The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 30: Necromancer Pugna (Part 1)

When Jesse cast the spell, Pugna realized that the one behind him was the boss. He felt his magic fluctuations, which were much stronger than his own. He was afraid that he was about to reach the threshold of a first-level magician.

"Oh no, I'm hit." Pugna muttered.

Fortunately, Pugna saw that the situation was not right and activated the teleportation stone. After a wave, Pugna was teleported to the entrance of the secret realm. Although he could not recover his magic power in a short time, the activation of the teleportation stone consumed the energy charged when the teleportation stone was marked in advance, and Pugna quickly left the secret realm.

After three teleportations, Pugna temporarily escaped from capture.

"Hey, this time I'm a bit at a loss. The teleportation stone can't be used in a short time. I need to recharge it. The key is that I didn't find anything."

Pugna thought while running, which direction to go.

In his current situation, although he was not injured, his magic power was banned. At least within two hours, he was no different from an ordinary person, or even worse than a middle-aged man. At the beginning, he was very good at finding a hiding place first, and then making plans after recovering his magic power.

Pugna chose a direction and walked down.

"Boom", a fireball hit a big tree outside the secret realm, the tree was ignited by the fireball, and soon the tree burned out.

"I was careless..." Jesse was a little annoyed that he let the little mouse run away.

"Send a message to other branches on the continent to capture the necromancer Pugna." Jesse ordered.

"Yes, sir."

After several messages were transferred, Gandalf in the Emerald Territory also received the news.

Due to the upper limit of the biological level of the Victorian world, the transmission of magic messages cannot be synchronized in all planes, and must be relayed by several magic branches.

"It's a troubled time. Is the necromancer going to revive again? However, judging from the source of the information and the place where the necromancer appeared, it really has nothing to do with this side." Gandalf thought indifferently.

Gandalf was not from the Huiyao Empire. He was originally from the Haoyue Empire. He joined the Istar Magic Organization in the early years. After it was difficult to improve his strength in the magic tower, he had the idea of ​​traveling.

By chance, he participated in the mercenary war of the Principality of Denton. In a battle with the wizards of the Principality of Burgundy, he was almost killed by the opponent. He was saved by Richard, who was still an ordinary knight at the time. Later, he joined Richard's forces to repay his gratitude.

The Istar Magic Organization did not force the magicians under its command to perform tasks. There were many magicians like Gandalf who traveled around the continent. Only when facing major tasks from the Haoyue Empire would they recall magicians from all over the world.

"I'd better go and see little Helen. If the Principality of Denton can't train her here, will she grow faster if she is sent to Istar?" Gandalf thought.


"Lord Fred, the capture of Master Jesse failed." A low-level magician apprentice reported to Fred who was doing an experiment.

"I already know, you go down first." Fred waved his hand.

As the chief wizard of the Istar Organization, Fred has a lot of equipment on him. When Jesse sent the message, he almost received it here.

Jesse should be careless. A senior magician apprentice should not be their opponent. Fred thought.

But soon, Fred had no time to care about Jesse's arrest. His current experiment was more important.


"Brother, do you know? Benny was sent away." Nora said a little lonely.

After all, Nora was a little sad because she lost a companion who had been with her day and night.

"Oh, did something happen? Where was Benny sent to?" Colin asked curiously.

"I heard from the lady that Benny and Master George were together, but the lady didn't agree, so she gave her some money and sent her away."

"Why are they together? Is it the love between a noble master and a maid?" Colin asked again.

Nora looked around, there was no one else around, a few of Colin's teammates were sitting a little further away, but at this distance, they probably couldn't hear their conversation.

"It is said that on the day of the coming-of-age dinner, Master George was so beastly that he raped Benny in order to be promoted to a low-level knight attendant." Nora whispered.

"That? Which one?" Colin was stunned for a moment.

"That one, that one."

"Oh, oh, I understand, but why was she sent away?" Seeing Nora blushing, Colin also figured out what was going on.

As an excellent student who was often tutored by teachers in his previous life, how could he not understand what was going on.

A noble young master, multiple women is nothing, Colin is mainly confused about this aspect.

"It seems that recently, the August family wanted to introduce a noble lady to Master George, but before anything happened, there was a reputation of hanging out with maids. It was said that after getting married, it was nothing, but it was just that Benny appeared at the wrong time." Nora explained.

"Is that so? Didn't George say anything?"

"Master George seemed to have gotten angry with his wife afterwards, but then he kept quiet. In the past few days, I think Master George seems to be fine." Nora said.

Hearing what Nora said, Colin suddenly realized that slaves really can't be considered human beings...

Looking at Nora, Colin's heart became stronger and more determined.


Seeing smoke rising in the distance, Pugna finally found a place with people, which looked like a small village.

Two hours passed quickly, and Pugna's magic power began to recover. He could already cast some spells for self-defense. He thought about finding a place to settle down first, charging the teleportation stone in time, and recovering his magic power slowly before doing other things.

Honghe Village——

I don't know if it's because of the soil or because there are some minerals in the river water, but the small river beside Honghe Village has always been flowing with red water. The villagers need to go to a slightly farther place to fetch water for drinking, and Honghe Village got its name from this.

Rose has been in Honghe Village for a few days. The villagers are very enthusiastic and have repeatedly asked her to stay, which has delayed her trip.

Because the village is relatively remote and the village has always been relatively poor, many young men in the village are unmarried. Rose's arrival made the young men like bulls in heat, all wanting to smell this beautiful flower.

Little did she know that Rose's heart was dead, and only the belief of revenge was supporting her.

Faced with the enthusiastic villagers and the funny encounters with the young men in the village, Rose was helpless, wondering if she should leave, after all, she had not found any news about Chaofan.


Today, Rose was in a good mood. She shook off the young men around her and prepared to pick some mushrooms in the forest in front to make soup in the evening. Unfortunately, she ran into Pugna coming out of the forest.

At first, Rose didn't care. She just glanced at Pugna and continued to walk into the forest. Unexpectedly, she fainted just after passing Pugna.

It turned out that Pugna released a spell to Rose - Soul Binding.

This spell is generally used to control corpses, but it also has a good effect on some ordinary people and can temporarily control living people.

Under Pugna's control, Rose took Pugna back to Honghe Village.

Under Pugna's questioning, Rose's consciousness was not very clear because she was under control, and she could only simply answer some information about the surrounding cities, towns, villages, etc.

After thinking for a while, Pugna soon had a plan for the next step.

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