back door used by the engineers of Tianshu artifacts. It took 5 minutes to clean it up.

When doing business competition analysis before, he also wrote a countermeasure against Tianshu neural network engineers, so as not to be disadvantaged in the network attack and defense battle, and now it comes in handy, what means do they have, Xu Yang There are numbers in mind.

"Do you like wearing armor?" Xu Yang showed Farosa the three nano armor boxes he got. They were not big in appearance, but they contained the universe. If they were robbed and sold by those people, it would be no problem to exchange tens of millions of funds.

"I don't want it." Farosa doesn't like armor of any kind, so the witch should wear a big hat and wrapping robes.

"What about you?" Xu Yang asked Lila, "A layer of protective gear is installed on the outside of the machine body. Your current 'empty crane' robot is a research type, not for combat."

"Nano-armor is highly adaptable to human skin, and it is difficult to support machinery." Lila regretted that she also wanted to change to a more advanced military robot body, but the time has not come, and now Aizu City is still in chaos, making it inconvenient to purchase products.

Of these three pieces of armor, according to the official introduction, one is the "Tengu" with strong mobility, suitable for quick engagement and surprising victory.

"Jiaolong" carries the ability to comprehensively enhance biological efficiency, which can make the combat experience to a higher level.

The "Beast in the Cloud" is specialized for stealth operations. It can generate a stealth position, play the effect of optical shielding, and can also lock the network access point to resist scanning and hacking.

Not to mention the special effects of the three armors, Xu Yang intends to check their respective km ratings first.

The so-called km rating is an evaluation system dominated by the company alliance, with a full score of 150, which is used to evaluate the advanced degree of a technical product.

Like the "Dimensional Immortality" game series developed by the core of the lighthouse, it is rated as km60, and the general power armor is km70. The dark gold bullets that Mateo and the others use to limit the power of the witch, Xu Yang estimates that there is a km80. …

After checking the km rating of these three armors, Xu Yang found that the armor of the beast in the cloud reached km65, and the other two were km40, so the gap was so large.

The rating details can only be queried within the company, but just by looking at the ratings, it can be estimated that the technical content inside is very high.

According to the impression of the previous company war, the hidden warrior wearing the "beast in the cloud" brought a lot of trouble to Gaoge Kyushu.

Then wear this one, the other two can be stowed away.

In particular, you can give the Jiaolong armor to Katsuragi Asa. She doesn't like implants, so it is still necessary to wear strong armor, which can improve her combat effectiveness by a few grades.

The armor of the "Beast in the Cloud" is wrapped in a square box. It is specially designed in an antique style, with long arms like a scabbard, and a golden animal head carved on the top, like an ancient cultural relic that has just been unearthed.

Opened the nano suit, there was only a black long-sleeved vest inside. After putting it on, I immediately felt that it expanded the coverage area on the body.

The armor is woven from highly malleable nanofibers, and stores a large number of nanorobots, which can quickly replicate themselves and wrap around the body. It is the crystallization of advanced technology.

Some people speculate that being armed with a nanosuit will feel like a myriad of bugs crawling on your skin, but it's actually more like being surrounded by small whirlwinds.

They spread quickly, clinging to his skin, forming

^0^ One second to remember【】

A dark body armor, some nano-robots penetrated into Xu Yang's body and connected with his neural circuits, and now they can also be manipulated through digital minds.

Nanosuits are already working.

A sense of power... well up!

Please remember this book's first domain name: . . . : m..

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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