The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 49 Mercenary Mission

Blood-replenishing grass likes to grow in moist sandy soil. Everyone should pay attention to the purple flowers mixed with white flowers, which are easy to identify.

While walking, while listening to Conrad's popular science, Colin had a superficial understanding of blood-replenishing grass. Looking at some low flowers and plants in the forest, well, this is not right, and that is not right either.

Seeing that some of the accompanying Spiritual Light team members had already collected some plants, Colin felt that his cognition was crushed again.

Colin has no knowledge in this area yet. It seems that he needs to strengthen his study in the future. Otherwise, if he encounters rare herbs and is not familiar with them, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

The subsequent trip to the forest did not encounter any major dangers. Except for killing the unlucky bear, it was a smooth journey.

With the joint search of all teammates, 20 blood-replenishing grasses were quickly collected, and of course there were some other herbs in the account.

Soon, the Spiritual Light Mercenary Group returned to the Mercenary Union. After handing in the mission, they found a shop that bought and sold materials and sold wild wolf skins and bear skins. In the end, Colin got 3 Nomisma.

Uh, it was not enough to cover the cost of the recovery potion purchased before the mission, but fortunately nothing dangerous happened. This mission was completed in less than a day, and Colin returned home before night.

When he returned to his residence, he did not find Nora at the first time. Colin asked the servants and they said that Miss Helen was back and was discussing something with Nora and Rose.

Colin did not ask too much, but just asked the guards if there were any suspicious people around the mansion recently.

After receiving a safe reply, he returned to his room with confidence.

"Miss, is there not enough money?" Nora asked.

"Yes, it is indeed very expensive. The fees for the public courses are paid when you enroll, but the teachings are not in-depth. If you want to learn more proficiently, you need to find teachers to take small classes individually, which is expensive, and you have to learn some selectively, otherwise you can't afford it at all."

"What should we do? We don't have any way to make money."

"Have you finished reading the books on finance and management that you are asked to learn?"

"I have read them, but I have never practiced them. Besides, I don't know what to do specifically."

"Rose, are the servants obedient?" Helen asked.

"Everything is fine at home, and the servants are more disciplined."

After listening to Rose's answer, Helen thought, it seems that our top priority is to think of a way to make money, and we also need to prepare start-up capital.

Nora, call your Colin.


"Helen, you are looking for me." Colin asked after coming in.

"I heard from Nora that you have found a mercenary group. How is it going? Have you been on any missions?"

"Well, I just came back today. It's just a herb collection mission. It's pretty easy."

"Do you think we can set up a mercenary group ourselves? Take some simple missions."

"Let's talk about it after a while. I feel that we still have a lot to learn. In addition, I need to buy some books introducing plants and animals, otherwise I won't know anything."

Helen is going to contact her family and mail some money.


A few days later, Colin received another mission. This time he was to go to the Dalavi Forest to get the eggs of the demon hunting spider.

The demon hunting spider is not an ordinary magic beast. The strength of the mature demon hunting spider is enough to reach the peak of the intermediate level.

However, the leader Conrad is an intermediate knight attendant. With the resistance of himself and Sean and the spells of the magicians, it should be possible to complete it.

Although Colin had obtained 5,000 gold coins half a year ago, after spending all the way, it was less than 3,000. The other consumption was not large, but the key books and potions were too expensive, so Colin had to save some money.

The reward for this mission was 150 Nomisma, plus some other gains, it was estimated that he could get about 20 Nomisma.

Soon, the Spiritual Light Mercenary Group gathered the team and entered the Dharavi Forest again.

According to the mission introduction map, Colin and his party easily found the cave where the demon hunting spider lived.

Conrad began to arrange a battle for a while. In short, it was a combination of knights in the front row and magicians in the back row. After lighting a strong insect repellent incense at the entrance of the cave, the furious demon hunting spider rushed out from the depths of the cave.

"I\u0026." Colin cursed in his heart.

Not just one, but a big one and a smaller one, probably a male and a female.

But the arrow was on the string, and now was not the time to consider these things. The teammates began to implement the pre-prepared tactics.

Conrad fought the male, Sean, Colin and another low-level knight attendant dealt with the female, and the magicians in the back row focused their fire on the female demon spider.

The demon spider had eight eyes, which looked at Colin and his team with green eyes, and mainly released venom attacks and spider silk entanglement.

Colin flexibly dodged the spells of the demon spider. With the joint efforts of the three, no one was entangled by the spider silk, especially the concentrated fire attack of the magicians in the back, which had already injured the demon spider.

It made a "hissing" sound, as if calling for its mate to come and help quickly.

The male demon spider heard the roar of its mate and quickly shot out a strong spider silk. Before Conrad could react, it quickly stretched to Colin and his team with the help of the spider silk.

The male Demon Hunting Spider was much stronger than the female one. He joined the battle and instantly entangled the low-level knight servant. He pulled back and sprayed venom that hit the knight. Soon the paralyzing effect of the venom began to take effect.

In a short time, one person was lost. Although the knight was fine for the time being, if the poison spread all over his body, he would probably become food for the demon spider.

Conrad was only one step slower and soon came to entangle the male demon spider again.

Colin and Sean narrowly avoided the entanglement and venom spray of the female demon spider again and again.

Under the concentrated fire of the teammates in the back row, the female demon spider fell unwillingly.

The male demon spider did not run away, but attacked more fiercely. Conrad's arm was also hit by venom, and Conrad's movements were a little slow in an instant.

Seeing this, Colin and Sean hurriedly stepped up to resist the attack of the male demon spider together, and the magicians also released various spells without sparing their efforts.

Before Conrad was completely paralyzed, the little BOSS was finally defeated. The magicians took out the antidote potion they carried with them and fed it to Conrad and the fallen knight attendant.

After a while, the two finally recovered.

"Phew, that was close." If it weren't for the good cooperation of the teammates and Colin's cleverness, maybe there would really be casualties this time.

Conrad was also a little scared. The inaccurate intelligence this time caused danger. Next time, he must be very careful when choosing a mission. Every year, there are countless mercenary groups that lose personnel and are wiped out due to missions. He can't be one of them.

After resting, he went into the cave to pick up the eggs of the demon hunting spider and collected some spider silk. Colin and his team returned to the union safely.

Because the union's intelligence was inaccurate, the reward this time was doubled, and Colin got 35 Nomisma.

"It seems that I still make money by doing missions." Colin thought.

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