The Witcher

Chapter 116: By surprise

Under the induction of Zoe's mental power, all the assassins in the black mist fell to the ground and unconscious. Zoe's complexion slowed down, and with a wave of his big sleeves, he dispelled the black mist covering the small courtyard and saw all over the ground. They are all sleepy assassins.

"Huh!! I don't know how to live or die!" Zoe grinned disdainfully, looking at the crowded figures on the ground.

Hearing the movement in the courtyard disappeared, the two assassins who had just ran out to stop the reinforcements ran in with doubts. They saw everyone lying on the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead. Suddenly their expressions changed drastically. They looked at each other and could see. Out of the horror in each other's eyes, the two of them turned their heads and ran out of the courtyard without saying anything.

"Want to go?" Looking at the two people who immediately turned their heads and ran, Zoe looked cold, with murderous eyes, and seemed to be completely irritated by the previous scene.

"Your Excellency Marquis wait a moment, I'll go and come!" After saying that Zoe imposed a ‘light body technique’ on himself, with a little toe, the person appeared a few meters away, and a little more, he was about to rush out of the small courtyard.

At this moment, the sudden change came out, and he saw an assassin who was lying on the ground covered in black armor. When Zoe passed by his side unsuspectingly, he suddenly broke out from the ground. An ordinary assassin who could not be an ordinary assassin suddenly burst into a torrent of weather, as if a turbulent wave hit the shore, a huge wave broke through the air, and Zoe was locked tightly.

Under Zoe’s horrified gaze, the black-armored assassin’s giant axe in his hand, with a touch of silver axe light, quickly cuts through the air, and the giant axe made a series of'whoops' under high-speed friction, slashing at Zoe. Waist.

"Boom!!" The giant axe approached, and Zoe had only time to activate a defensive demonized item on his body, forming a blue light mask. Lin Meng's axe infused with great strength slashed fiercely, and the light mask shattered with a'bang', turning into a little light spot, dissipating the invisible, unobstructed giant axe, and instantly slashed at Zoe's waist.

"Clang!!" The giant axe and Zoe's belt made a loud clash, and there was a flash of red light from their belt, and it was dangerous and dangerous to block the giant axe's blow. However, under the double axe recreated by Lin Meng with'Dark Silver Heavy Gold', we can see that there are many more lines on the surface of the axe. Those are all rune arrays that Lin Meng painted himself, and they are all'sturdy'.' 'Sharp','bloodthirsty', and'heavy' runes are very suitable for Lin Meng's axe to fight in close quarters. Just a moment ago, when Lin Meng jumped from the ground, it had already aroused the'blood violent' on his body. On top of the'brute force potion' contained in the mouth beforehand, and the'great force technique' that is instantly blessed.

"Boom!!" Zoe only felt an unmatched force coming from the giant axe on his waist. There was a burst of noise all over his body, and then he flew up involuntarily, like a cannonball.'Boom The sound of 'slammed the wall of the small courtyard into a big hole and flew out of the courtyard.

Looking at the big hole that Zoe hit, Lin Meng didn't even think about it, his eyes condensed, and a fireball with a big head appeared in his hand, and he kept tumbling and jumping. Suddenly, a scorching heat filled the courtyard. Lin Meng's arm moved and the fireball Draw a gorgeous trajectory in the air, and go straight to the figure of Zoe.

"Boom!!" The next moment, I saw fire from outside the courtyard, and a violent explosion sounded. A scorching and unbearable air wave mixed with countless sand and gravel, instantly rushed into the small courtyard. For a while, the courtyard was filled with gravel, and my eyes were filled. Blocked.

"Ah...Save me!!"

" away!!"

After the explosion, I heard countless stern calls for help, crying, and a mess. Obviously the loss was heavy. It seemed that the manor guard who had just arrived was caught by the aftermath of the explosion of the huge fireball thrown by Lin Meng.

The corner of Lin Meng's mouth curled up. He didn't have any feminine benevolence, and he saw that there was a red glow in his hand, and it was not badly submerged into the body of the Kerry Knight.

"Cough!" Seeing the people who were still lying on the ground awake, a painful cough came and woke up one after another.

"Okay, Knight Kerry will leave it to you here, I'm going to chase that wizard!!" After finishing speaking, Lin Meng disappeared from the big hole that Zoe had hit without looking back, or a little tiptoe.

"Ahem! Adeline Cuomo this time I see who else will come to rescue you!!" Knight Kerry quickly took out a bottle of Lin Meng's pre-given'healing potion' from his arms and poured it into his mouth. , The medicine entrance suddenly felt a coolness to dissipate the pain in the chest, and then looked at Adeline Cuomo with a smile and said.

Seeing this, the other assassins also took out the medicine suits in their arms. After a few breaths, except for the two assassins and Lin Meng who ran away, many of the other assassins stood in the small courtyard and took out Adeline Cuomo. Father and son surrounded.

At this moment, Adeline Cuomo is no longer calm and calm, and Zhizhu is holding it. Instead, he looked dull and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. Just now, Lin Meng attacked Zoe and smashed it away, and then when Knight Kerry and others woke up, within a few breaths, the rabbit flew and fell, and the situation was instantly reversed.

"You..." Adeline Cuomo looked pale at the moment, looking at the black armored assassins around, tremblingly stretched out his finger to the Kerry Knight who had already taken off his visor, a horrible hoarse, speechless. .

"Come here, stun them and tie them up and take them away. If you can catch them alive, then take them back alive!!" Kerry knight waved, and several black-armored knights came up behind him.

"Asshole, let go!!" Linton Cuomo still wanted to resist. Although he was trained as a knight, he was usually pampered and used to it. There were these wolf-like black-clad knight opponents, and they were beaten in a few strokes. His nose and face were swollen, and he was **** in embarrassment.

"Take it away!!" Knight Kerry gave an order, and Adeline Cuomo and Linton and his son were cut to their necks with a hand knife, and the two of them suddenly became black and fainted. When the two woke up again, they had already become prisoners under the order and appeared in the Red Fort...

At the same time, Lin Meng drilled out of the hole, and saw a mess outside the courtyard. Not far in front, there was a huge deep hole on the ground. The surrounding area was scorched and many stumps and arms were broken. Lin Meng glanced intently but did not find Zoe's figure. He couldn't help but frown. In desperation, Lin Meng nodded his forehead with a finger, and the surging mental power surged out, all around Lin Meng's "Witcher's Eye" watched. .

"Huh?" Suddenly Lin Meng opened his eyes, looking in one of them, a light of thought flashed in his eyes. Seeing him taking out a crystal from his arms and pouring mana in his hand, a red dot suddenly lit up on the crystal, also pointing in the direction Lin Meng had just looked at.

"What! Do you want to move to rescue soldiers?" Lin Meng muttered to himself with a curled mouth. After speaking, he put the crystal in his hand into his arms, carried the axe and disappeared in place.

"Puff!" Zoe, who was running fast, spouted a mouthful of blood from his mouth again, and ran forward shaking his body, without daring to stop.

Lin Meng’s unexpected blow just now shattered most of his body’s bones, and some bone fragments pierced into the internal organs, causing extremely serious internal bleeding, and the huge fireball that followed immediately smashed Zuo. Yi turned to fight with Lin Meng’s confidence. Zoe, who was in the center of the explosion, even used several secret life-saving techniques. Even though his vitality was severely injured, he was still broken through several layers of intense energy released by that huge fireball. Defensively, there was a heavy bombardment on the body, if it weren't for another one, the high-level healing potion purchased at the'Black Thorns' tower at the beginning, I am afraid that Zoe would have died on the spot.

However, Zoe was not far from dying at this time. His whole body was scorched, his left hand was gone from shoulder to shoulder, his back was bloody, and his chest was a few feet long wound, and the bones inside could be vaguely seen. But under Lin Meng’s heavy blow, his waist seemed to collapse, and the whole body became an unnatural twist. With every time Zoe ran, his upper body would sway continuously, seeming to break at any time. With every step, a heart-piercing pain invades Zoe's nerves.

"Huh...huh..." After a while, he finally returned to his courtyard, Zoe, with a relieved expression on his face. He quickly took a few breaths of air greedily, and ran towards the courtyard gate with strong fighting spirit.

"Crack!!" Zoe, who was already at the end of the crossbow, resisted the various discomforts from his body, and pushed his yard door open with all his energy. He also lost the strength to support and fell over and fell at the door of the small yard. , Can't get up again.

"Cough...cough!!" Feeling the severe damage to his body, a deep resentment flashed through Zoe's eyes. He hurriedly took out a few bottles of medicine from his arms and poured it down. It was better than nothing, and I felt a little better than before. Zoe hurriedly held his With a move of mind, he felt that the'Dark Flame Knight' puppet was still standing in the basement intact. Zoe breathed a sigh of relief. At least he still has a chance to turn defeat into victory, thinking At this point, Zoe showed a smirk on his face.

"Ahem!! Unexpectedly, Bikron would send a strong man on the'black list' to chase me!!" I don't know if his injuries were involved, Zoe coughed violently, and vomited several mouthfuls of blood in his mouth. "But Bikron never thought that after the day and night watering of my own essence and blood, the'God Controlling Witch Formation' constructed, I was able to initially control the'Dark Flame Knight', even if you were a strong player on the'Black List'. Who is going to die too!!" Zoe thought fiercely.

At this moment, Lin Meng, under the blessing of the'Swimming Step', which blessed himself with the'Light Body Technique' and the'Swift Boots', was so fast, like a ghost like a charm, and saw a faint phantom, swiftly following Zoe. Chase after the escape route.

"Huh!!!" Lin Meng was moving at high speed and suddenly stopped. He knelt down and looked at the blood on the grass on the side of the road. His brows were slightly frowned, and his fingers were touched. "It's still a bit warm, it seems that he has just left. How long!!" Lin Meng said inwardly when he felt the residual warmth from his fingertips.

"But I haven't stopped the injury even after I ran here. It seems that the fireball just made him suffer a lot!!" Lin Meng smiled, very contented. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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