The Witcher

Chapter 120: Fire Elemental Fusion Witch Array

Looking at the two iron doors that were tightly connected, Lin Meng stretched out his hand and pushed it, but he did not push it at all..lā


   "Drink!!" Lin Meng took a deep breath, drummed with both arms, and pushed hard towards the iron gate. The iron gate remained unmoved. For a while, Lin Meng was really boring, his old face flushed.


   In desperation, Lin Meng had to let the Dark Flame Knight stand in front of the door. Just when he wanted to give an order, Lin Meng's heart suddenly moved, causing the Dark Flame Knight to grab a handle on the door and pull it out.


"Crack!!" Accompanied by a harsh rubbing sound, and a little rubble falling, I saw that the Dark Flame Knight opened the two huge iron gates with great ease, and Lin Meng scolded. I'm too stupid, "Since I can't push it, then pull it away!!!".


  The giant door was opened by a gap, just enough to allow a person to pass through. There was a black hole in the door, and nothing was clear. Lin Meng flicked his finger, and a ball of sparks flew into the door.


   "Boom!!" Then I clicked my finger again, and saw the sparks flying in just now burst into flames in the sky, and the whole cave was dazzlingly visible.


   A dark passage leading directly to the belly of the mountain is revealed. The entire passage is composed of countless steps of stone ladders, sloping downwards, I don't know how deep it is. However, the floor of the passageway inside the door and the surrounding mountain walls were very dry, showing no signs of dampness, and Lin Meng stepped in and did not feel any suffocation.


Just after crossing the iron gate, Lin Meng thought about it and raised his hand, he saw many mushroom spores falling in the sky, growing up visible to the naked eye. After a while, the entire iron gate was full of colorful mushrooms. Lin Meng held his hand. With another flick, a beetle slightly larger than a thumb fell into a mushroom in the distance with a snapping tooth and dancing claws and turned over, and then crawled towards the distance, quickly disappearing behind a mushroom, so Lin Meng Then he entered the iron gate with confidence.


   "Ta Ta Ta!!" In the dark passage, Lin Meng held a lighting crystal, followed by the Dark Flame Knight cautiously walking on the stone steps leading to the middle of the mountain. The stone steps continued to extend downward in a ring shape, and Lin Meng held the lighting crystal to look, only to see the steps ten meters away in front of him, still slanting downward into the boundless darkness.


   Three hours later, Lin Meng had no idea how deep he had sunk into the ground, but he was still slanting into the stone steps in the darkness in front of him. In desperation, Lin Meng had to be patient and walk down.


   "Huh!!! It's getting hot!!" After a long time, Lin Meng obviously felt the temperature in the air began to rise, and the surrounding fire element particles began to become active and dense. Lin Meng's expression was happy, and his steps accelerated. After half an hour, Lin Meng finally walked out of the stone steps.


   Suddenly an empty natural cave appeared in front of Lin Meng's eyes. The cave was huge, about a hundred acres in size. There were many large and small stalactites hanging upside down on the top of the cave, about ten meters long. There is a three-story altar in the middle of the cave. There are a few stone houses not far from the altar. Looking at the stone house, Lin Meng's eyes flashed with joy. However, at this moment, Lin Meng did not hurriedly walk towards the stone house. The sight was cast into the lava lake on the other side of the cave. The entire lava lake occupies half the size of the cave, and the red fire light reflected the cave red.


"Guru! Guru!!" A series of bubbles, as the boiling lava continued to roll, released a sulphur smell, and the hot breath came to him. Lin Meng immediately felt dry and tongue. In desperation, he had to stir his neck. The demonized necklace called the Guardian of Frost suddenly blocked the blazing heat with a cool blue mask, which made Lin Meng more comfortable.


   "Huh!!" Looking at the fiery red world in front of him, Lin Meng instinctively took a deep breath, and suddenly felt that his mana had increased slightly.


"Hiss!! The fire element in this place is so strong that you can absorb it with your own breath and breath, and you don't even need to meditate!!" Lin Meng thought with some surprise. If he meditates here, even if he is qualified. It was extremely poor, but it was also much faster than in the Blackthorn Tower, which made Lin Meng quite excited.


   "Huh!!!" Looking at the same thing, Lin Meng raised his foot and walked forward, but without taking a few steps, he was stopped by a transparent invisible barrier with a "bang". At this time, Lin Mengcai realized that mysterious runes appeared on the surrounding mountain walls, constantly flickering.


   The invisible restraint is very huge, like an inverted bowl covering the entire cave, the huge restraint flashes a burst of colorful light from time to time and echoes the runes on the mountain wall, which seems quite mysterious.


At the moment of Lin Mengji's restraint, suddenly there was a flash of light above the altar inside the restraint in the distance. A flame heart the size of an adult head appeared on the altar out of thin air, and the dense fire elements around suddenly seemed to be attracted by invisible. Condensed into a flaming red ribbon, converging towards the heart of the flame.


   "Boom...boom!!" The flame heart was supplemented by the fire element particles that were about to condense, and the flame on the surface of the heart kept rising. After a few breaths, the flame had risen to a few meters high.


   Lin Meng looked very ugly at this moment, staring solemnly at the changes within the restriction. Faced with these unimaginable abnormal situations, Lin Meng didn't know how to deal with it for a while.


   "Earth, can you analyze what restriction is in front of you?" Lin Meng asked the earth anxiously in his head. Looking at the growing heart, Lin Meng felt uneasy.


"Didi!! The fire element fusion witch formation can isolate other element particles except the fire element, and absorb all the surrounding fire element particles, making the fire element particles in the array more and more dense, and finally achieve a kind of To an unimaginable degree, this is a witchcraft circle that ancient fire wizards are very good at!!"


   "How to get rid of it?" Hearing this, Lin Meng instantly understood the function of the restriction in front of him, and his expression was a little slow, as long as it wasn't an offensive restriction or an enemy-trapped restriction. "It seems that this should be a witch formation set up by Ash Warlock Lius in order to facilitate his own meditation. Using the lava lake over there, the fire element particles that escaped from it can be gathered and absorbed to change the concentration of fire element particles in the formation. To speed up its meditation."


"To break the fire element fusion witch formation requires the caster to inject the elements of the earth, wind, water, and fire into the fire element fusion witch formation in turn, causing the element particles in it to become messy and the fire element fusion witch formation. It will be destroyed automatically. Another is to use the earth escape witchcraft to sneak into the ground, take out the flame crystals buried in the seven energy nodes of the caster, and the fire element fusion witch formation can also be destroyed by itself!!!".


   "However, the subject does not need to break the fire element fusion witch formation in front of him, only needs to form a layer of fire element cover on the surface of the body, and it can pass the immediate prohibition by itself."


   Lin Meng was overjoyed when he heard the words. Under the impetus of his mental power, the free fire element particles and moths gathered around Lin Meng like a flame, forming a fiery red energy cover to tightly wrap Lin Meng.


   Sure enough, when Lin Meng stretched out his hand, he stretched into the mask in front of him without feeling any obstruction. Seeing that there was nothing unusual, Lin Meng cautiously stepped into the mask.


"Huh!! Huh..." Feeling the fire element particles in the fire element fusion witch formation that are more dense than the outside, Lin Meng took a few deep breaths greedily, the spiritual fluctuations in his spirit sea became more active, Lin Meng forced Suppressing the thought of meditation, he turned his head and looked around.


The first thing that attracted Lin Meng’s eyes was still the heart floating above the mysterious altar, scattered with blazing flames. Lin Meng approached and saw that the heart was full of cracks, and there was a big hole through it, which was broken. Unbearable, but there seems to be an invisible force to maintain it, otherwise it would have been torn apart long ago.


  The densely covered tiny blood vessels on the heart formed strange lines, which looked a bit like rare fire runes, and the fire elemental particles surging in the sky all quickly disappeared in these strange runes.


"Earth, scan these lines and analyze whether they are rare fire runes!!" Seeing the strange lines that flashed after absorbing the fire element particles in front of him, Lin Meng immediately asked the earth to scan the records. . After that, Lin Meng circled the heart of the flame without showing any valuable Lin Meng did not dare to put it away rashly, and just looked at the bottom of the heart within a meter or two. The altar was constructed with a material that Lin Meng didn't know about. It was carved with many witch formations and strange runes that Lin Meng had never seen before, covering the entire three-story altar.


The altar was not about ten feet wide and three meters high. Except for the dense runes, there was nothing strange about it. Lin Meng couldn't find anything useful for a while, so he had to turn to the stone houses... …


   "Crack!!" Lin Meng did not encounter any obstacles this time, and easily pushed the door of the middle stone house open.


   The stone house is not big. There are two rooms in total. The front is the lobby. Lin Meng can see several bookshelves, a desk and a sand in it. A door can be seen on the wall on one side of the bookshelf, leading to the room inside. Lin Meng was cautiously guarded, and walked to the desk in the hall.


The shape of the desk is very simple and exquisite. After such a long period of time, it does not appear to be particularly decayed. There are several unique ornaments on the desk. Lin Meng picked it up and looked at it carefully. Now there is nothing special. It seemed to be an ordinary ornament, and Lin Meng rolled his eyes and put it back. Turning to look at the bookshelf behind the desk, Lin Meng was overjoyed for these ancient books, took out the space bag, swept through the mental energy, and collected them all.


After seeing that there was nothing left, Lin Meng walked into the back room, and now it should be a room for meditation. The room was empty except for some shelves, scattered with some magic materials. I saw these Lin Meng. Overjoyed, quickly walked over. .

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