The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 66 Primary Mental Power Potion

Three months passed in a flash, and Colin and Connie completed several missions during this period. They also invited several temporary teammates, but perhaps because they did not trust each other, they never had a fixed teammate to join.

However, the accumulated merit points were enough, and Connie and Connie also had the idea of ​​stopping for a while and preparing to start studying courses seriously with a mentor.

Matthew and Simon had arrived outside the Grimman Academy and had been living there for a few days. They were choosing a suitable location to open a store.

After hearing Connie and Connie's plan, Colin, who had the same intention, also casually said that he planned to stop doing tasks temporarily.

The three-person team was temporarily disbanded, and Colin did not ask Connie and Connie about finding a mentor.

Colin and Matthew had not seen each other for almost a year. After the greetings, they looked for a store to sell the batch of mental power potions together, and also found a store to rent to sell some specialties of the Victoria Islands.

After testing the effects of the mental potion produced in the Victoria Islands, a store accepted all the potions brought by Matthew and his team at the price of 3.5 wizard coins, and sold a total of 3,500 wizard coins.

In an instant, Colin and Helen had money and could finally study with peace of mind for a while.

After leaving 500 wizard coins for Nora and Rose, the remaining 3,000 wizard coins were all exchanged for merit points.

Matthew and Simon were still observing the specialties of Grimman Island to see which ones could be brought back to the Victoria Islands for sale.

Colin had taken the secondary mental potion produced in the Victoria Islands. He remembered that his mental power increased by 0.2. After taking the primary mental potion bought in the apprentice stall area last time, Dixing told himself that his mental power increased by 0.25. Obviously, the effect here was more optimized.

Helen, who got a lot of merit points, started to buy, first purchased a set of experimental equipment that could be used in the middle and low stages, and also purchased a batch of raw materials needed for primary mental potions.

Not to mention that Helen was constantly experimenting with refining the primary mental potion, Colin was already looking for tutors.

After returning to the academy, Colin began to attend public classes regularly. During the breaks between classes, he also met many new friends. Although some of them were superficial, it was still possible to find out about the tutors.

Soon, Jaina, who was known as the Ice Witch, entered Colin's selection range. Helen was water-friendly, and the first-level wizard Jaina was also water-friendly. From the perspective of attributes, it was very suitable for Helen, and Jaina was just a little lonely and cold at ordinary times, and she didn't have any special hobbies.

After discussing with Helen, Helen also preferred tutor Jaina, but Helen still wanted to talk about it after refining the primary mental potion, and at the same time urged Colin to find a tutor as soon as possible.

Colin's various abilities, which have been formed over a long period of time, have always been mainly self-taught. In addition to the training during the mercenary period, there is no fixed combat method, and the magic he learned is not systematic. Now he has switched to witchcraft. Although his mental strength has reached the level of a low-level wizard apprentice, his strength is far behind.

During this period of study, Colin was very attentive. The classroom learning was better than reading Helen's reading notes. He had a new understanding, and various basic knowledge continued to enrich Helen's knowledge.

Colin is friendly to the fire and earth system, and the commonly used fireball spell must be better than other systems.

After getting the fine gold sword from the blacksmith shop outside the college, Colin sold the original iron gun as scrap iron. Although he could not reach the proficiency of various weapons, Colin was still familiar with the gun and sword as the basic weapons of the knight profession, but Colin was ready to switch to the magic profession, and the sword was just a spare weapon.

Colin's study these days was not in vain. He began to further sort out the spells he mastered. After he could not release a fireball, he was still the same as before, picking up the sword and slashing. Not only did it lose value, but it also did not have much lethality. Especially in the missions in the past few months, he was injured several times because his attack skills were relatively simple.

The open classes were all basic courses, but Colin had a general understanding of the basic spells of the fire and earth systems. Some skills could not be learned now, but it did not affect his thinking.

It is better to find a mentor who is in the fire or earth system, just like Helen's situation, just for better promotion.

In the process of learning, he also kept asking about the situation of the mentors, especially after finding out that Jaina's sister Lina was a wizard majoring in fire, Colin was also somewhat tempted. The relationship between the mentors and sisters was also convenient for himself and Helen.

Helen has developed several bottles of primary mental potions, but the success rate is very low, basically losing money. Colin persuaded several times, but Helen was still a little persistent, hoping to increase the success rate before considering becoming a disciple.

After Colin had an idea, he stopped waiting for Helen. After spending 100 merit points, Colin met Lina for the first time.

Lina is also a first-level wizard with a very hot body and bold clothes. Many students who are not fire-friendly have chosen Lina's course.

Although there are many students, none of them can really become Lina's disciples. Although Colin also likes beautiful women, he knows very well that a first-level wizard crushes a low-level wizard apprentice. It is all-round and has no dead ends. All fantasies cannot exist.

Lina's course is very detailed, which has benefited Colin a lot, especially deepening his understanding of fire spells and basic principles.

Colin could even feel that the power of the fireball had increased by several degrees, and the release time might have been shortened by a few tenths of a second.

In short, the free stuff is the most basic, and only by spending money can you learn the real stuff.

Lina actually observed that Colin always sat in the first row, and she recognized Colin's serious attitude towards learning. After all, the academy is a place for learning, and learning should be the main thing. Other unrealistic ideas are just empty talk.

However, Lina didn't think much about it. He was just a low-level wizard apprentice. It would be more pleasant to spend time on him than to go back and do more experiments.


After Helen finally increased the success rate of refining the primary mental potion to 30%, Colin interrupted Helen's experiment.

"You should take the course of tutor Jaina. Only when you are promoted to a higher-level professional will you have more time to do experiments. There are more and more interesting experiments waiting for you. Don't spend too much time on this potion." Colin advised.

Finally, Helen also realized that she had put the cart before the horse. She immediately understood what her lover meant.

In addition to the public classes that Helen and Colin studied together, Helen also added elective water courses.

In her spare time, Helen made some primary mental potions and gave them to Nora and others to sell. The income and expenditure have reached a balance, and there is even a slight surplus.

And the strength of Colin and Helen is also constantly growing.

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