The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 284 Colin's New Understanding

After "coming out of retreat", Colin looked thinner, but he was full of energy. Colin, who had not yet adjusted himself, had a captivating look at a glance, which made the servants who accidentally met him dizzy.

In the past twelve years, Colin only came out for a few days because of a shortage of advanced mental potions. His family knew the importance of Colin's promotion, especially the women, who took the initiative to take on many of Colin's tasks.

Lina also knew that Colin was busy with promotion. If there was a shortage of manpower, she would also transfer Colin's wives, but they were all tasks with low safety factors, and they would not leave the wizarding world.

Nothing major happened to Colin's friends in the past twelve years, except for one thing, which was completed under the auspices of Helen before Colin came out.

It was Old Tang, the guy who finally got the beauty and won Emily's heart. However, Emily still liked the profession of lecturer. Although she married Old Tang, she returned to Emerald Academy to teach students magic. In desperation, Old Tang had to run between the two. The airship pilots between the family and Emerald Island all recognized Old Tang.

After marrying Emily, Old Tang rarely came to Colin's home. It seems that he approached with a purpose at the beginning.

There is also good news, that is, his son Coulson has cultivated to the peak of the quasi-level, and will be ready to be promoted to a first-level wizard in the near future. If Colin can't come out again, he may not see his son's promotion.

Under the leadership of Charles, Emerald Academy has developed very well in recent years, far exceeding the development of the previous Gandalf period. George William August, the nephew of Hailu, was also promoted to a first-level knight in the early years. After the promotion, he also resigned from his position on the island.

Although he did not join a certain faction, due to the special situation of the Victoria Islands, William still had a better relationship with the Victoria Magician Council, and also had some contact with the Freemason Knights under the Grimman Islands.

William had handed over the affairs of the island to his descendants early on. Now it was William's grandchildren who were in power. William rarely cared about the affairs of the island. He was more concerned about the affairs of the Emerald Academy.

Colin and his family were warm and cozy all night. The love of the girls for Colin never decreased, but they still couldn't help complaining about his declining physical strength, saying that he should pay attention to maintenance in the future. Helen was also excited to prepare some potions to increase physical fitness in a short time, which made Colin feel ashamed.

The next day, as usual, Colin was going to look for his teacher Lina. He hadn't seen her for more than ten years, and he really missed her. In addition, the contract period was about to end, but the friendship with the teacher could not be lost, and he had to hold on to this thick leg.


Feeling the power that Colin inadvertently emanated, Lina understood that this kid had successfully advanced, and finally did not waste my careful training. After being promoted to level two, he can help me more, but the contract period is about to expire, so why not try again.

"Advanced?" Although Lina guessed it, she wanted to confirm it.

"Yes, I have advanced, thanks to your help, teacher."

"No more extra words, are you interested in signing some time with the teacher?"

"Uh..., teacher, as long as you summon me, I will definitely come as soon as possible, but I'd better forget about signing the contract. I feel a little constrained."

"Okay, I won't force you. Since you are here, I will also tell you about the changes on the continent in recent years.

Last time I told you that the leaders of some major forces have gradually been promoted to level four. In the more than ten years since you were preparing to advance, several level four masters have been promoted on the continent one after another.

I got The news is that the new session of the Wizard World Alliance Conference will be held in three years, which is one year after the contract between you and me expires.

I can't tell what changes will happen by then, but since you have been promoted to level two, it is much better than level one. If you have the opportunity, you must participate more in alliance affairs. It will be helpful for both yourself and the power you want to establish in the future. The will of the wizard world is always paying attention to us. "

"I understand, teacher, when will you be promoted to level three?"

"I thought I would reach the top before the continent changes, but now it seems It looks like it's still a little short. There are only less than three years left, which is a bit too hasty. I guess I can only consider promotion after the Alliance Conference. Maybe I will miss something, but there is no way. I am fast enough. "

"Hey, teacher, you were also delayed in the Griman Academy a few years ago. After all, the resources there are not as many as those provided by the Heaton Family."

"That's not the case. The Griman Academy is pretty good to us sisters, but there are too many people to consider in the academy, so there are fewer resources for us. The current patriarch of the Heaton Family is me, so of course the resources are provided to the maximum extent. This cannot be compared."

"Well, teacher, do you still have contact with the Griman Academy?"

"Yes, a few years ago, Master Rodbell came to visit the Heaton Manor. It was only then that I learned that he was actually a senior disciple of Lord Griman. Later, after he stopped paying attention to the affairs of the academy, he was quickly promoted to the third level.

Although my sisters and I left the Griman Academy, we have a friendship of more than a hundred years. Master Rodbell still took good care of us sisters at the beginning. Although we lost contact for decades after we came back, our relationship is still good now.

By the way, if you want to build a power, then the Victoria Islands where you are is also a member of the Grimman Islands Alliance, and will naturally be related to the Grimman Academy. You will have to deal with them in the future. You must make friends with a power that has level 4 masters. "

"I understand, teacher, both the Victoria Magician Council and the Emerald Island Academy are related to the Grimman Academy. I'm not stupid, how could I offend the Grimman Academy. "

The subsequent conversation was mainly about trivial matters. After chatting with Lina for a while, Colin returned home.

In the following three years, Colin did not travel far. He basically stayed in the Mogwen area. Not for anything else, but more to consolidate his realm, familiarize himself with his physical condition, and learn new skills.

The study of witchcraft is step-by-step, and there is nothing new. As long as the time is up, there is no problem in understanding those witchcraft. Colin first learned fire witchcraft, and other witchcraft can only be ranked later.

There is only one skill that appeared after Colin was promoted, which is semi-elementalization. What does it mean? It means that if the opponent attacks, Colin can use this skill to avoid 50% of the physical side attacks. Simply put, it exempts half of the opponent's attacks.

At this time, Colin also understood why the wizard world is not called the knight world, because the gap between wizards and knights will be further widened. At least before the fourth level, wizards can basically suppress knights.

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