The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 335 Oscar returns and meets Colin

Colin eventually told Helen Hathaway's conclusion. Helen was sad to hear that she accidentally lost the child. Fortunately, with the comfort of Colin and the girls, she gradually recovered. After all, Hathaway also said that there is still a chance.

Since Colin was asked to work hard, there was a saying about how to work hard. The girls said that they would give it to the eldest sister during this period, and everything would be based on the eldest sister.

However, after Colin worked hard for a month, Helen still had no movement, so he gave up. It seems that there is really no rush.

In the past month, Helen's belly has not swelled, but the girls of Colin's family have established a relationship with Hathaway. They like to go to her shop in the afternoon when they have nothing to do. In addition to talking about some trivial matters, they also discuss and exchange some knowledge of witchcraft.

After hearing that Hathaway did not join any organization, Helen and the others also wanted to win over Hathaway. After many refusals and concessions, Hathaway finally agreed and lived in the Duke's Mansion reasonably, becoming a guest elder of the Villiers family.

After Hathaway moved into the Duke's Mansion, although she was still open in the shop in the morning, some rumors inevitably came out, saying that Duke Colin had married another wife, who was a master of prophecy witchcraft and had the ability to seek benefits and avoid harm. Duke Colin was really lucky.

Colin, the women and Hathaway did not care about the rumors in the market, and they did not bother to explain anything. Only Ernst, the guard of the Duke's Mansion, had some complaints. Isn't this slandering Master Hathaway? Besides, Duke Colin really didn't marry Master Hathaway.

A week after Hathaway moved into the Duke's Mansion, Colin received a message from the Victoria Islands Magic Council, inviting him to Gotford for a chat. Oscar is back.

Because Hathaway wanted to practice prophecy and fate witchcraft, her teacher Merlin told her to have more contact with Colin. Hathaway strongly requested to follow Colin on this trip. In her words, this is a kind of practice process, which is indispensable.

Although Colin still has some doubts about Hathaway's words, there is nothing to be afraid of with her, at least she will not harm him. After all, the other party is still a second-level wizard, and the respect should be given, so he just let her be.

Instead of waiting for the nearest airship, she rode Charles directly to Gotford. Standing on Charles' back, Hathaway also observed Colin so closely for the first time.

According to the information Hathaway learned, she is more than ten years older than Colin. Her promotion speed is fast enough, but Colin is faster than her. This time she came out of the floating city, she had expectations. The prophecy was stagnant and the fate witchcraft had no good direction. If it was not solved for a long time, she would not see the hope of promotion.

I hope what the teacher said is useful. Now I am finally close to Colin. If the prediction is accurate in his decision-making, I think my strength should be improved.

After flying to Gotford, Colin and Hathaway were led to Oscar's wizard tower by the Magic Council.

"Long time no see, Colin."

"Yes, long time no see, Master Oscar."

"Who is this?" Oscar was also a little curious about the second-level female wizard following Colin.

"Oh, this is the newly recruited guest of my family, Hathaway Wizard." Colin introduced.

"Hello, Master Hathaway."

"Hello, Master Oscar."

After the two of them briefly greeted each other, Oscar turned the topic to Colin again. Since Colin didn't care about Hathaway knowing some of his words, Oscar didn't have any plans to keep it secret, not to mention that there was really nothing to keep secret.

"You will need to go to the next stage of the Centaur Plane. Originally, I had returned long ago. After Master Fred went there, I stayed for a while before rushing back. According to the time calculation, it will be your turn in two years. But the good news is that Jesse is also preparing to be promoted recently. If he can be promoted smoothly, our council will have five second-level professionals."

"Well, Jesse has stayed in the first level for a long time. I will go there as scheduled in two years, and I will arrange personnel for the law enforcement team." The law enforcement team is a subordinate of the Grimman Security Affairs Division, not a subordinate of the Victoria Islands Magician Council, but because the law enforcement area is the Victoria Islands, it is natural to deal with the council.

"You have so many responsibilities, and it's not easy to handle them so well."

"Master Oscar, you called me here this time, not to talk about the shift, right?"

"Yes, there is such an urgent matter. There is a new move at the Griman Academy. A new plane has been explored. The preliminary reconnaissance has been completed. It is said that Lord Griman will lead the team personally this time and require all forces in our Islands Alliance to send people to participate."

"Oh? I haven't heard of this, and Wizard Mario didn't tell me. Is this a mandatory task?"

"It's normal that I didn't tell you. Although you have also established a family, you are not conspicuous in the system of the Griman Islands Alliance, and you are not a force. I am not belittling you. This is the result of the academy's evaluation. Of course, the task is not a mandatory task, but since Lord Griman is full of confidence, everyone wants to drink a cup of soup with him."

"Then what do you want me to do?" Colin and Oscar are old acquaintances, and they are members of the same trench, so they naturally speak more directly.

"The time has not been determined yet, but it should not be this year. It will be next year at the earliest. But if it is next year, it will conflict with the garrison mission. I called you here because I also want to ask you if you are willing to represent The Victoria's Secret Magic Council participated in this mission.

If you are willing to go, then the garrison mission will arrange for Urs to go there. If you are unwilling to go, then I will lead the team there myself. "

"Do you have any specific information about that plane?" Colin asked with a thought in his mind.

"There are some, but not many. The main reason is that Greeman Academy has not announced the specific time for the battle, and some information has not been revealed. It only mentioned that Mr. Greeman will personally lead the team there, saying that it is the gain from this time. It should be huge.”

"Oh, the attraction is indeed quite high. No wonder some small forces in the Islands Alliance also want to get involved."

"Well, this expedition with Lord Griman is also a good opportunity to get acquainted with other forces in the Islands Alliance. Our Victoria's Secret Islands are not a small force in the entire Griman Islands Alliance. This is also an opportunity to promote our I definitely don’t want to miss this opportunity.”

"I understand, what is the environment of that plane, and what needs to be prepared in advance."

"It's not an extremely bad special plane. It's almost the same as an ordinary plane. However, there are quite a few demigod-level experts there. This is also the main reason why Mr. Griman personally led the team there. If we are prepared, I feel that our The next step is to purchase a large number of slave legions. I think the consumption this time will be huge, so we won’t send any troops from the three principalities.”

When Colin and Oscar were talking, Hathaway sat silently and listened. At the same time, she was also calculating various possibilities and deduced that if Colin went, he might gain a lot, but there were also certain risks. , after you finish talking to Oscar later, find an opportunity to tell him again.

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