The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 252 Locking on Sibande

The peaceful days did not last long, especially when aliens were found in various waters of the Blue Nabo Ocean. The plane guardian Siband was also thinking about the intentions of the Black Mamba.

They divided these elite teams. What were they doing? They didn't look like they were attacking. They were sabotaging, but that was not the case. Could it be that they were just killing a few sea creatures at random? That wouldn't affect the overall situation.

Forget it, no matter what, Siband just wanted to make the most extensive mobilization, mobilize the power of the entire plane, and attack that base. The sea people would not retreat until they fought to the last one.

And this time he also called on some sleeping races in the deepest part of the sea to wake up and fight together to defend the Blue Nabo plane. His war mobilization order was conveyed to every sea race in a way unique to the sea people.

At the moment of life and death, this time they would never be allowed to retreat, and they would never retreat without repelling those aliens.

The sea people were mobilized again. Although some of the sea people suffered heavy casualties last time, there was no way out this time, so they had to muster up their courage again and rush towards the base on the island.

The patrol team members in the sea area around the base also found something unusual. There were many more sea creatures surfacing to attack them. Colin and his team had already had such an experience, so they naturally retreated to the base early.

In the wizard tower of the base, the senior leaders of several forces were concentrating on staring at the compass. After only three days, they found that the locator in the west had an abnormality. It should be that they sensed the trajectory of Siband.

They were waiting, waiting for Siband's final range of action. According to the location of their base, if Siband wanted to attack, he had to go further south.

The Black Mamba Command had already communicated with the space fortress. The giant cannon there was already full of energy and ready to launch a shocking attack at any time.

After issuing the general mobilization order, Siband frequently felt uncomfortable, as if he was being stared at by something. He thought about it. Only the giant cannon on the alien's celestial body could pose a threat to him, but he was hidden deep under the water and did not show his head. How could they determine their position?

He suppressed his impatience and calmly commanded his tribesmen and other sea tribes to rush towards the aliens' base. He didn't believe that the power of the entire plane could not overthrow those wizard towers?

The Black Mamba Command saw that the locators showed abnormal conditions one after another. Just as they expected, the plane guardian Siband was slowly rushing towards the location of their base.

They have already determined the time interval between one locator and another. Of course, Siband is still a little far away from the base, so they need to wait and confirm it. Once it is finally confirmed that there is no problem with the measurement, the giant cannon in the sky will definitely give Siband a fatal blow.

While the command was waiting for Siband, the offensive and defensive battle outside the base had been going on for a month. This time was not like the first time. The natives of Lannabo would flee if they couldn't win. This time, there were only natives who died in battle on the opposite side, and there were no natives who escaped.

The casualties of the slave creatures were already quite a lot, and as the main force of this attack, the warlocks, wizards and knights were also injured again.

Colin's partner did not stay with him this time, but returned to the Wave Knights to organize a resistance against the plane natives in one direction. He was able to resist the attack of the plane natives together with his three wives.

Half-apprentice Barrick's injuries increased again. After more than a month of hard work, it was not in vain. His combat experience was also enriched a lot, and he already had 20% of the posture of a certain "Monkey King" in Colin's impression.

However, after Barrick suffered a fatal injury, Colin gave him a bottle of recovery potion and still took him away.

Barrick's position was replaced by countless slave creatures. When Colin and his family fought, they tried to keep one person ready for defense and be ready to deal with possible sneak attacks at any time.

But there was no such thing. This time it was a fair offensive and defensive battle, and there was no sneak attack on the opposite side to target Colin's family.

When Colin and his team were almost vomiting from the fight, they seemed to feel a pressure coming from the air. They took the time to look up at the sky and saw that the giant cannon of the space fortress seemed to be aimed in a direction and fired a ray of light of death again.

The direction of the light of death was the direction of Siband's activities. Siband finally figured out why he felt uneasy. It turned out that the big guy in the sky was aiming at him, but he couldn't figure out how the other party located his position.

Siband knew that he couldn't escape. He could only hold up his shield and mobilize the power of the plane to bless himself, hoping to survive this time and then change positions.

The speed of the light of death was very fast. Siband was hit just after he was well defended. The light of death, which exceeded the intensity of the demigod attack, was a blow to Siband that could not be ignored. The moment it came into contact with his shield, it broke the shield. The plane power acting on his body only offset the remaining light of death behind.

He managed to resist, but after the second ray of death light was fired, Siband felt that no matter where he fled, he would be located and found.

He once again mobilized the power of the plane, and at the same time he thought of what the aliens did in the ocean some time ago, which should be related to what happened today, but now there is no chance to find out the reasons.

He only hoped that the power of the plane would be far greater than that of the cannon and that he would finally hold on. At this time, he only cared about himself and ignored the tribesmen and sea creatures that were melted along the way by the light of death.

The natives of the Lannabo plane were still attacking the base in waves, but they had already heard about the power of the light of death. Now they were firing in one direction. Some smart natives also thought that it should be the position of the plane guardian.

Although they were still attacking the base, their movements had slowed down and they were also waiting for some results.

After firing the third light of death, all the third-level professionals of the Black Mamba Command, except for the necessary personnel left behind, left the wizard tower and flew towards the direction of Siband.

Because Lina had not reached the third level and arranged the task of defending the base, she could still defend against the third-level creatures on the opposite side by using the fifteen wizard towers in the base.

Colin looked at the third-level professionals of the Black Mamba Command flying in the sky. They should be looking for the plane guardian to fight.

He knew that this was not his home ground, but one day he would be promoted to level three. After coming to his senses, Colin and his wives continued to deal with the natives of the plane in front of them. They could only wait for the outcome of the battle between those big men.

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