The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 38: Defence Change in Princeton City

Outside the city of Plympton - Tiger Corps Camp

"Sir, the capital has agreed to our request for a change of guard. We just received news from the capital that the Swift Wind Corps will come to change guard soon."

"Ah, I thought Justin would actually return to the capital because of food and grass."


Justin waved his hand and let the guard go.

Thanks to the efforts of the quartermaster Richie, the army's food and grass supply is no longer a problem. The soldiers are still in a stable state, but their morale has declined sharply. The confrontation with the grassland is mostly defensive. Overall, the strategic intention of the capital has been achieved. I believe it won't be long before they will withdraw.

However, the mutiny that almost happened a few months ago has always been a concern for Justin. Although he dare not compare himself to a famous general, it is not an exaggeration to call him a veteran in the army. He didn't expect that such a thing would happen not long after he took over the Tiger Corps. When he returned to the capital, he didn't know how those old friends would laugh at him.

Justin shook his head and stopped thinking about it. It would be better to go back and rest for a while. He was already arranging the soldiers to prepare, just waiting for Giovanni Langton of the Wind Legion to come.

"Captain, we just withdrew from Burgundy, and the brothers haven't rested for long, but we were sent to the northern border again. The brothers also have some opinions."

"Execute the order. Your Majesty is too anxious. Our strength is still too weak. We are simply unable to launch two wars. Even if we go to the north, we are mainly defensive. Fortunately, we won the battle with Burgundy, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable." Giovanni Langton said.

"Lord Justin was a little careless. How could the enemy burn his food and grass twice in a row and almost cause a mutiny?"

"Don't talk about other people's affairs. We just need to do our own things. Is there any news about the new soldiers coming from the capital?"

"Not yet, but I believe that with our strength, defense is still no problem."

Due to the long-term fighting in Burgundy, the soldiers of the Wind Legion are no longer fully staffed, and there is still a gap of more than 10,000 from the full strength. The Wind Legion was originally arranged to return to the country for rest and replenish new soldiers, but it was unexpected that it encountered the change of guard.

"Communicate with the Kingdom Military Department again. This time the grassland is coming fiercely, and the setback of the Tiger Legion is not a simple matter." Giovanni ordered.

"Okay, sir."


"Colin, you have made a contribution this time, it's really not simple."

Facing the compliments of his companions, Colin was calm. He also figured it out. Without strength, he is cannon fodder everywhere. The sacrifice of Gavin and Joshua is proof that his strength is not as good as theirs.

There are only about 30 people in the scout team. Most of them went to the forest battle. The remaining half were also because they were carrying out other tasks. Otherwise, it is hard to say how many of them would survive.

Colin is also thinking about the future of the scout team. Will it be integrated into other teams, or will a knight be appointed to manage and reorganize?

In the past few days, Colin and Nora have met several times. From her, he learned that Miss Helen's enthusiasm for learning has increased a lot recently, and she no longer makes a fuss about going to the forest for "exploration". It seems that not only he, but also Helen is growing up.

The soldiers of Emerald Territory are not as vigilant as they were a few days ago. It seems that they have figured out the situation of the necromancer. It is said that the slave trader Barto brought him to the island last time. There was also a woman at that time, but she has been controlled. I believe that the next time Barto comes to the island, the baron will definitely ask him for an explanation.

Colin does not have too much hatred for Barto. If he hates him, it may be because of his previous life. However, if he can see Barto in trouble, Colin is still very happy.

Colin has touched the threshold of a low-level knight attendant, but he has not been able to break through. He knows that this will take time.

From the alchemy shop outside the castle, he knows the effect of the potion, but he can't afford anything for the time being.

However, at his current stage, some low-level monster meat or some rare energy-rich magic plant fruits can give him a lot of help.

Breathing training several times a day has become an indispensable part of Colin's life. Water grinding may not be very effective, but he is still working towards strength. When the time comes, I believe that grinding can also break through.

But Colin doesn't want to waste time at all, especially when he thinks of the monster blood hidden in the forest. Colin knows that this may be the only resource he can get. In the absence of guidance, he can only take a risk.

He has been playing with the stone in his arms for a few days. Except for being a little smooth, he didn't find anything special, but he is not stupid. He knows that an item that can be hidden by a wizard must have its effect. It's just because of his shallow knowledge that he can't figure it out for the time being.


A few days later, the baron's reward came.

The baron agreed to Colin's change of identity and becoming a freeman on the spot, but Colin did not expect to be appointed as the acting captain of the scout team. There was also a non-mandatory requirement. Knight Matthew asked Colin if he was willing to become a knight of the family. If he nodded, he would soon be given the family-inherited knight's breathing method.

Colin had just started to taste the taste of freedom. Even if he was the acting captain of the scout team, he could resign. However, he had not yet decided on his future and was only staying here temporarily. Why would he sell himself again for a knight's breathing method? Besides, he had it.

Matthew did not say anything about Colin's refusal. He completed the baron's order and went back.


"Captain," a clever team member immediately shouted in flattery.

Colin was not complacent with these titles. He was still thinking about when to dig out the bag of monster blood.


"Ha, Giovanni, you are finally here. I have been eating dirt for several months. It is really uncomfortable here with yellow sand everywhere." Justin said with a smile.

"You are relieved. I didn't arrange for you to go to Burgundy. I have one task after another and can't relax." Giovanni said.

"Let's get back to the point. You have to be careful of Tiele on the opposite side. He is not a simple guy. I originally thought he was a group of grassland barbarians, but I didn't expect him to burn my food and grass twice in a row. You must be careful. Do you want me to leave some people for you?" Justin said sincerely.

Thinking of the current situation of the Tiger Corps, Giovanni still refused. Although there might be more manpower, it would be better to have no unstable factors mixed in, and it would not be as helpful as some new recruits.

Soon, the two armies completed the handover, and the Wind Corps officially moved into the original Tiger Corps camp.

The Tiger Corps began to retreat to the capital in an orderly manner.

"Chief, it seems that the opponent has changed people? Should we take the opportunity to kill them?"

"No hurry, let's talk about it after we understand the situation." Tiele said.

"By the way, the news from the tribe a few days ago came that the three tribes of Grizzly Bear, Flame Fox and Rock sent envoys to our tribe. Is there anything?"

"Chief, I know this. I just came from the tribe. The elder met with the envoys of the three tribes. It seems that they are interested in forming an alliance with us and want to seek some benefits in the Principality of Denton in the south."

"What did the elder say?"

"The elder agreed. The coalition forces of the three tribes will arrive in the near future."

"Not bad, now we can give those southerners a taste of our power." Tiele said happily.

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