The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 308 Opportunities need to be fought for

Since Master Rodbell, the dean of Grimman College, is in charge, the most direct candidate Colin can think of is Mario. Mario and Colin have a long history and have recommended Colin many times. They have also participated in the plane war together. As the right-hand man of Dean Rodbell, Mario must have a say.

Although it was late, the wizards' research activities may have just begun. After all, the spiritual particles are more active at night, and maybe some new ideas will burst out.

The first person Colin contacted with the magic ball was Mario. Mario had not rested yet, and he did not do any experiments, but dealt with some things in the security affairs branch.

Unlike the Victoria Islands on Colin's side, which have been relatively stable for five years, there have been constant disputes of all sizes in other islands affiliated with the Grimman Islands, and the law enforcement team has also been killed repeatedly. Due to the limitation of strength, many things cannot be solved by the local law enforcement team, and the security affairs branch needs to send people to deal with them.

In contrast, Colin's work stands out. Although other islands have been covered by the Grimman Islands Alliance for many years, and the Victoria Islands have only been in the Alliance for more than a hundred years, the closeness of the relationship is sometimes not determined by the length of time.

After receiving Colin's message, Mario couldn't help but relax his brows and told Colin to come to the academy to find him later.

In the past, I thought that my succession to the position of deputy director was the result of Master Rodbell's appreciation. Now it seems that he is appreciated, but more of it is that the old man himself is irrelevant and throws everything to me.

Thinking of Colin, this kid, how long has he been away from the academy? He has already caught up with his level. If he continues to sink in the complicated affairs of the academy and the security affairs branch, it is possible that Colin will be promoted to level three, and he will not be promoted. That would be embarrassing.

While waiting for Colin, Mario put down his work and poured himself a cup of tea. The tea was made from thorn fruit from the desert kingdom of Mobhan. It was sweet and sour with a hint of spiritual charm, which Mario liked very much.

Colin came very quickly. Mario had just finished his second glass of water when Colin knocked on the door.

When Colin came to Mario's office, he was not too restrained. First, he had been promoted to level 2 and was no longer a "little person". Second, he had a good relationship with Mario. It was not a public occasion, so he didn't need to care too much about anything else.

"Colin, you came here late at night. Is there something urgent? There are still more than ten days before the job report. It's not urgent."

"Master, don't hide it from me. Isn't there an opportunity to go to the floating city for exchange and training? Do you think I can do it?"

"Hey, you are well-informed. I said that I would officially announce this matter at the job report meeting. Do you know it?"

"Oh, don't worry about how I know it. Just tell me if I have a chance. I really want to participate in this exchange and training."

Mario looked at Colin and couldn't help but ponder. Although Rodbell had mostly handed over the affairs of the Security Affairs Division to him, this recommendation quota involved too many things. Many islands affiliated with the Griman Islands Alliance also have close exchanges with the college. The relationship is complicated, and some of them are even not clear to him.

Although Lord Griman will not take care of this matter, he will definitely report to Lord Griman who will be recommended. Even Dean Rodbell will not bypass Lord Griman. Lord Rodbell should attach great importance to it and will definitely consider the recommendation quota more.

"Colin, I know you are an ambitious wizard. You can tell from the fact that you have been promoted from a wizard apprentice to a second-level wizard in such a short time. To be honest, I can recommend you for this matter, but I cannot guarantee whether it will succeed or not. There are too many forces involved in the academy. Many islands in the Grimman Islands Alliance have contacts with the academy..."

"Master, I understand. As long as you can recommend me, that's enough. Of course, I will speak with my grades for other things. I have also heard that other islands are very chaotic. I believe Lord Rodbell will not fail to see it."

"It's good that you can think clearly. If I recommend you, I will recommend you even if you don't come. Don't worry. I have a balance in my heart for both public and private matters."

"Then I'll leave it to you, Master. It's late. I won't disturb your rest." Colin stood up after saying that. When he left the room, he casually left a space ring on the table.

"What are you doing, little guy, do you think I'm short of those things?" After Mario took the ring and went out, he found that Colin was gone.

Since Colin had gone far away, Mario did not deliberately contact Colin again. Although he wanted to recommend Colin in his heart and did not want to ask Colin for anything, Colin took the initiative to leave this, and Mario could only accept it "reluctantly".


In the following ten days, Colin did not enter the security affairs branch office in the college again, but just waited quietly outside for the convening of the debriefing meeting.

The days of waiting for the convening were boring. The only thing that could be seen was that there were more people in the town outside the college. All the shops opened early to welcome guests from all directions. Of course, they were happy to make money.

The Grimman Islands united the large and small islands in the surrounding waters to form the Ten Thousand Islands Alliance. Except for the main island and some islands controlled by Grimman himself, most of them were controlled by various small and medium-sized forces. Before the Victoria Islands joined this alliance, others had joined for thousands of years.

After thousands of years, Colin can understand that the interaction with the Grimman Academy must be very complicated and intertwined. In addition to the wizards of Rodbell and Mario, there are other forces within the academy. Lord Grimman cannot be too biased towards Rodbell, which is also conducive to the rule and development of the Grimman Islands.

Colin has done what he should do, and he can only listen to fate and do his best.

In terms of the performance of the law enforcement team after its establishment, Colin feels that other islands are more selfish. He doesn't believe that he, a newly promoted second-level wizard, can manage such a large area of ​​Victoria Islands. Other forces have been around for thousands of years, can't they manage this well?

Since Colin rejoined the Victorian Magician Council, some intelligence of the Council has been completely released to Colin, and he naturally learned about some of the situation on the Grimman Islands Alliance.

Although there is no problem with Lord Grimman's appeal to the outside world, various contradictions are surging internally, and sometimes even Grimman Academy is difficult to mediate.

Colin believed that the conflicts between these forces were mostly due to selfishness. Although this was the Wandao Sea in the south, the underground passages were directly connected to the underground world, and the exchanges with the underground world were closer, unlike the Victoria Islands, which were integrated later and had no passages connected to the underground world.

After Colin waited for more than ten days, the first performance report meeting of the law enforcement teams of each island was officially held. On this day, Colin followed the flow of people from other islands and entered the office of the Security Affairs Division of Griman College again.

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