The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 11 Colin on the training ground

The next day!

As soon as it dawned, Colin arrived at the training ground with his other partners.

I saw Knight Robert already standing on the high platform in front, with Knight Gary next to him.

Colin stood up quickly along with the others.

Robert began to lecture: "The people in this training ground are all the new forces of the Emerald Territory. Some of them have been training for two months, and some of them just joined yesterday. Regardless of the order, you have only one purpose here - training. . As long as you can’t train to death, train to death. Sweat more today and bleed less during the war.”

"The newcomers who joined yesterday will first practice basic movements with Gary Knight. After catching up with the progress, they will train with others."

"You guys, follow me." Gary Knight said.

22 people, including Colin, followed Gary to a corner of the training ground.

"Soldiers, distribute wooden guns to them." Following the instructions of Knight Gary, each of the 22 people present received a wooden gun.

"You have just started training. You will start with wooden guns. Once you are proficient, you will slowly switch to iron guns. Recently, you will mainly practice the basic movements of the gun. Pay attention. I will demonstrate it to you. You will follow suit after a while."

After that, Gary casually took the wooden gun in Aaron's hand, and saw that his legs were slightly apart, and he stood still with the gun in both hands, his eyes looking forward, and he took a small step forward with his left foot, followed by a burst of air. With a loud sound, he instantly thrust out the gun in his hand, and the straw target on the opposite side was directly knocked away.

After watching Gary Knight's demonstration, Colin was very envious. With this strength and speed, he was worthy of being a knight, he was really strong.

"You see clearly, today's first lesson is just such a movement. Each person should practice it 500 times. Only those who have practiced it enough times can eat." Gary said.

Colin tried to wave the wooden gun, which was not very heavy, and imitated the Garry Knight, and began to practice on the straw target directly in front of him.

There were several slave recruits who were a little timid on the first day of training, and their movements were inconsistent and lacked any strength.

After seeing this, Knight Gary said: "Maybe it is your first time to use weapons, and you are still a little unaccustomed to it. You can imagine the target on the opposite side as your enemy, such as the slave owner you are selling, and pick up the weapon in your hand. The gun, stab it hard, and you can shout loudly."

Colin was not so pretentious, but after shouting a few times, he found that the more he shouted, the more powerful he became, and the stimulation became more and more enjoyable.

However, as the number of times increased, I obviously felt that my arms began to feel sore and tired, the speed became slower and slower, and my stomach seemed to be getting hungrier.

Seeing that the recruits were a little slack, Gary shouted, "Don't stop, persist. Only by persisting can you get exercise. Don't you want to eat? The Emerald Territory does not support idlers."

Half the morning passed, and Colin and the other recruits finally completed 500 tasks.

Sitting in the cafeteria, Colin couldn't even lift his arms. He just finished eating the black bread and dried fish, and drank the vegetable soup in two mouthfuls. As soon as he returned to his residence, he lay down.

(Recruit training schedule: gunnery training in the morning, physical training in the afternoon, and island legal studies and spiritual education in the evening (that is, a set of brainwashing techniques such as being obedient, not causing trouble, being loyal to the Baron, etc...), and waiting for proficiency. Later, follow the militia team to train equestrian, musket use, archery and other skills).

Colin was resting and thinking wildly. Thinking of the Knight's Breathing Technique that John had given to me before he died, I felt a surge of heart-warming. I turned over and took it out from under the bed and took a look at it: "Barbie button, I can't understand... I think of my previous life as a college student, but I couldn't read... I searched for Colin. If you don't have this kind of memory, you won't be able to read at all. That's right. It's enough for a farmer to be able to farm, but can he get his turn if he can read? If he really knows how to read, he might as well be a clerk for a nobleman. There are too few people who are literate.”

"What should I do? I have a treasure mountain but can't use it." Colin said upset.

I casually flipped through Knight's Breathing Technique again. There are some action demonstrations in the middle pages, but I don't know what the words below mean, so don't practice blindly.

It seems that you have to learn how to read first, but when you come to this world, you become illiterate... In this world, there are really clear levels of hierarchy. At least you can get a few years of basic education, or you can run a literacy class.

Not to mention Colin's complaints, Nora and Penny have already begun to learn some basic etiquette rules under the guidance of the maid. Nora and Penny are both very smart girls, and they learn quickly. Because he is not very old, he does not have much work. In addition to learning basic etiquette, he just plays with Helen.

Helen had fixed study courses every day. In addition to some necessary aristocratic etiquette lessons, Helen also needed to learn a lot of knowledge. After all, as a noble lady, if she was too ignorant, other nobles would laugh at the August family for being barbaric.

"Miss, is this a book? It's so beautiful." Nora asked.

"Yes, Nora, our human heritage is inseparable from it, but because the material is rare, not everyone can have the opportunity to learn it." Helen explained over and over again while touching the cover of the book.

Looking at the thick books, Nora asked again: “Miss, can we read it too?”

When Helen heard this, she replied, "Yes, yes, but do you understand?"

Nora and Penny shook their heads.

Helen thought for a while and said, "Well, as my maid, how can you be illiterate? I will take time to teach you every day."

"You must study hard." Helen was a little excited when she thought about teaching two maids to read. Finally, there are people who are not as good as me. Can I be a teacher? Haha.


After an afternoon of physical training such as climbing and running, Colin felt that not only his arms, but also his legs and feet were not his own. Looking at other companions around him, he was still better, after all, his body was still okay, but if he wanted to live comfortably in this alien world, he had to work harder.

It was dinner time. Colin didn't have much appetite, but he still insisted on finishing dinner. Before he returned to his residence, he saw Nora coming to him.

"Brother, how is it? Are you tired?" Nora asked.

"Not bad, how about you, is there anyone bullying you in the castle?"

"No, the lady and the lady are very good to us."

"Then I feel relieved. Although I am still a slave, I feel that the baron is not bad, and the people in the territory are also friendly." Colin said.

"Well, here you go." Nora quietly stuffed a small piece of white bread into Colin's hand.

"Where did it come from? Don't make the lady and the young lady angry." Colin said quickly.

"It's okay, brother, this is the aunt in the kitchen who made too much, for me and Benny."

"You eat, brother is not hungry."

"I have eaten, brother, you take it, don't refuse, it's not good for others to see it."

"Okay." Colin said.

"By the way, brother, today Miss Helen said she would teach me and Benny to read." Nora said happily.

"Huh? Reading? That's great, I want to learn it too. Nora, you have learned it, can you teach me?"

"What's the problem, you wait for me. Brother, you go to rest first, I have to go back too, I will find a chance to teach you after that." Nora promised before she started to learn.

"Okay." At this point, Colin was excited, and now he could understand the book.

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