The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 432 Bosdia Dragon Plane Nine

Hand's life needs no further explanation. He has completely lost his mind. He doesn't even know how right it was for him to bravely leave the hotel.

Over the years, through continuous brainwashing (Colin did not control him), he has found the most reasonable explanation for the various strange behaviors of Master Colin and Ms. Lina.

Under the guidance of Master Colin, he has always regarded joining the Sky Knights as his main goal. Under the transition of the Imperial Knights, with the careful guidance of Master Colin, Hand finally reached the strength of a quasi-class knight attendant two years later.

And because of Hand's "noble" status and Ms. Lina's intentional addition of some materials when doing experiments, Hand was successfully selected for the Sky Knights.

After joining, a steady stream of intelligence began to be transmitted from Hand's mouth to Colin and Lina, and the mysterious Sky Knights were no longer mysterious.

It was similar to what Colin and his team had guessed. As a subordinate plane of the dragon plane, the Bosdia Dragon Plane had to undertake many plane war tasks, and the Sky Knights, as the trump card of the Bosdia Empire, had to undertake more and more important tasks.

Only in the first year of Hande's joining the group, he went out for training once. Although he did not go beyond this plane, the training made Hande more like a professional soldier.

At the same time, the news sent back also made Colin and his team understand how difficult it was to conquer the Bosdia Dragon Plane with the strength of Lina and Colin.

There is a cross-plane teleportation array in the Imperial Palace and the Council of Nobles, which is directly connected to the dragon plane.

If you really attack rashly, you may encounter a sudden attack by a group of dragons.

As a second choice, Colin and his team chose to continue to let Hande make contributions and consolidate his current position.

Autumn went and winter came, and twenty years passed in a flash.

Hande also successfully promoted to a first-level knight, and through his outstanding performance over the years, he was also promoted to a qualified team leader.

After becoming the team leader, he had a more comprehensive understanding of the Bosdia Dragon Plane. Not only did he have a basic understanding of the composition of the royal family and the bloodline of the great nobles, but he also took the opportunity to master the map of the entire territory.

Speaking of this map, Colin and his team also tried to borrow it from the National Library, but the map in the library only had maps within the empire, not maps of the entire plane, and many large areas that were not covered were still blank.

But with Hande as his wife, it took so long to finally get the map of the entire territory (plane).

(Seeing this, some people may curse, can't we control a Sky Knights or an important mission of the Empire to get the map? The answer is yes!

But it requires forcible control of the other party, which increases the risk and is easy to be exposed. After all, in a unified plane, other magic systems appear, and it is difficult for those in power not to suspect the possibility of visitors from other planes.

It's different through Hand. Our own people have been brainwashed for a long time. Even if they swear all kinds of loyalty oaths after entering the Sky Knights, Hand believes that Colin and Lina have not violated their oaths, and it seems that no uncontrollable situation has been triggered.)

With the plane map, Colin and Lina's work over the past few decades has not been in vain, but it seems that it took a little longer. Although the lifespan of wizards is still long, they can't withstand such losses.

In the past twenty years, Colin and Lina have not been idle. In addition to Lina's deeper understanding of the situation related to the dragon bloodline, they also run a good tavern. In addition, they also used Hand's gradually rising title (the moment he became a team leader, he was automatically promoted to a baron) to buy a fiefdom (near Blizzard City).

There are many hidden buildings in the fiefdom that are very different from the style of the Bosdy Empire. The most important thing is that there is a very hidden teleportation magic array inside. Even if you enter the Priss family, you can't find it at all, especially when it is not activated.

In the years when Hand was away, his son Dennis Priss also grew up smoothly into a good boy. Under the "careful" teaching of his uncle Colin and aunt Lina, this guy's strength has also improved rapidly. Of course, the most important thing is still brainwashing and "training".

With Lina's unremitting efforts, she finally developed a heritage factor inherited in the genes of Hand's descendants.

As long as the visitor holds the key alchemical prop, he can stimulate the inheritance factor of Hand's descendants. The strong hint from the blood will make his descendants obey the orders of the visitor without hesitation.

After doing this step, Colin and Lina knew that they should leave, but they were not ready to go through the teleportation magic array.

After Colin and Lina constantly adjusted their appearance, the changes brought by age gradually appeared.

When Dennis also entered the Knight Academy, Hand's family could clearly see that Colin and Lina were "old", and gradually both of them were too old to move.

In a winter, both of them "died", and the grief-stricken Hand could no longer control his body, so his son Dennis had to go to the Noble Elders' Council to "cancel his account".

Perhaps because of the sad death of his "relatives", Hand gradually gave up the idea of ​​fighting in the Sky Knights. After a plane war, he took the opportunity to "retire" with a minor injury and started to run his own family.

Although he was recognized as a relative and joined the Pris family, and his uncle Colin and aunt Lina had passed away, he could not let the family fall in his hands. He changed his mindset and began to work hard. In just five years, he added several brothers and sisters to Dennis, and the family gradually prospered.

And Dennis also took Hand's old path. With Lina's "training" in the early stage, he, who had some dragon blood, also gloriously became a member of the Sky Knights and fought hard for the dragon plane.

And under the management of old Hand, the Pris family gradually became an important noble force near Blizzard City.

These are all later stories. After Colin and Lina, who pretended to be dead, left Hand, they began their last purpose in the Bosdia Dragon Plane, to make trouble.

Things need to be done, but they can't be done in the human world. Colin and the two who should understand it understand that there is nothing here that can attract the two except for extracting some dragon blood from half-dragons.

And they faked their death to get away, just to go to the unknown areas of those planes to cause trouble.

Although the information obtained by Hande was not very detailed, it had already let Colin and Lina know the general situation of this plane. In those unknown areas, there are real dragons.

After all, how can you control a subordinate plane without your own people to guard it? Even if it is just for show, you must arrange it.

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