The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 233 Exploring the Unknown Dimension

"Hiss, it's a bit cold..."

This was Colin's first reaction when he came to this plane. According to his physical data comparable to that of a formal knight, as long as he didn't encounter extreme climates, he shouldn't be able to feel cold, not to mention being immune to cold and heat.

Colin tried it, and his mana was working normally, but there was more free negative energy in the air. Of course, the energy of other elements was just a little less, but it was not extinct. I believe that people with dark attributes should feel very suitable.

Colin observed everything around him. The sky was gray and he couldn't tell day from night. Only some strange lights crossed the sky from time to time, allowing people to barely see things. However, as a formal wizard, Colin's perception ability was still very strong, and even if the light was very dim, it didn't affect him much.

"Is the place where I am probably a wasteland? There is no special existence around, and I can't see any special landforms. Looking in several directions is almost the same, there is silence, and there is no sign of any life. Is this an uninhabited area?" Colin was also a little confused.

Colin tried to take a few steps. The ground was fairly solid, but the mottled color of the soil on the ground made Colin a little unhappy. It was actually dominated by white. He picked up some and observed it. Colin felt that it looked a bit like bone meal?

Hmm? Bone meal?

Colin was smart. What plane is this?

How could there be so much bone meal mixed in the soil, or even some soil mixed in the bone meal?

Since he had accepted the task of exploring this plane, Colin naturally needed to explain to the Dela family. He had too little information now. Besides, he wanted to go back just after arriving? No matter how good his relationship with Old Tang was, he probably couldn't explain it to their family.

Forget it, let's choose a direction to explore first.

But before setting off, there was something he had to do first.

Colin took out a stone from the alien space. It was the teleportation stone that he had obtained from the necromancer Pugna a long time ago. Before he was promoted to a formal wizard, Colin knew very little about this teleportation stone. After he was promoted and began to study space wizards, he discovered the extraordinaryness of this teleportation stone.

According to Colin's judgment, the teleportation stone that Pugna got should not be a later product of the Victorian World. At least it was something left over from the Magic World. Otherwise, with the knowledge reserves of the Victorian World before it was integrated into the wizard world, it would not be possible to produce such a thing.

As for where Pugna got this teleportation stone, Colin will never have the opportunity to learn, but as long as I have it, it's enough, no matter where it comes from.

The basic function of the teleportation stone is to record the current coordinates in it, and teleport to the previously recorded coordinates when the energy is sufficient. It may be limited by the material of the heirloom stone. Only three coordinates can be recorded at the same time. Recording again will overwrite the first recorded coordinates.

And coming to the other plane, who knows if there will be any crisis. Since there is this treasure, of course, take it out and use it. However, this teleportation stone has a disadvantage, that is, the teleportation distance is limited. Colin has tried it before, at least he can't teleport back and forth between Mogwen City and Emerald Island.

However, Colin judged that if he studies space magic deeply enough in the future, he might be able to solve this mystery.

After recording the current coordinates, Colin released Rose.

Rose also felt cold, but she felt very happy physically and mentally. She said that this place is very suitable for her, and she felt like a fish in water. If she came here earlier, she would have been promoted long ago.

Colin still has thirty slave creatures, but they are not used for the time being, so he will not summon them. Since he is ready to set off, Charles, the means of transportation, must come out.

"I \u0026, where is this, Colin boy, where did you take Uncle Charles?"

"Don't be funny, let's go, just go over there, fly slowly, and be careful about everything." Colin didn't talk nonsense with Charles, but took Rose and jumped on Charles' back.

"It's really boring. We haven't been together for more than ten years. We are really estranged." Seeing that Colin didn't want to joke, Charles also became serious and began to fly cautiously in the direction of Colin's finger.

Because there is no distinction between day and night in this plane, Colin was afraid that it would be difficult to calculate the time, so he asked Dixing to count according to the time of one day in the wizard world. After Charles flew for ten days, Colin told him to stop.

Colin took out the teleportation stone again to record a coordinate, and then began to observe the surrounding environment. It looked similar to the position ten days ago, with not much difference, but there were some differences when he looked closely.

The proportion of bone powder was different, not less, but more. In addition to bone powder, some bone fragments were also found. After finding nothing else, Colin rode Charles forward again.

Ten days later, Colin stopped again, still recording the current coordinates, sinking down to observe the bone layer under him, and found that not only were there a lot more bone fragments than the position a few days ago, but he also felt the free soul energy.

Colin and Rose cast spells to summon the free soul energy for exploration, but it was only relatively pure soul energy, without any information.

This place is really a paradise for those who practice dark magic. Such pure soul energy can be absorbed directly. Without Colin's words, Rose has already started to do so.

According to the observation results of Earth, Rose's soul fire is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. If she keeps practicing, Colin believes that Rose will soon reach the peak of the quasi-level again. If her mental power meets the standard again, she will have great hope of promotion.

Hey, this is an unintentional gain.

However, Colin did not have the time to wait for Rose to practice here, but asked her to continue to sit on Charles and fly forward.

A few days later, Colin looked down from the sky and could already see some scattered skeleton creatures. They wandered unconsciously, neither moving in a certain direction nor attacking each other, and even did not avoid each other when they collided.

There was nothing new about the collision of two skeletons. Naturally, the strong one hit the weak one, and after falling down, they got up and continued to wander aimlessly.

Colin saw that there were only a few skeletons around, and felt that there was no danger, so he let Charles fly down.

As Colin and his team continued to approach the ground, the unconscious skeletons seemed to have a little spirit, and they began to slowly raise their heads and look at Colin and his team.

Colin saw a trace of soul fire in their deep eye sockets, and Colin began to be interested. Is it that soul fire will only be produced when certain conditions are met?

Colin did not let Rose move around, he jumped directly from Charles' back.

The moment Colin landed, the skeletons moved, making a clacking sound and slowly surrounding Colin.

Colin naturally had nothing to worry about dealing with these skeletons that were not strong enough. He waited quietly, waiting for the next move of these skeletons.

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