The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 97: Puxilai Secret Realm 10

As they were going down the mountain, they saw a group of people rushing towards them from a distance.

When they got closer, they found that it was the three guys with a group of people.

"This is not going to stop, is it going to end?" Colin thought

"What do you want to do?" Don Quixote asked.

"Nothing, hand over the snow lotus just collected, which belongs to the resources of the Listan Knights' Alliance."

"You think too much." Fleur said.

"Hurry up, get out of the way, or don't blame us for being rude." Mythos said.

Colin and others were already preparing to cast spells.

The leader of the opposite side hesitated for a while, then stepped forward and said:

"In this way, we don't want to have a meaningless dispute. We will each send three people. If you win, we will let you go. If you lose, we will also let you go, but you need to leave the snow lotus just collected."

Don Quixote looked at everyone, and everyone agreed to the plan of the opposite side.

The competition will be held in 10 minutes. Don Quixote decided that Don Quixote, Mythos and Ace would play.

The other side also quickly came out with three knights.

As the captain, Don Quixote was still very confident, and he was the starting player.

There was nothing to say about the lineup of the other side, all knights.

Don Quixote's opponent didn't seem to be anything special, but as soon as he started, he found that he was not simple either, much better than Colin, who was a half-baked player. He had not received formal training, and he was far behind in both combat skills and combat awareness.

The process of others' competition was also a learning process for Colin, but that was all. There were too many things, and he couldn't learn them without the skill book of breathing and combat skills.

Don Quixote's movement was still so unpredictable. There was no restriction on the competition stage here, and the venue was wider. It felt like he was showing off his kite.

After consuming the opponent's physical strength, he could only passively take the beating.

Seeing that his teammates really tried their best, the leader of the opposite side took the initiative to admit defeat.

In the first match, Griman Academy won.

In the second match, Mythos played here. The bonus of affinity with gold elements made Mythos more like a knight. This was also the reason why he played with his eyes open. He also wanted to fight the knight on the opposite side in a manly battle.

Listan played as their leader. The competition between the two was indeed tough enough. This was a war between swords and a collision of two male hormones.

Gold affinity made Mythos's sword sharper, but the opponent's fighting skills were obviously better than Mythos, and the opponent was an authentic knight. In close combat, Mythos was really no match.

Gradually, even Colin saw Mythos's decline. He was still struggling and trying to turn defeat into victory.

Here, Don Quixote had already taken the initiative to admit defeat.

After leaving the field, Mythos was still saying something about coming again and fighting again.

In the second match, the Listan Knight Alliance won.

In the crucial third match, Ace came out, and soon an inconspicuous knight came out from the opposite side.

Ace immediately released the Ice Cone Spell on the opponent, and then began to release the Ice Shield for himself.

The opponent was also very tough, and took Ace's Ice Cone Spell hard, relying on his own armor and fighting spirit, and did not cause any damage.

At the same time, the opponent raised his sword and charged at Ace.

Ace released the Frozen Path, and the opponent's charge speed began to slow down.

Immediately afterwards, Ace released the Ice Gun again, and the opponent could not take it at will. This spell was stronger than the Ice Cone Spell.

The opponent used a greatsword to knock away Ace's spell.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the opponent never rushed to Ace, but Ace's spell never caused decisive damage to the opponent.

Ace was hesitating whether to release the freezing ray. As long as it hit the opponent, it would inevitably cause damage to him. If it was a key part, it would definitely be fatal damage.

The leader of Listan was no ordinary person and understood the unique skills of the ice wizard apprentice.

Seeing that the two were deadlocked and Ace was about to release the freezing ray, he took the initiative to call for a tie. If both sides were tied.

Don Quixote thought for a few seconds and agreed with this statement. Both sides stopped their own men at the same time.

"Tsk, this is because Ace didn't use his ultimate move, otherwise he would be dead." Forel said disdainfully.

Colin also agreed with this view. His woman was also an ice wizard apprentice. He knew better that at this stage, if there was no particularly good defense, it would really be impossible to withstand the freezing ray.

The Listan Knight Alliance did not force the snow lotus in the end, and the two sides ended the dispute relatively amicably.

However, during the conversation, the other party still hoped that Colin and others would leave here. It happened that Colin and others were thinking about leaving, so they agreed to the other party.

Finally, Don Quixote and the other party exchanged names, and Colin and others also knew the leader, a knight named Corvis.

On the way down the mountain, Don Quixote also explained to everyone why they should not fight to the death unless necessary.

This is not only a requirement before the game, but also an important partner of the wizard on the plane battlefield. Without the knight in the front, the wizard in the back row cannot cast spells safely. Everyone is in the same plane, and they are definitely complementary.

Besides, more friends mean more roads, more enemies mean more walls, and maybe we can fight together again in the future.

Don Quixote's words were a popular science for a newbie like Colin, and also meant to admonish Mythos and Furley.

Colin didn't understand Don Quixote's origins, but judging from his conversation, he seemed knowledgeable, and he also wanted to make friends with him.

So he asked casually: "Old Don, tell me about the origin of our secret realm. I don't know it yet."

"This Pushile Secret Realm is a place for apprentices below the level of wizards in the floating city to practice. It was originally a fragment of a small world. Later, some mountains, rivers, geography and various monsters were continuously added to it, forming a relatively stable ecosystem."

"As for the origin of the name, it seems that a master named Pushile found this fragment. There is nothing special about it, but some of the monsters in it are also raised by the wizards, and apprentices are arranged to come in and collect resources regularly."

"Oh." Colin finally had a rough understanding of this secret realm.


After a period of time, although Colin and others also encountered many players from other forces, there was no irreconcilable hatred between the two sides, and they were all collecting resources for their own purposes.

Soon, a month was up, and Colin and his team could be led out of the secret realm as long as they activated the mark on their identity cards.

The other people went out quickly, leaving only Colin, Edith and Kobe Bloodhoof who had not yet activated the mark.

"You go out first, and wait for me after you go out." Colin said to Kobe Bloodhoof.

"Okay, boss." After that, Kobe Bloodhoof disappeared immediately.

"After you go out, are you going to go back to your Northland?" Colin asked.

"Well, I have to go back. I can only consider other things after I advance to a formal wizard." Edith said.

"Aren't we going to be apart for a long time?" Colin said reluctantly.

"Well, so, you have to work hard to practice and advance early, and I will work hard too." Edith said.

"I will send you a message." Colin stepped forward and hugged Edith.

"Yeah." Edith also hugged Colin tightly.

(3,000 words omitted here)


After a flash of light, Colin and the other person left the secret realm at the same time.

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