The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 157 Acacia Plane 1

Acacia Plane.

Whether it was the giant acacia tree in the center of the plane, the Kanin wasps on the continent, or the goblins scattered across the plane, they all saw something strange in the sky. Several huge unidentified objects that looked like ships were constantly approaching their plane.

All the creatures on the plane felt the malice of these unknown objects, except for those ignorant beasts, who were still hunting and being hunted every day.

"Is it finally here?" Nan Nan, the giant acacia tree, said.

"Master Guardian, what are these? Are they enemies?" asked the wasp queen.

"That should be it. They definitely didn't come with good intentions. Inform them and prepare for battle. By the way, don't miss the Goblin tribe. If we can win this time, I promise not to conduct blood hunting for 50 years."

"Sir, 50 years? Isn't that too long?"

"If we fail, there will be no future. 50 years is not much. Let's get through this time first. I still need to communicate with the Heart of the Plane. You go down and make arrangements."

"Yes, sir."

The Kanin wasp was very responsible and quickly obeyed the queen's order to fly to various hives and arrange the task of resisting foreign lands.

The creatures in the acacia plane knew very well that this was not only a battle for the plane, but also a battle for themselves, so the order was issued. Both the Kanin wasp that delivered the order and the goblin who received the order were preparing for battle.

The goblin Vickers and Griphook who were wandering outside the jungle had not yet entered the jungle to hunt, and they also discovered a large unidentified spacecraft in the sky.

"No way, something big has really happened. Is this an invasion by foreign enemies?" Vickers said.

"Let's go, hurry back to the tribe, don't ask, it's definitely not a good thing." La Huan didn't bother to answer Vickers, but pulled Vickers towards the tribe.


Lina and others outside the acacia plane are using the magic cannon on the airship to continuously attack the plane barrier. As long as a gap can be opened, the airship can land.

The environment in the star field is not suitable for the survival of creatures below level one. Even level one creatures can't last long. Only by breaking through the plane barrier and entering the acacia plane can the ground troops be released.

The energy of the airship is sufficient. Not only is there enough energy core stored before leaving, but more importantly, the energy-gathering witch array on the airship can continuously absorb the free energy in the star field and convert it into the kinetic energy of the airship. Therefore, although the journey has been going for almost two years, the energy of the airship is still very sufficient.

The magic cannon consumes a lot of energy. One shot consumes 5% of the total energy. According to this consumption level, the energy-gathering array cannot convert the required energy at all. This is why a large number of energy cores are carried before departure.

The power of the three magic cannons is not small, but even so, it is not a matter of a few shots to penetrate the protective barrier of a micro-plane. Moreover, this is not a sneak attack. The acacia giant tree below, as the guardian of the plane, has communicated with the heart of the plane and forcibly extracted the plane energy to strengthen its own defense.

But both Lina and the acacia giant tree know that it is only a matter of time to penetrate the plane barrier. The war will eventually return to the ground to decide the outcome.

The attack of the airship lasted for two full days. It was not until the fifth time that the energy core was replaced that the plane barrier was penetrated, creating a large gap.

Although the Heart of the Plane was still trying to repair the gap, it would have been perfectly repaired in less than ten days if there had been no attack from the magic cannon, but the airship would not give it this opportunity. Lina and others had already commanded the airship to force a landing.

Seeing the airship growing larger and landing in the southeast of the plane, the acacia tree issued a new combat order, concentrating all the forces on the plane to move toward the southeast and eliminate all invading aliens.

The airship did not land completely, and the cabin was opened less than 50 meters from the ground. The Earth Knight Derek had already led people to jump off the airship first.

Colin was also the first wizard to follow Derek off the ship, and he quickly cleared the surrounding creatures with Derek.

Except for a few unlucky goblins who went out, there were no gathering troops of the plane natives around the airship.

After ensuring safety, the three airships landed, and then Lina led everyone out of the airship.

The accompanying wizards began to follow the original plan and commanded some slave cannon fodder to speed up the construction of the base camp.

Ron Heaton led people to build the wizard tower, Lina led people to improve the protective magic circle of the base camp, and Derek was responsible for leading Colin and others to clear the creatures within 200 miles around the base.

In addition to those who stayed at the base with tasks, there were 8 first-level wizards and 24 quasi-level wizard apprentices; 8 first-level knights and 80 quasi-level knight attendants who followed Derek to carry out the clearing task; 1 first-level Tauren warrior and 30 quasi-level warriors; 80,000 Chilan slave warriors and 160,000 slave cannon fodder, marching from eight directions.

Thanks to Lina's apprenticeship, Colin and senior sister Falsa each led a team.

Colin's direction of clearing was the west. Because of concerns about safety, Colin did not bring Connie and Edith out at the beginning, but stayed in the base. Colin did not arrange formal wizards and knights, but the team following Colin was not less.

In addition to the Tauren Kobe Bloodhoof and the 30 quasi-level Tauren warriors he led, there were also 3 quasi-level wizard apprentices, 10 quasi-level knight squires, 10,000 Red Orc slave warriors, and 20,000 slave cannon fodder.

Standing on Charles' back, Colin was very high-spirited. Although this was his second time to participate in the plane war, this time was fundamentally different from the last time. The last time in the secondary fire element plane was to suppress the riot. As long as the leaders of the rebels were defeated, the ordinary fire elements would soon surrender.

This time, facing a new and unknown plane, everything was like an unopened magic box, waiting for Colin and others to open it, but Colin, who had strong confidence in himself, did not think he would fail.

Kobe was his old friend and had been employed by him. The battle scenes in the college league were vivid in his mind. His strength was recognized by Colin. Compared with an unfamiliar knight, it was far better to choose Kobe, an old friend, to make Colin feel more at ease.

In front, the slave cannon fodders were led to open up the wasteland by the quasi-level knight attendants. The creatures encountered along the way, whether ordinary beasts such as cattle and horses, or the goblin clan that Lina and others thought were the plane masters, would inevitably become the rations of the slave cannon fodder as long as they appeared in their field of vision.

The reason why slaves are called cannon fodder is because they are cheap and their strengths vary. Before they are released, they have been hungry for half a month.

There are many quasi-level and high-level creatures among the slaves. However, no matter what the reason is for them to become slaves, there is only one ending waiting for them, that is, fighting bloody battles for wizards and knights, shedding their last drop of blood until they reach the end of their lives.

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