The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 249 Lina in Trouble

Colin's half-apprentice Barrick was lucky enough to survive the last offensive and defensive battle. Colin didn't take special care of him last time, but after releasing him, he still arranged him near his three wives.

Barrick, who was seriously injured after the war, received timely treatment. After experiencing this war, Barrick also let go of the matter of Listan and the Elf Kingdom's counterattack against the Orc Empire.

Because there was no one else at home, Colin didn't bring Charles this time, which led to half of the spoils being taken away by others when he met Bwell last time.

The cooperation with his partner Chegus became more and more harmonious. Although he didn't encounter a native of the Blue Nabo plane in the more than ten days of fighting, Colin knew that the natives were not big enough, and a single offensive and defensive battle did not eliminate many sea tribes, so Colin didn't dare to relax for a moment during the patrol.

The Black Mamba Command still couldn't think of a way to deal with Sibande. Teacher Lina just reminded Colin to pay attention to safety many times, and there was no other news.

Since the base has more than eight wizard towers, not only Colin, but other creatures in the wizard world have felt a little safer. The base has a stronger strike force. If the Blue Nabo natives come again, I believe their losses will be greater this time.

But this is just a thought. More than ten days have passed, and the natives have not attacked again. The war will not stop, nor will it continue like this. After the construction of the base is completed, even if the natives do not come, the Black Mamba Command will definitely arrange for everyone to take the initiative to attack.

On this day, after Colin and his partner Chegus finished patrolling, he received a message from teacher Lina, asking him to meet her.

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Colin did not neglect it and went to find Lina as soon as possible.

"There is no big problem with the construction of the base. The follow-up is to continue to increase the construction of wizard towers until the scheduled fifteen are completed. In the next stage of the war, if we cannot effectively consume the opponent, we can only take the initiative to attack, and our Heaton family will also take on tasks in several areas."

Colin continued to listen to Lina's story without interrupting.

"I know your two wives are good at ice and water magic, and they have no problem fighting underwater. They can cooperate with your uncle Jaina to carry out a mission..." Lina didn't finish the rest of the words, but she probably wanted Colin to agree.

"Uh, can't I go together?" Colin had no reason to object, but when he heard about the mission, he still hoped to protect his wives nearby.

"You are not suitable for long-term underwater combat, and they are not going to carry out combat missions. In addition to your uncle, there is also Knight Edward. He is also a second-level professional like your uncle. You can go back and think about it." Lina didn't say what specific mission to carry out, but also explained that there were two second-level professionals leading the team.

Colin, who returned to his residence, took the initiative to talk about this with his three wives. According to Colin's idea, he didn't want his two wives to carry out any mission. This time, the invasion of the Lannabo plane was sufficient, and there was no need to take risks.

But Helen and Edith thought about it and agreed. One is that Teacher Colin has cared for him for many years, and from the perspective of the contract, in fact, there is no need to say anything to Colin, and you can give orders directly.

Second, they both felt that with two second-level professionals leading them, there shouldn't be a big problem. Besides, Colin's uncle Jaina had briefly served as Helen's mentor, and she should be able to take good care of them.

Connie didn't make a rash statement. She felt that what Colin and the two sisters said was right, but seeing that Helen and the others were determined, she had to bless the two sisters.

The next morning, Colin and his two wives found Lina together. When Lina saw people coming, she naturally didn't need to say much. It seemed that Colin's family had discussed it and agreed to carry out the mission.

To be honest, Lina was really afraid that Colin would not agree. The order was given by the Black Mamba Commander. This mission was not only for the Heaton family, but also for several forces. They were required to summon wizards proficient in water and ice magic and knights of the Wave Knights to carry out the task of finding the trace of Siband.

It would be fine if she agreed to it smoothly. If she didn't agree, and she had to use the contract as an excuse, it would definitely hurt the relationship between the master and the apprentice, which would make it difficult for Lina. The most important thing was that the Heaton family couldn't find any other water wizards, and they couldn't accept any missions, which would definitely affect the overall interests of the Heaton family.

Because if the plane guardian, Siband, was not eliminated, it would be too dangerous to launch a large-scale attack under the sea. It would be best to find his whereabouts and use the giant cannon of the space fortress to eliminate him in advance.

Moreover, the leader of the Heaton family team was not Jaina as Colin thought, but Saladin, the Sky Knight of the Wave Knights, and of course there were some knights of the Wave Knights.

Colin's mission did not change much. He continued to patrol the fixed sea area with his partner Chegus. Connie had no other missions and was able to rest in the base. Helen and Edith's missions were set for five days later.

Before setting off, Colin brought his two wives to visit his uncle Jaina. Colin had not seen Jaina very often in the past few years, and he didn't even know when Jaina was promoted to the second level. However, because of Lina, Jaina was very familiar with Colin's protective nature and said that she would do her best to protect his two wives.

Before Colin expressed his gratitude, Edward's knight beside him interrupted and said that he would take good care of Colin's two wives.

"Well, okay, then thank the uncle and Knight Edward." Colin also admired Edward, the earth knight, very much. He had been licking him for many years, but judging from the current situation of the uncle and Edward getting along, at least it was effective.

Colin thought about it and understood Edward's thoughts. If Edward wanted to accomplish good things with uncle Jaina, it would not only require Jaina himself, but also the recognition of teacher Lina. As Lina's disciple, he could naturally help a little, so it was not surprising to say what he said just now.

Five days had passed, and the leader, the Sky Knight Saladin, seemed to have made full preparations. He brought several knights from their knights and met with Jaina, Helen and others to the mission site.

Although Colin was still a little worried, since Helen and Edith had left, he could only choose to believe them.

Colin, who was worried, had also asked his partner Chegus. According to Chegus, the Sky Knight Saladin was naturally very powerful, so Colin just had to put his heart at ease.

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