The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 449 Shadow Plane 1

The smooth acceptance of the Shadow World undoubtedly made Colin's strength grow again. Although he had used some dishonorable means before, Colin did not regret it.

When you are weak, everything is wrong. When you are strong, no matter what you do, it is right.

Since he was suddenly promoted to level three, he originally wanted to settle down for a while before considering other things, but things came one after another, forcing Colin to run around and struggle.

After returning from the Shadow World with his family this time, Colin decided to settle down for a while anyway.

As for the law enforcement team, although there are still two deputy captains in the Victoria Islands, with Colin's promotion to level three, various small actions have become more covert. Of course, they are backed by the Grimman Academy, and Colin will not be too "excessive". He has basically handed over the affairs here to Knight Locke.

Family affairs are even simpler. In recent years, he has often gone out to participate in the plane war. Helen and other girls have become accustomed to his absence, and even when he is not there, they are well organized.

The Emerald Academy, with the support of Marcus, an old friend, has been growing steadily over the years, and some graduated students have joined Colin's wizard tower one after another.

Because of his relationship with teacher Lina, Colin did not confess to the girls, and Lina did not seem to care too much about it. After the tour of the phantom world, he returned to the Mogwen area.

It has been a while since Colin discovered the phantom world. He always hurried through it and left after eating. Now that he has been promoted to level three, it is time to go further.


Phantom plane.

Colin "flew" from the wizard world again. The out-of-body spirit made Colin's figure look a little unreal, but this is a "common problem" for all people who come to this plane.

There are two more coordinates recorded in the alien space, one is not far from the outer periphery of the existence he visited last time, and the other is located on the shore of the "Phantom Sea", which is convenient for him to capture phantom creatures. (The last one is newly set in the Chaos Star Sea in the Dalavini area)

After coming here this time, Colin did not disturb the thoughts of the villagers, not to mention that he could not ask any useful information from them.

Colin flew towards the distance along the direction described by the villagers. Considering that he wanted to see the "new place", Colin did not eat and drink in advance this time, but simply caught a phantom deer and ate it, and then stopped eating.

It is somewhat similar to the scenes in the material world. Although it is a fictional world, it is a concrete product of everyone's thinking. Although it seems a bit bizarre, it can still be more or less connected with many scenes in the plane of the real world.

Colin was flying while visiting the scenery along the way. Some special landforms have never been seen by Colin. They must be constructed by the thinking of people in some planes.

Along the way, Colin also saw some professionals above level one, some of whom traveled together, and some "drew their swords against each other", but Colin ignored them. His current goal is only one, to find a "city" and discover more mysteries of the phantom world.

The people below did not pay much attention to the strong man Colin flying overhead. They did what they had to do. There were people from all planes here. If they did not provoke these strong men, they might not attack them.

Even if the strong men attacked, it would be easy to return and escape, unless they were attacked by surprise.

After flying for about a month, Colin finally saw the outline of a city in front of him. He landed on the ground in advance and mixed in with the crowd entering the city to prepare to enter the city.

When it was almost Colin's turn to enter the city, Colin found that entering the city here was not free, but had to pay a kind of virtual coin, or it could be replaced by the crystal of the virtual creature, which was counted as the fee for entering the city.

Colin did not have the virtual coin, but he collected a few crystals of the virtual creature along the way. After paying one, Colin successfully entered the city.

If you don't tell you that this is a virtual world, you will feel that it is no different from the city in the material world. There are the same crowds of people, and the shops along the street also sell various products of the virtual plane.

It was during his stroll in the city that Colin learned that his city was called Aries City. There were eleven similar cities in the entire virtual world, distributed at varying distances throughout the virtual world.

Twelve cities, no one knows who built them, but according to Colin's current strength, even if he is now more than 140 points of mental power, he cannot materialize such a city. Demigods are not sure, but Colin feels that it is not enough. Maybe it is possible to reach the strength of Master Merlin.

The current city lords of Aries City are said to be three demigod-level strongmen. Due to the current situation that spirits cannot stay in this plane for a long time, the three strongmen usually appear in turn, and it is difficult for people in the city to see them at the same time.

There are many people entering and leaving Aries City every day. Each person has to pay a virtual coin (virtual crystal core) every time he comes. Such income is amazing, because in Colin's current state, it only takes 30 coins to eat a full meal, which is already the appetite of a third-level strongman.

The lord of Aries City owns this city. It is more than enough for him to guard it every day without going out to hunt any phantom creatures. It is just unclear how they operate this matter. The most important thing is how to bring the phantom crystal core to the material plane.

The cost of entering the city is not cheap, but there is no limit on how long you are willing to stay after entering, because everyone knows that even if you are allowed to stay, you can't stay for long, and the spirit body cannot leave the original body for too long.

But there is also a benefit. As long as you don't leave Aries City, you will still be in the current position next time.

But there is also a benefit. If you don't have any source of virtual coins, you can't stay in the city. This requires you to sell some virtual specialties like the shops in the city, or you need to go out hunting.

As long as you go out of the city and come back, then it's fine, just pay another virtual coin.

Maybe someone will ask, since this is the case, everyone doesn't have enough for themselves, why bother going back and forth in the city to spend money.

First, there are some things that everyone needs in the city, and second, staying in the city is relatively safe. The city does not allow anyone to be taken at will. If there is a dispute, you can report it to the city lord's mansion, and the city lord's mansion will handle it impartially.

Through the intermediary of a store (many stores in the city have this business project), Colin spent one virtual coin to rent a place to live.

Is it a bit cheap?

As mentioned in the previous article, it is a bit similar to the situation of going online and offline in the game.

In fact, it is not cheap at all. The rental period is until you leave. If you come again, you need to rent it again, and your original place may have been rented out.

Colin thought of a good idea, but gave up immediately.

If he uses the teleportation positioning function of the alien space, he can easily enter and exit the city, but this requires two record points. He doesn't want to give up the one on the side of the Shadow Sea. The one on the side of the village is OK, but it is not enough.

The record point of the Chaos Star Sea may have special opportunities in the future, and Colin is not ready to give up, so he can only give up this idea.

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