The Witcher

Chapter 112: situation

   "Father...sir!!!" In the end, the little boy hesitated for a while before looking at Lin Meng who was showing his face and bowed in greeting. Perhaps it was Lin Meng's same black hair and two black eyes that made the little boy recognize Lin Meng's identity.

"Good boy... I have suffered you all these years!!" Lin Meng heard the words, a touch of relief flashed in his eyes, patted the little boy on the shoulder, then turned around, staring blankly at one hand and covering his chest. The dizzy Minoan knight.

"Knight Minor, before I left, remember what I warned you about, you shouldn't forget it?" Lin Meng made a move, and the two axes flew directly to Lin Meng from the ground, being stabilized by him. Catch. Lin Meng's hand was similar to the ability to fetch things from the air, making the Minoan knight full of bitterness and speechless.

Thinking of the man in front of him that night ten years ago, those magical witchcraft easily trapped himself and took his own life, and the Mino knight was chilled. "My own interests are sour-hearted, but under the temptation of Adelin Cuomo, I still didn't stand it and betrayed Grand Duke Nis!!"

But then he thought of the mysterious man next to Adelin Cuomo, and the Minoan Knight suddenly increased his confidence, because he saw the mysterious man with his own eyes, but gave Yuris a bottle of magic potion to make Yuris Drink it in front of him, and then as a great knight, Uris became a legendary knight after half a day. Although the process in the middle is a bit scary, Uris has become a genuine legendary knight.

⑤±long ⑤±wind ⑤±wen ⑤±learning, ww≥w.cfw▲xn↗et   For the Minoan knights, they have become the "Guardian Martial Saint" of the Principality of Como many years ago. They have long been under one person. Above ten thousand people, the temptation of money and material can hardly move him. But Adelin Cuomo personally told him that as long as he played for him, he could show him the way above the legendary knight. At first, the Minoan knight completely regarded it as a joke and laughed it off. However, under the performance of the mysterious man, the Minoan Knight had to believe the words of Adelin Cuomo.

"Wizard!!" This was a certain speculation of the identity of the mysterious man by the Minoan knight at the time, otherwise the Minoan knight would not dare to betray Lin Meng's original warning, knowing that Lin Meng is also a mysterious wizard, but Lin Meng It took ten years to rush away. Under the great temptation, the Minoan Knight finally chose to betray.

"Cough! This time the old man admits the plant, how to deal with it, please listen to it!" The Minoan knight covered his chest, coughing constantly, completely giving up his plan to escape. "But the old man would like to remind you that there is also a mysterious man next to Adelin Cuomo, who may also be a wizard!!"

"It seems that the Mino knight knows a lot, but I came back this time to solve this problem!!" Lin Meng chuckled softly when he heard the words, and did not take Mino knight's words to heart. He had already known that the wizard next to Adelin Cuomo was Zoe, a student of Wizard Bikoron. As for how the two got together, Lin Meng didn't know.

"Okay, let's take care of it!!" After finishing speaking, Lin Meng waved one hand, and the other people who had followed the Minoan knight all fell directly to the ground. Without knowing the personnel, seeing that the situation has been completely controlled. , Lin Meng held up several bottles of medicine and flew out, flying accurately towards Knight Kerry and others. "Directly take it internally!!" Lin Meng turned and stood silently behind Grand Duke Nisi after speaking.

Knight Kerry and Hans held the potion in their hands. If they got the treasure, they quickly unscrewed the lid and poured it into their mouths. As soon as the potion was tapped, a cooling sensation came from the lower abdomen, and the pain in the whole body was not relieved. less. The eyes of the two lit up, and they quickly packed the remaining potions, put them in their arms, and took it for granted. The rest of them looked at the movements of the two, and immediately learned something, and realized the preciousness of the medicine in their hands...

"Come here, hold down the Minoan knight and the rest!!" At this moment, Grand Duke Niss has resumed her usual vigorous and resolute queen demeanor, with a murderous look in her eyebrows.

Late at night, Red Fort, Grand Duke Niss’s private study...

"About half a year ago, Adelin Cuomo changed his original connivance and began to rebel overtly and secretly against the orders issued by the Red Fort. For a time, the province of Fred, which is next to him, also began to become eager. The orders were ignored and the law was violated. Just as I hurriedly mobilized the army to prepare for military suppression, the indigenous tribes of Hale Province and Auras directly sent troops to suppress the territory, and their troops came to Ontario and North Carrule. I was caught off guard!!" Grand Duke Niss was slowly approaching Lin Meng about the changes in the situation in the entire Principality of Como in the past six months.

"What about after that?" Lin Meng asked with a frown upon hearing this.

"North Carroll is the political center of the Principality, and Ontario is my foundation. I can't lose anyway, so I have to temporarily mobilize the army to North Carroll and the west of Ontario, and beware of unexpected events. In this situation, Lu The pressure on the provinces of Calvary and Frederic was reduced. Adeline Cuomo and Russ Terry of Fred started to agitate the great nobles of other provinces to rise up against my rule. The implementation of the system you mentioned deeply violated the interests of the nobles of all major provinces, large and small, so in Granville, Razi and Lanka, some nobles in the three major provinces have privately responded to Adeline Co. Fortunately, Red Fort’s intelligence did a good job. I suppressed all the mutinies in these three provinces. Now I can still control North Carroll and Ontario plus these three provinces. There are a total of five lines. Provincial, the other four have fallen to Adeline Cuomo's side." Grand Duke Niss paused, took the tea cup on the table to moisten her throat, and continued.

"I really didn't expect that when Adeline, who was like a bereaved dog, returned to Luca, she immediately sent her son to tell me that she fully supported my rule, for the sake of the same line, and the intervention of the Como Family Presbyterian Church. , I didn’t persecute too much. I just kept my son in the Red Fort as a hostage. I didn’t expect to be ambitious and want to put me to death now!!” At this point, Duke Nisi’s face was murderous and hateful. Endless.

"Adeline will do this, so you won't be afraid of killing her son in a fit of anger?" Lin Meng raised his brows and thought for a while to ask.

"Huh, when I send someone to Linton Cuomo's residence, people will go to the building for a long time, and then I found out after inquiring that the Minoan Knight faked my order, led him away and quietly sent it out of the Red Fort, and waited for me. Send someone to chase it, it has long been too late!!" When the Minoan knight was mentioned, Grand Duke Niss's tone was as cold as iron.

"Later, I arranged several assassinations one after another. All the assassins sent there never returned. There was no news. Through the lurking personnel arranged next to Adelin, I learned that a mysterious man appeared next to Adelin. Unpredictable, through the various signs in his words, I began to guess that the other party was a wizard, and in desperation I had to break the crystal that you gave me at the beginning!!" After speaking, Grand Duke Niss watched quietly. Looking at Lin Meng, I want to know Lin Meng's views on this matter.

"The other party is indeed a wizard, or from the same wizarding organization as I am. I am here to solve this matter. As for Adeline Cuomo, these are all trivial matters. I want to be without the help of the mysterious wizard. , Adeline Cuomo is not your opponent at all!!" Lin Meng said softly.

"But that wizard is in some trouble!!" Lin Meng frowned, but in the end he didn't tell the mission of Wizard Bikolun.

"Aren't you going to tell me about your experience in the wizarding world over the years?" Suddenly, Duke Niss turned around and asked Lin Meng softly.

"Hey... the wizarding world is too far away from you. Let me tell you about Link. I have never fulfilled my duty as a father in these years." Lin Meng sighed softly when he heard the words, and changed the subject. .

"Why... do you want to take Link away?" Suddenly, Grand Duke Niss was furious and stared at Lin Meng, "I would never agree, unless you kill me!!!"

"Uh... please calm down first, Niss!!" Looking at the suddenly excited Duke Niss, Lin Meng was very stunned. Unexpectedly, Duke Niss wanted to stop with a word of his own.

"Where did you think about it? Since I didn't take him away ten years ago, I still won't take him away from you ten years later. The world of wizards is more hierarchical than that of ordinary people. For him It may not be good to be a wizard. I prefer to let him be an ordinary person and live his life peacefully. Besides, I haven't tested whether he has the potential to become a wizard!!" Lin Meng had to explain with a wry smile.

After Lin Meng's reassurance, the excitement of Grand Duke Nisi gradually calmed down. "Is there nothing unusual for Link from childhood?" Lin Meng thought about it, frowned and asked.

"Abnormal? How do you know?" Upon hearing this, Grand Duke Nis's discoloration changed again, looking at Lin Meng incredulously, as if he was at a loss for Lin Meng to be able to tell the biggest secret in his heart.

"What? How is it, tell me carefully, this is related to Link's future!!" Upon hearing Duke Nisi's tone, Lin Meng knew that Xiao Link had inherited his own'Titan Bloodline', and asked quickly. Tao.

Hearing this, Grand Duke Niss revealed the color of memories...

"I remember that when Link was five years old, he raised a pair of cute little rabbits. He loved them very much. He took time out every day to play with them and feed them. Until one day someone gave me a tribute. Snow wolf, I kept it in the same yard where Link was with the rabbits. Unexpectedly, when Link was playing, the people didn’t pay attention, and let the two rabbits sneak into the house where the snow wolf was closed. Link was anxious. Then they rushed into the snow wolf’s house. Everyone was shocked and rushed into the house. They saw Link turned into a giant nearly two meters high, so powerful that the two blood reds and the snow wolves faced each other. One punch knocked the snow wolf that fell to the ground, and the two rabbits were tightly guarded behind him and escaped." Duke Nisi glanced at Lin Meng and found that Lin Meng's brows were deeply furrowed. , Tapped his fingers on the desk once and again, as if thinking about something.

"Later, I removed all the people present and issued a strict ban. Over the years, I have dealt with them almost!" (To be continued.)  

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