The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 286 The Sixth World Wizard Alliance Conference Part 2

Merlin's re-election was expected by everyone, but there were also a few forces with ideas that sank in their hearts.

Although I also voted for Merlin, I still felt a little disgusted with Merlin's unanimous election. For so many years, I have made friends with other forces, actively explored new planes, and made a lot of contributions to the wizard world. Why? Still not as good as Merlin?

Of course, there are only a few people who have such ideas, and it does not affect the smooth progress of the conference.

The second item of the conference is naturally to form a new parliamentary leadership. The method is different from the first vote. This is Merlin's recommendation plus personal self-recommendation. Of course, in addition to this, it is also necessary to obtain the consent of more than half of the participants.

What is different from the previous times is that this time because a lot of level 4 strongmen have been promoted, the threshold has been raised, and the standards have also changed. After friendly communication between Merlin and everyone, a new term of parliamentarians has been formed.

There are only two deputy speakers, one is the Sun Guardian Helis, and the other is the wizard Griman. The range of senators is all the strong men above level 4 and a very small number of demigod-level strong men. The rest of the participants are all lower senators. Some representatives of different planes, representing their rulers, have obtained seats as alternate senators.

The third agenda of the conference is to study the legacy issues of the previous conference and deal with the issues on the eve of this conference.

This agenda is relatively long, lasting for more than a month. There are many legacy issues from the previous session, but most of them have been resolved in the past few hundred years. In order to legalize the "black wizards" proposed by the representatives of the Dalavini region, the lifting of the mainland ban has not been passed so far. As before, it has not been passed this time.

From the end of the last parliament to the convening of this parliament, many things have happened in the past few hundred years. Under the coordination of various forces at the meeting, most of them will be resolved after the meeting.

The last item on the agenda was to decide the development strategy for the next thousand years. This item also took a long time, three months, to agree on a lot of content, but most of it was far from Lina and Colin at the moment, and only a few items were related to them.

First, the Bijini Business Alliance needs to increase its support for various forces, large and small, by providing interest-free or low-interest loans to enable them to have the necessary development funds, especially loans for some forces to purchase space fortresses, which must be given priority.

Second, the Mechanic Alliance should continue to increase cooperation and exchanges with the floating city, strive to maximize the production capacity of the space fortress, and improve the technology of the airship, share some of the space fortress technology on the airship, and realize the efficient operation of the transportation industry in the wizard world.

Third, in view of the current lack of staff in the Security Affairs Department and the inability to effectively maintain the stability of various regions, it is divided into multiple branches according to the regions where the senators are located, and each branch is allowed to establish a local security affairs department and its subordinate law enforcement team.

Lina got a lot of information from "acquaintances", but Colin heard these three items. Then the official decision of the parliament will be conveyed to the entire plane, but that time will not be so fast.

After getting the necessary information, Colin prepared to return, but Lina brought her people here, so she would not return empty-handed, and she also needed to conduct some trading activities. Bored Colin had no choice but to wander around freely, waiting for the Heaton family's transaction to end.

Colin, who was wandering around the alchemy area, did not want to buy anything, but wandered around unconsciously, thinking about whether to return to Emerald Island or to serve in the Victorian Magician Council next.

Inadvertently, he actually bumped into someone. As a second-level wizard, his own insight is very sharp. Even if it is unconscious behavior, he should not bump into people.

Colin looked up and saw that it was Elder Mithal from the Agri plane. This "bump" was not Colin's bump, but the other party took the initiative to meet him. Colin did not expect to bump into Elder Mithal here. Did he come on behalf of the Agri plane?

"Isn't this Wizard Colin? Long time no see. I didn't expect to see you here."

"I've been thinking about something. Sorry, Elder Mithal. By the way, are you here alone or with someone?"

"With whom? You should ask Charlotte."

"Uh,..., is it convenient to tell me?"

"Are you going to listen on the street?"

"Blame me. Come on, come on, follow me."

Colin and Elder Mithal finally chose a place called Stone Terrace Tavern. They found a secluded seat and started chatting.

"Hey, you don't know. Not long after you left, Charlotte got pregnant."

"Ah? Pregnant. Is Charlotte okay? Did she give birth to a half-elf?"

"Charlotte is of course fine. How could the elves have strong vitality? With the care of the Tree of Life, nothing will happen. Your child is fine too. It is definitely a half-elf, but very healthy. She has been living in Siyue City for many years and has been well educated by Queen Margaret and Princess Charlotte."

"Did you give her a name?" Colin asked.

"Of course I did. She's called Lolita. She's a very beautiful girl."

"That's good, that's good." Colin murmured, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"Don't you want to go see them?" Mithal continued.

"We said we would go see Charlotte in a few decades, but it's been more than 50 years, and we haven't made the trip. Seeing that Elder Mithal can come here, it means that the plane channel has been established.

Three years ago, I was promoted to level 2. I was thinking about going there after the promotion, but now I can't. I still have some things to do. I will definitely go after I finish them. Please tell Charlotte and her daughter that I have never forgotten them. I will definitely go. I promise. "Colin said solemnly.

"Okay, then you deal with your business first, and I will convey your words. "

"Give my regards to Her Majesty the Queen. "

"I will, so goodbye, I hope to see you in the Agri plane in the near future, Wizard Colin. "

"I will definitely see you, Elder Mithal, goodbye. "

After the two left, Colin didn't want to hang around anymore, but returned to his temporary residence with a heavy heart. There was no one except a few servants of the Heaton family. Teacher Lina and the others hadn't come back yet.

Colin lay quietly, thinking about the past events that happened in the Agri plane, especially when he thought about his relationship with the innocent and romantic Charlotte, he felt a wave of heartache. He was still weak, but he had just been promoted to level two, and he couldn't get much faster. He had to develop his power first.

Also, it was time to "confess" to the girls about Charlotte and Lolita, otherwise it would be even more unreasonable in the future.

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