The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 167: The Attack of the Acacia Natives Part 2

As the battle intensified, some Chilan warriors in the rear also joined the battle of the slave cannon fodder.

Although some of the remaining Chilan warriors on the wall were still desperately shooting at the approaching acacia trees, they had little effect. Facing these acacia trees and Kanin wasps, their attacks seemed a bit powerless, and finally the wizards and knights had to fight in person.

The earth knight Derek could easily deal with two acacia trees alone, and the other sixteen knights also led some knight attendants to find their opponents. At the same time, Beta and Kobe also led the tribesmen to find their targets.

There were relatively few wizards who went to the battle. Except for Colin, Edith, Connie, Paul, Ace, Wood, and Marcus, the rest of the wizards and wizard apprentices had returned to the wizard tower and the airship.

After a simple combination, Colin formed a group of three, Paul and Marcus formed a group, and Ace and Wood formed a group to fight against the remaining three acacia trees respectively.

The magic cannon of the airship does not fire frequently, but facing the cannon that can penetrate the plane barrier, at least tens of thousands of goblins will be killed or injured with one shot.

The target of the wizard tower is not these goblins, but the chain lightning released towards the Kanin wasp colony. One attack of two wizard towers can kill nearly a thousand wasps.

Colin and his wife had no time to pay attention to other battlefields. They were facing the first-level acacia tree in front of them, the first-level wasp lord on the tree, and nearly three hundred wasp colonies.

The three couples have cooperated for many years, and they know what the other party wants to do with just one look. It's still the old rule to clean up the creatures below level one first.

Edith is responsible for restraining the acacia tree, Connie is responsible for restraining the wasp lord, Charles protects the two women nearby, and Colin deals with these wasp colonies first.

Colin also saw the chain lightning released by the wizard tower, which had a great killing power on the wasp swarm, but he was not very familiar with the chain lightning, and only stayed at the level where he could release it normally. If he considered the speed of killing the enemy, fire spells were more suitable for him.

Colin's fireball spell can be instantly fired, and the speed is extremely fast, like a Gatling gun, continuously firing deadly fireballs. There are more than 300 wasps, with high and low strengths. Wasps with intermediate strength or above are not afraid of Colin's fireball spell.

However, the more than 160 low-level wasps were a bit miserable. Those who were directly hit were either burned to death or burned to death. Those who were closer also suffered different degrees of burns. Only those who were farther away were lucky enough to escape this fatal blow.

Colin fired dozens of fireballs. After killing dozens of low-level wasps, he began to hastily replenish his defensive spells. The body shield, a first-level defense spell of the earth system, has a very strong defense.

Facing the concentrated shooting of more than a hundred intermediate and higher level wasps, it can still remain intact. One can only sigh again at its amazing defense.

Colin felt that he could eliminate those low-level wasps in two more times, but these damn intermediate and higher level wasps continued to attack him. He had to replenish defense spells while using fireballs to deal with them, and he could not spare his hands to attack those low-level wasps.

The battle between Connie and the wasp lord was tepid. The shooting between one person and one insect was back and forth, and the winner could not be determined for the time being.

With the help of Charles, Edith has been restraining the acacia giant tree. The acacia giant tree itself is relatively huge, not to mention the large number of branches and spikes that can be fired.

Edith's life spell is ice barrier, and its defense is stronger than the body shield released by Colin, but she doesn't want to face the attack of acacia branches directly. It's just a few acacia spikes, which are easy to resist without pressure.

Edith knew her position to divert the attack. It was not the time to attack the acacia tree yet. As long as the acacia tree did not attack Connie and Colin, the mission would be accomplished.

Therefore, Edith had the energy to observe the battle between Connie and Colin. After seeing that Connie was not in any danger for the time being, she turned her attention to Colin.

Edith immediately discovered the stalemate on Colin's side. It was not that Colin's attack power was insufficient, but that he had to replenish his defensive spells from time to time, which prevented him from concentrating on dealing with the hornet swarms.

After seeing the situation clearly, Edith released an ice barrier for Colin while dodging the attack of the acacia branches.

Colin, who was supported by Edith, had the support of two layers of defensive spells and finally freed his hands to instantly launch the fireball spell again.

Because Colin's sudden attack and defense switch was unexpected, this wave of fireball spells caused nearly 80 casualties among low-level hornets.

There were less than 50 low-level hornets left on the field. With Colin's persistence, they were finally wiped out one by one.

Now Colin's opponents have become these 10 or so wasp leaders, 30 or so high-level wasps, and 70 or so intermediate wasps.

Colin's new target this time is the 70 or so intermediate wasps. The fireball spell is no longer applicable and cannot hurt them.

Colin released a spell that he only mastered after level 1, the fire rope shackle. Although this spell is not a group attack spell, it can take away more than 10 intermediate wasps in one attack.

Although the ruler of the plane is the acacia giant tree, and the nominal leader of each place is also the acacia giant tree, the actual commander of the battlefield is the wasp lord.

The wasp lord who was on the line with Connie had seen the number of his people decreasing sharply, but she couldn't get away. She called out to the acacia tree, hoping that he could help her, but the acacia tree was too slow. When he was about to support the wasp swarm, Edith released spells such as freezing and frozen path, and the movement became even slower. The short few hundred meters became a natural barrier between the acacia tree and the wasp swarm.

Colin also increased the frequency of releasing the fire rope shackles again. After several attacks, he finally cleared the intermediate wasps. Now there are only more than 40 wasp leaders and advanced wasps left.

At the beginning, he was trying to save mana. In fact, the most effective attack is his skill spell Lava Purgatory. Now it's time to use the remaining 40 wasps.

Colin drank a bottle of intermediate mana potion and replenished his mana, which was more than half consumed. Under the effect of the potion, his mana gradually recovered. With the support of mana, Colin began to release the Lava Purgatory.

There was no need to distinguish between the commander and the advanced. Under the Lava Purgatory, they were all ants.

Except for the first-level wasp lord, these wasp commanders and advanced wasps were not the enemy of the Lava Purgatory. They would die if they touched them.

After using the Lava Purgatory only five times, the wasp swarm was cleared.

Now the offense and defense were completely reversed, and it became 4V2. Three wizards plus a quasi-level monster fought against the first-level acacia giant tree and the first-level wasp lord.

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