The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 57 Academy Mission 2

Seeing those red-eyed ravens chasing Marcus away, Colin and the other three teammates quickly ran to the red raspberries to pick them.

Soon, the four people collected the amount required for the task, but seeing that Marcus did not come back and the red-eyed ravens did not fly back, the four people did not withdraw, and continued to pick red raspberries.

Outside of this task, whoever picked it would own it, and they would definitely be able to exchange some money when they sold it, so the four people tacitly did not withdraw.

Marcus, who made the sacrifice, was not a fool. He knew that the picking task was not difficult. After getting away from those red-eyed ravens, he took a detour and Marcus also rushed here.

Seeing Marcus coming back and there were no red-eyed ravens behind him, the few people looked at each other and continued to pick.

Seeing the expressions of the few people, Marcus knew that the task had been completed, and now it was time to grab the money. He didn't say much and started to work.

The good times didn't last long. Marcus hadn't been collecting for long when he heard the sound of red-eyed ravens quacking in the distance.

It should be that Marcus was more lost, so he thought it was more important to come back and eat the red raspberries.

Seeing this situation, Marcus knew that he couldn't continue and said "go".

He ran out of the forest first, and several people stopped and followed Marcus's pace.

Three hours later, the five people came out of the forest and stopped when they saw that they were out of danger.

"Everyone, we have the task, let's share it." Marcus spoke first.

After a few seconds of hesitation, Colin gave up some of the red raspberries. This thing is not worth much, and he may have dealings with Marcus in the future, so he was the first to respond to Marcus' words.

Seeing Colin give up some of the red raspberries, the remaining few looked at each other and gave up some of them.

Seeing that the four people were so sensible, Marcus was also proud in his heart. He couldn't let me do the wedding dress for nothing. Besides, if you guys are really ignorant, there will be plenty of opportunities to deal with you in the future.

Marcus always thought that he was the captain and the strongest, but he didn't know that if Colin hadn't thought about it, he would have been beaten to a pulp.

After the division of the spoils, the five people soon returned to the mission hall of the academy, submitted the mission, and each of them received 2 merit points.

Without saying much, the three people left, and seeing that Colin was the first to respond to him, Marcus also changed his mind. The three friends who talked to him at the beginning were not as good as this one who ignored him, so he also wanted to make friends.

Leave a contact number, maybe we can do missions together in the future.

Colin didn't leave, and he also had this idea. After all, being able to take the initiative to lead the monster away is also a kind of responsibility. Such a person can still make friends.

The two took out their crystal balls, exchanged marks with each other, and separated.

Colin returned to his residence and found that Helen had already arrived home and was preparing some dinner.

After a simple dinner, Colin and Helen told the whole story of this mission.

The mission itself is not very dangerous, but this kind of temporary team is sometimes unreliable. Although all private fights are strictly prohibited within the academy, in the face of interests, if a few wizard apprentices really die in places where the academy cannot see, the academy may not care.

I looked at the study notes made by Helen, which are very detailed. I think it is also for Colin's missed courses.

Helen also planned to accompany Colin to do the mission, but Colin refused. At this stage, one person's learning must be guaranteed. Although the open class is the most basic course, it will be difficult to catch up if it is delayed.

Some classes are only taught once a year. If you want to study again, you have to wait until next year. Colin will never agree to this loss. Besides, as a man, he must take the responsibility he should take.

Seeing that Colin seemed to have found a new "road", Helen was also a little moved and took the initiative to entangle Colin. This is the first time in nearly a year.

Helen's physical values ​​have long been "scanned" by Colin. Her mental strength has exceeded 10, but other aspects are far inferior to his own.

Under Colin's continuous "attack", Helen soon collapsed like mud.

Seeing Helen's seductive eyes, Colin became more excited...

Feeling Colin's acceleration, Helen interrupted Colin and said that he had to go to class tomorrow and go on a mission, so save some energy.

Colin was a little unsatisfied, but now he should stop.


Coming to the mission hall again, Colin unexpectedly met Conrad and Connie.

The three of them quickly found a quiet place to talk.

"Colin, why are you here too?" Connie asked happily.

"Connie, why are you here?" Colin asked.

Connie and Colin asked at the same time.

When they were in the Victoria's Secret World, they teamed up to do many mercenary missions together. This time they met again at the Grimman Academy, and Connie was very happy.

"I came here to learn witchcraft with my brother." Connie said.

Colin was also very happy. It was not easy to meet someone he knew at the Grimman Academy, and he was still an acquaintance with a good relationship.

"I'm here to learn witchcraft, too. You know that our Victoria's Secret world has been integrated into the wizarding world, right?"

"Well, I was shocked at first. I thought the sky was falling."

"Where's Sean?"

"... Sean was blown up into the sky by the wind and we never saw him again. We tried to find him. We went to his hometown and many places he'd been to, but we couldn't find him." Conrad said in a low voice.

Colin also felt that things were unpredictable, but not seeing the corpse was perhaps the best news.

"When did you come?" Colin asked.

"We got here as soon as we integrated into this world. It was not easy. We finally managed to collect enough money to enter the academy."

"Yes, everything here costs money, and we are actually penniless."

"Are you here to do a mission as well?"

"Yes, I just completed a mission with someone yesterday."

"Then, how about we go together?"

"Okay, together."

Compared to cooperating with Marcus and others, Colin still prefers to work with Connie and her brother and sister, at least he doesn't have to worry about being stabbed in the back.

After careful selection by the three of them, they finally chose a mission to kill the cloud pattern magic rabbit in Yunwu Town.

The cloud pattern magic rabbit is just a low-level magic beast. It is not difficult for the villagers in the town to kill these creatures. The difficulty is that the magic rabbit is too fertile. With sufficient food, a pair of magic rabbits can give birth to nearly 50 rabbits a year.

The villagers are miserable, and the crops outside the town have been eaten up by the rabbits.

The round trip for this mission would take two days, so the fastest way to complete the mission would be three days.

After leaving a message with Helen, Colin and Connie rushed to Yunwu Town together.

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