The Witcher

Chapter 100: Merlin Wizard

Lin Meng waved goodbye to Angel in a while, and returned to his cabin. The cabin was a two-story loft located in a specially divided newcomer area in the'Thorn City'. All newcomer apprentices under three years can live in for free. Here, after three years, you must move out and find another place to live. Lin Meng's bedroom and study are upstairs, and the laboratory and storage rooms are downstairs, but it is very empty now.

   Just not long after Lin Meng sat down, he felt a wave of waves from the communication crystal in his space pocket. Lin Meng raised his eyebrows and quickly took it out of his arms.

   "Brother Link, come to the library in the city, you have news about what you asked me to ask you last night!!!"

   Hearing the words, a flash of joy flashed across Lin Meng's face, and quickly let the earth pull out the map of the'Thorn City' recorded in the crystal ball. After finding the location of the library, Lin Meng hurried out.

Half an hour later, Lin Meng hurried through a few blocks, and appeared in front of a tall black building in the city. Lin Meng stood in the distance and looked a little bit. The black building has two floors and is very spacious and bright. Lin Meng, who was far outside, could see through the windows of the building, the people inside, or sitting or standing holding a book, studying carefully.

   Lin Meng walked straight into the hall. The hall was full of apprentices who came to inquire about information. I saw Silvia had been waiting for a long time, talking and laughing with a female wizard apprentice next to her. Seeing Lin Meng's arrival, Silvia quickly got up and waved for Lin Meng to pass.

   "This is Elina-senpai!!!" Silvia pointed to the long-haired blonde girl beside her and introduced to Lin Meng. "Irina is the disciple of Lord Merlin, and the future is limitless. Whether you can succeed or not depends on Irina!!!"

  Although Lin Meng didn't know who Sylvia's Lord Merlin was, Lin Meng immediately rushed to say hello to the blonde girl with long hair, with a grateful expression on his face.

   "Hehe!! Brother Link, don't believe Silvia!!! She is not serious!!" Hearing Silvia's words, Elena smiled immediately. "Well, Brother Link, come with me. You can be smart when you see Teacher Meilin, otherwise I won't be able to save you if you anger the teacher!!!". Irina, who had just walked a few steps, seemed to have thought of something, and turned around to tell Lin Meng carefully.

   "Yes! Thank you Elana-senpai!" Lin Meng nodded immediately after hearing the words, followed immediately behind Elena, through the lobby on the first floor, and went straight to the second floor.

   "KOKOKO!!!" Ilena lightly knocked the door of a remote room on the second floor.

   "Who!!" An old voice suddenly heard from inside the door.

   "Teacher, it's me!!!"

   "Irina, come in!!"

   "Crack!!!" Lin Meng saw that the door in front of him opened automatically without wind, Lin Meng hurriedly walked into the house behind Elena.

The room is not big, but it is full of various bookshelves. There is a desk not far from the window. At this time, there is an old man with gray hair and beard, holding a thick leather book and reading attentively. There was still a cup of exquisite porcelain cup steaming, but from the strange smell in the air, Lin Meng could conclude that the drink in the cup was definitely not tea or coffee.

"Ah!!!" Just as Lin Meng was staring at the tea cup in a trance, suddenly the dark liquid surface in the cup spontaneously without wind, forming a weird vortex, and then a lifelike woman's head suddenly came out of the cup. , Let out a miserable scream, but the vortex seemed to have endless restraints on it, no matter how hard the woman's head struggled, she could not break free from the shackles of the vortex.

   "Hmm!! It's not honest yet!!" It seemed to be disturbed by the screaming of the woman's head just now, a little dissatisfied. Wizard Merlin frowned and looked at the cup on one side, then lifted it up, raised his head, and drank the liquid in the cup with the woman's head with a beep.

After the liquid in the cup fell, wizard Merlin's cheeks immediately flushed, and soon disappeared. Lin Meng was secretly surprised when she was watching. After a while, wizard Merlin exhaled and looked at Elaine, who was already waiting aside. Na and Lin Meng are two.

   "Go ahead, Jelena, what's the matter?"

   "Teacher, this is Link, he wants to come to the library to be an administrator!!" Hearing this, Irina hurried forward and bowed in salute.

   "It turns out to be this!!" Wizard Merlin smiled. "Why, this little guy is also a member of your "Five Rings" alliance?"

"Yes! Teacher knows it!" Hearing the words of Wizard Merlin, Lin Meng realized that Elena is also a member of the "Five Rings" alliance. It is no wonder that when she found Silvia and raised the matter, the other party immediately made a big deal. Lan, it turns out that there is this relationship. "It seems that it would be nice to have an organization with outstanding strength!!" Lin Meng thought secretly.

   "Well, for the sake of Elena's face, the little guy has brought your badge!!" Wizard Merlin was obviously in a good mood today. He pondered a little and said to the two with a smile, and he had agreed to Lin Meng's request.

   "Thank you, Merlin!" Lin Meng was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly handed over his badge. Wizard Merlin took Lin Meng's badge and swiped it on, and saw a black light sink into the badge in Merlin's hand.

"Okay, take it. The library authority has been opened for you. You can read the books on the first floor at will. You have two hours to sort out the books on the second floor every day. If you finish sorting in advance, the rest You can freely control the time, but remember that it should not exceed two hours, otherwise the prohibition on the second floor will imprison you as an intruder, and there are three magic stones per month." The wizard Merlin threw the badge back to Lin. Said fiercely.

   "Lin Ke must remember the words of the adults!!" Lin Meng smiled at the words and said respectfully.

   "Okay, Irina take Link down! I have other things!!" After that, the wizard Merlin picked up the book that had just been placed on the table and studied it with gusto.

"Senior Elana, thank you very much this time, Link must remember it!!" Lin Meng followed Elina out of Wizard Merlin's room, and quickly stepped forward and said to Elena, seeing four No one left, Lin Meng immediately took out a small black cloth bag from his arms and handed it over. "Irina-senpai, thank you for this matter!!"

"Brother Link, this is..." Looking at the small cloth bag that Lin Meng handed over, Irina was slightly surprised, but she accepted it, mentally peeking into the bag, and found that it was the second bag that Link had already prepared. With ten magic stones, the smile on Jelena's face immediately became more charming. "So, thank you Brother Link, just this time I was collecting some magic stones, and I was preparing to buy a high-level demonized item, so that Brother Link laughed!!!".

"Link is very happy to be able to help Elina-senpai!!" Looking at Elena with a brighter smile, Lin Meng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that he is really betting right, and the other party really eats it. set. "But it's getting late. I have free public classes in the afternoon, so I won't accompany my senior sister too much!!" After the two had a brief chat, Lin Meng waved goodbye to Ilena.

In the afternoon, Lin Meng came to the teaching building of the high tower teaching area early, and after asking which classroom was the class, Lin Meng went straight to the class classroom and found that there were already sparsely few in the classroom at this time. The figure was gone, Lin Meng saw that one of them was a little girl who came with him, and the other two had also met at the banquet of the'Five Rings' alliance. Lin Meng turned his head a little too far, as he said hello, and sat down in a position relatively close to the middle of the front.

The classroom is large and stair-like. Almost two or three hundred people can sit down. Lin Meng also took out the note on blood witchcraft from his own space pocket. After studying it with gusto, he thought of some key points. , Lin Meng frowned and discussed with the earth in his head.

   "Earth, so the'gene potion' on my body is considered a kind of blood witchcraft?"

"Didi, the'gene potion' has changed your genes from the source, and blood witchcraft from this notebook was invented by ancient wizards to steal some of the abilities of some powerful super creatures~ However, it has also changed a certain part of the operator’s genes, but the side effects are more obvious. Take the last time Neved, after turning into a'lizard man', Neved’s thinking has obviously begun to change. It has to be chaotic, irritable, and bloodthirsty, otherwise you and Fanny can't kill each other so easily, and as a wizard, a calm mind and a sound mind are the most important."

"That is to say that this notebook is of no use to the'gene potion' on my body?" Lin Meng frowned and disappointed. He also wanted to find some information about his own'gene potion' from Neved's experimental notes. Useful information.

"Didi, how come? Isn't that said? The source of blood witchcraft is to eventually return to the ancestors and become the source creatures of the blood of the caster. Those are the super creatures of the ancient times and can destroy the world. But. Almost no one has ever succeeded. After all, it relies on the thin bloodline, and I don't know how many generations of creatures have passed. Maybe there is no connection at all between the two!!"

"So the ancient wizards came up with a solution, which is to continuously fuse the spellcaster with the bloodlines of higher-level creatures with similar biological bloodlines for the first time, so that their bloodlines evolve in that direction, and finally step by step. The closer to the source creature of this bloodline."

"However, even if there are two similar biological bloodlines, there is a considerable difference. They can't be merged casually. Otherwise, the operator's body will collapse if it is careless, or be affected by the powerful biological bloodline, and the personality will change drastically. Therefore, it involves very complicated biological knowledge, which is not involved at this level of Nevede. The notes are only mentioned in a few are welcome to visit and read, the latest and fastest , The hottest serial works are all at For mobile phone users, please go to read.

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