The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 400: Discovery in an Unknown Plane

"Pain!" Colin (Jiang Zhipeng) woke up again and was about to call the police when he found that it was dark all around.

"I\u0026, was this a dream? Are there any traces of the bond from the previous life?" Colin felt that this place was very strange. He had not dreamed for many years, but now he was dreaming, and he also dreamed of some sequels from his previous life?

Colin also felt a little uneasy about his behavior of falling asleep just now. In such an unfamiliar environment, he didn't know what influenced him to fall asleep. If someone attacked him while he was dreaming just now, he would probably be hit.

Fortunately, he didn't encounter this situation, but unfortunately, he didn't understand the reason why he fell into a deep sleep.

After a simple arrangement, Colin continued on his way forward.

After this deep sleep, Colin felt that his mental state was better, and his fatigue was swept away.

As Colin continued to move forward, the road ahead gradually became "clearer", and the range of the powerful light spell began to expand again, and the visibility had covered about three meters.

Colin guessed that the section just now might be a special area, but with Colin's current realm, he could not find anything abnormal, so he could only continue to move forward.

As the gray fog gradually faded, Colin seemed to have walked out of that area and entered a new area.

Because Colin could no longer feel the slightest trace of the direction of lakes and rivers, and there was land all around. Not only that, under the cover of the gray fog, Colin seemed to have found some traces of land creatures.

Unlike the phantom creatures in the underwater space, these land creatures seemed to be a little "afraid of people" and ran away without waiting for Colin to approach.

Colin could only forcefully catch up with them, and after casually killing a deer-shaped phantom creature, he began to observe it seriously.

Although this deer-shaped phantom creature was quite large, it had almost no strength, and was no different from an ordinary deer in reality, and the mental power it could provide was extremely limited.

Colin threw down the body of the deer-shaped creature and continued to move forward.

As the gray fog faded, Colin could see the scene dozens of meters away without relying on the powerful light technique.

A forest appeared in front of him, and there were more land creatures in the forest, and many carnivores had begun to appear.

Carnivores were not as weak as herbivores. They would not run away when they saw Colin, but stared at Colin with a fierce look, as if they would rush up and tear Colin to pieces in the next second.

Colin had no time to deal with them. He sensed that these phantom creatures on the land did not have any creatures with extraordinary power for the time being. At most, they were just some powerful beasts, so he was not interested in wasting time dealing with them.

It might be Colin's careless attitude, or it might be that they felt the strong aura on Colin, so those carnivores did not pounce on him to die.

When Colin left this area, he found that there seemed to be some traces of human beings in front of him.

It had been more than ten days since Colin woke up from his sleep (the result of Colin's own counting). Colin was also surprised to see traces of intelligent creatures. He thought that this world was full of such phantom creatures.

After walking for almost two days, Colin finally found a village, where there seemed to be humanoid creatures.

He hurried a few steps and rushed to the outskirts of the village, and the situation in the village became clearer.

The village was not big, or it could not be called a village. The gathering point was surrounded by a wooden fence to form a circle. There were more than 20 houses in a staggered manner. In the open space in the middle of the room, several adults were cutting several deer-shaped phantom creatures, and then distributed the cut "venison" to the people in the village.

"Who are you? Stranger." When Colin had been standing and watching, someone in the village finally discovered Colin's existence and asked.

Colin did not understand the language they spoke, but he guessed that it should be asking who he was and where he came from.

Colin saw that the people in this village were all ordinary people, so he used his mental power to tell them that he came from the Victoria's Secret World and got lost when he came here, so he wanted to ask for directions.

An old man who looked like the village chief stood up. It was not that their village had not seen Colin's sudden appearance over the years, not to mention that there were often aliens coming to this world.

And as far as they were concerned, weren't they aliens? It's just that they had stayed long enough and had forgotten their original world.

Through several mental exchanges, Colin roughly understood the other party's common language structure. After using the witchcraft that understood the language, he could communicate normally with the village chief.

The conversation between Colin and the village chief was very smooth. After all, Colin's strength was there, and the village chief was still a knowledgeable person. He didn't want to provoke these powerful beings.

Through the conversation with the village chief, Colin had a preliminary understanding of this world.

It turned out that this world was not a complete world, but a world interwoven by the spirit world, the dream world and the nightmare world, which was called the phantom world by the people here.

There were no living creatures in the phantom world at first, but with the continuous influence of the spirit world, dream world and nightmare world, the number of living creatures here gradually increased. Some creatures had died in the original world, but they are still alive and well here.

Some creatures have no problems with their bodies, but after their spirits came to this world, they can't leave and can only live here helplessly.

Of course, there are countless aliens like Colin who can come and go freely, and whether it is the natives of the phantom world or the aliens who come here, they have only one purpose, which is to pursue the growth of spiritual power.

The plane natives of the phantom world need spiritual power to support themselves. If the spiritual power is exhausted, they will completely die.

Although aliens can go back at any time, if they die here unfortunately, then the original body of his world will become an empty shell without thoughts.

The phantom world is a world of "people eating people", because no matter what kind of creature it is, it must eat "other creatures" to obtain spiritual power replenishment and growth.

People like the village chief can eat deer-like creatures, and deer-like creatures can also eat people.

Everything here is respected by strength, and there are almost no rules, but there are also some powerful creatures that have built several cities of order, but the village chief has not been there and does not know where they are.

At this point in the exchange, Colin has basically exhausted what the village chief knows, and there is nothing to ask anymore.

During this period of time, Colin has been walking in the dark. After finally finding this gathering point, he is ready to go back first.

First, see how much the mental power can be increased after eating once, and second, talk to the family about the situation here and see how to deal with it next.

Because the traction stone is barely a tool for recording coordinates, the next time you come here must be the place you left this time.

Not far away from the village, Colin activated the traction stone and returned to the wizard world.

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