The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 202 Colin's New Mission

The discussion between Stannie and the three people soon came to a conclusion. More troops must be added. As for the agreement with the elves, it is easy to explain. After all, there are too many losses in the front, not to mention that they have not asked the elves for more. What compensation.

Wizarding World, Cadia City, Headquarters of the Listan Knights Alliance.

"Sir, a request for additional troops has been sent from the Agri plane." Heavenly Knight Othello reported.

"It's only been a few years. I guess Stannie and the others have just passed by. They can't stand it anymore? They brought a lot of people with them this time." Demigod Knight Listan asked doubtfully.

"Sir, Stannie and the others have also made it clear that the situation over there is relatively complicated now. If you want to achieve greater gains, you must increase your troops. Moreover, the main losses this time are the slave cannon fodder, and the knights and attendants have suffered very little losses." Othello explained.

"Oh? Does Stannie mean to further control the Agri plane?"

"Yes, sir, I think he has this intention, but in the end it is still up to you to decide."

"Let me think about it, there seem to be quite a few level three creatures over there."

"Yes, sir, there are three third-level creatures in the elves. In the three major human empires, each family has at least two third-level professionals on the surface, and at least 1-2 are hiding in the dark. If you count, On the Orc Alliance side, I think there are at least 10 more level 3 creatures, and the entire plane needs to be calculated as more than 20 level 3 creatures."

"It's really not that small. It's hard for our family to take over that plane. If we want to take over the entire plane, the losses will be too great and the gains will not be worth the losses. At least we need to introduce two forces to share the burden." Listan thought. After a moment, he said.

"Sir, Stannie and the others exchanged a seed of the Tree of Life. If the conditions are right, it can grow into a new Tree of Life. It is a semi-god-level existence. No matter where it is used, it is worth it. Such a seed , they have two more over there.”

"We still have decades of alliances with the elves. If we tear up our alliance easily, we can't afford the backlash. However, the human kingdom can think of a way. Since they expelled our offices, the alliance has become It’s a piece of waste paper.”

"Sir, which two forces are more suitable for us to invite?"

“The Victor family will need to continue to send more wizards for the next increase in troops. They have been relying on us for so long, so it’s time to do something.

As for the other two forces, I have thought about it and let you know. You can go down and prepare first. "Listan ordered.

"Yes, my lord." Othello quickly withdrew.

"Hey, I'm so busy. I really want to lead the troops there directly. The temptation of Level 4 is too great. I also want to be promoted to Level 4." Listan sighed after Othello left.

Stannie and the others could only wait patiently as to what the Listan headquarters was thinking, but some new combat arrangements could be made in advance.

The task given to Colin and several other evocation wizards was no longer to continue making potions, but to go deep into the rear of the orc coalition to carry out sabotage activities.

Several other wizards are better at transformation. They can change into the appearance of orcs and sneak into the orc city to carry out sabotage activities. So why choose Colin? Because although Colin does not know transformation, he is good at invisibility and has a relatively high actual combat level. , so they were also included in the selection of candidates for this sabotage mission behind enemy lines.

On the eve of the trip, Colin also met with Charlotte. It was a temporary farewell to his friends. Charlotte once wanted to follow Colin out, but Colin sternly refused. Not to mention Charlotte's identity as the elf princess, just her Her strength is really not good enough. If she has to take care of her after she goes out, Colin feels that he will become very dangerous.

In desperation, Charlotte had to give up, but she kept telling Colin to be careful and would rather complete fewer tasks to ensure his own safety.

Colin felt a little funny. Being told by a minor to pay attention to safety, well, I really thought I was a grown-up for so many years, but the concern for my friends was still very useful.

The next day, before departure, Colin and the others were given combat orders by Stannie. Everyone was different. Colin's mission goal was to destroy the recruit training camp in Steelmane City and kill as many orc recruits as possible.

After leaving the Essel Forest, Colin looked at a map carefully and said, "Who drew this map? It's really unreliable. The proportions of the Essel Forest and Huangyan City shown on the map are wrong." , if you follow this map to find Steel Mane City, you really don’t know where you will end up.

Hey, let’s follow the map first. The Agri plane doesn’t look like a weak plane. Why can’t you even understand how to draw a map to the same scale? "Colin said helplessly.

Steelmane City is located in the southeast of the Orc Empire. It can also be regarded as a border town of the Orc Kingdom. Since the orcs and giants formed an alliance, it has always existed as a military fortress for training new recruits.

The lord of Steelmane City, Siwaine, is a second-level pig-headed warrior. Most of the guards in the city are his people, but the training camp in the city has a large number of orcs and half-orcs of all races.

Unlike the elves, the orcs still recognize the half-orcs. Most of these half-orcs are the offspring of the orcs who went south to attack human cities many times and robbed human women.

For example, for orcs, although half-orcs are slightly lacking in combat power, they are much stronger in intelligence. Some half-orcs who are better at getting along can even become the superior officers of orcs.

The orcs can get to this level, which has a lot to do with the orcs' think tank, the fox tribe.

In the early years, the orcs only existed as slaves of the orcs, and usually helped the orcs do some odd jobs. But after the fox tribe discovered that the wisdom of these orcs was generally higher than that of ordinary orcs, the orcs began to be valued and gradually entered all aspects and fields of the orc empire.

The appearance of the orcs varies greatly. Most of the orcs retain some physical characteristics of orcs, but there are also orcs who look similar to humans, especially the monkey orcs, who are more human-like.

At first glance, if you don't look closely at the short tail behind, there is really not much difference between them and humans.

After Colin used the invisibility technique to hide from the guards of Steel Mane City and entered the city, he easily discovered the situation of the monkey orcs. After disguising himself, he also generously revealed his figure. As long as he didn't run into the second-level city lord, I believe that ordinary people would not easily see through him.

However, it was still easy during the day. Before night, Colin had to find a suitable place to live and an identity, otherwise he would be easily carefully checked if he wandered around the streets at night.

Colin walked on the streets of Steel Mane City, looking for a suitable place to live while thinking about observing the situation of the Orc recruit training camp from a distance.

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