The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 103 Underground Bat Heart

Colin tried to contact Darabon and Beta Bloodhoof, but he didn't know if it was because of the distance that the contact failed.

There is a contact transit point for the underground holy tower in Samoa City, but Darabon had said before that the underground world is not like the surface world. Even if there is a force, it is not necessarily that close. When you are not familiar with the situation, it is best not to ask for help randomly, because it may be the enemy of your friend.

Colin did not return in the end.

Not to mention the time wasted going back and forth, even if you go there, you may not be able to find the trace of the underground bats, so you should think of a way from here.

Colin and the others left the store and asked many people in other stores in Samoa City, but found nothing.

What Colin didn't know was that soon there was news in Samoa City that a kid from the surface was stupidly trying to buy underground bats. It was really confusing. Is that thing still valuable? Maybe he wanted to stock up on night-shining sand?

It's really funny. It might be easier to buy night-shining sand directly than to find underground bats. Such a stupid person can travel underground at will. It seems that humans on the surface are generally not as good as us underground.

I just don't understand why the master in the holy tower gave the surface with a larger area and more resources to those idiots above.

No matter what others think, Colin must find underground bats. At Akona's suggestion, he is ready to try his luck in the next place, Vatna City, the largest city in the first layer of the underground world.

To go to Vatna City, you can't just rely on "Bus No. 11". It takes 20 days to get from Samoa City to Vatna City even by car. If you walk, it will take at least one month.

At Akona's suggestion, Colin and her took a van pulled by the underground magic wolf to the destination.

The driver was very professional. Along the way, he introduced the situation of the cities along the way and some information about the races in the underground world to Colin, which broadened Colin's horizons.

Under Colin's deliberate guidance, Colin also learned more about the situation of the Minotaur tribe. There are Minotaur tribes distributed on the first, second and third layers of the underground. Even the driver has heard of the name of the Bloodhoof tribe. It seems that the tribe where Beta Bloodhoof belongs is quite powerful.

Twenty days later, Colin and his partner arrived safely in Vatna City. After paying the driver five wizard coins (one of which was a tip), the driver quickly went to the car shop to rest.

After arriving at Vatna, they paid two more wizard coins at the entrance of the city and were warned not to make trouble before they were allowed into the city.

The scale of Vatna City is indeed not small. From time to time, you can still see traces of humans on the surface, and there are even more underground creatures. Colin saw the towering black tower in the distance.

After asking Akona, it was indeed as Colin guessed, the only holy tower on the first layer of the underground world was also the ruler of the first layer.

Well, this is not inferior to the Griman Holy Tower. Colin has no intention to learn more about the owner of the Holy Tower. Anyway, he can't reach it. It's better to find a place to live first and then find out the news of the underground bats.

Akona is really good. I found a clean and cheap place to live. Because I don't know how long it will take to find the underground bats, I paid the rent for ten days first.

After a journey of more than 20 days, I was not tired physically, but I really needed a rest mentally. I had dinner early and went back to my room to rest.

Of course, Akona's rent was also paid by Colin.

The next morning, after breakfast, Colin and his partner began to ask about the news of the underground bats in Vatna City.

A big city is a big city. You can find news about underground bats in any store. There are night-shining sands in the commodity cabinets. I think the supplier can definitely find the underground bats.

After paying 10 wizard coins and leaving contact information, Colin and his partner had to wait patiently for the store owner to contact the supplier.

Colin, who had solved the problem, was not idle. With the mentality of gaining knowledge, he and Akona casually strolled around the city of Vatna.

Three days later, Colin received a message from the shop owner, asking him to come to the shop, where the supplier was waiting for him.

When he arrived at the shop, Colin met the supplier.

The shop owner provided Colin and his friends with a quiet room for the sake of 5 wizard coins, so that Colin and his friends could talk on their own.

"You want to buy underground bats?" the merchant asked.


"Can I ask how many do you need? What's the use of buying this?"

"Huh? Why, do you still want to ask this?"

"No, to put it bluntly, although underground bats are not a rare species of Warcraft, except for wild ones, you really can't find many people who breed them on a large scale."

"Oh, I see, you want to add money, tell me, how much?" Colin thought he understood what the other party meant, and said indifferently.

"...Young man, I think you've got it wrong. Tell me how many you need first."

"One is enough. Of course, if it's cheap, I don't mind buying more."

"Can you tell me what it's used for? Don't get me wrong, I'm just worried that someone will compete with me for the night-shining sand business."

"Oh, I don't have the time to raise this thing. In this case, you can also provide me with a batch of underground bat hearts. Of course, the fresher the better."

"Heart? If you can tell me what the underground bat heart is used for, I can give you one for free." The supplier seemed to have discovered a new way to make money.

"Sorry, it's really inconvenient to say this. Just tell me if you can sell it. Although it may be difficult to find domesticated ones, I believe there should be people who will sell wild underground bats."

"Well, actually I don't mean to pry into your privacy. It's just that if I know the use, it may become a new profit growth point for my wealth."

"Do you need old, young, female, or male?" the merchant asked.

"Uh..., it's not so particular, but as long as it is an adult, the stronger the better."

"Adult male underground bats, ordinary ones are 20 wizard coins, low-level ones are 50 wizard coins, medium-level ones are 150 wizard coins, and high-level ones are 500 wizard coins." With the intention of making a one-time deal, the merchant asked fiercely.


This price really made Colin speechless. It was outrageous. He could buy a lot of potions with this price.

However, since it was related to his own promotion, Colin still patiently bargained with this guy.

After a lot of hard work, Colin finally won three high-level underground bats for 500 wizard coins, but the other party was not confident about Colin's use and agreed to take the hearts on the spot the next day.

On the next day, under the witness of the shop owner (well, the witness fee was 20 wizard coins), Colin paid the other party 500 wizard coins, and the other party took three hearts on the spot in the laboratory behind the shop and gave them to Colin.

Originally, the remaining bat body materials should also belong to Colin, but the merchant did not mention it, and Colin did not want to waste more effort with him, so he ended the transaction.

After putting the bat heart into the space equipment, Colin was not worried that it would become ineffective. After all, the space equipment is in a state close to stillness and can be preserved for a long time.

Colin hopes to keep the heart of the high-level underground bat for himself and his family for future use. Colin thinks that since ordinary underground bats can be used to make potions, the effect of the intermediate level should not be bad.

With the intention of not making a wasted trip, Colin discussed with the merchant again, hoping to buy another batch of intermediate underground bat hearts.

Seeing that Colin would not pose a threat to his night-shining sand business, the merchant readily agreed to Colin's transaction request and sold Colin 10 intermediate underground bat hearts for 600 wizard coins.

Finally, he said that they would be delivered directly to Colin's door the next day.

The transaction on the second day was not mentioned. After paying Akona's employment fee, Colin took out the crystal ball and added Akona's contact information.

At this point, Colin's mission to the underground world was completed, and he set out on the road home alone.

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