The Witcher

Chapter 138: auctions

"Unexpectedly, the'Frost Breath' can actually strengthen the cold flame attached to the'Ice Flame and Cold Gold', which was unexpected at first. [No Pop-up Novel Network]" Lin Meng stretched out his palm and said, "Puff". A blue ice flame similar in color to the last time appeared in Lin Meng’s palm. This time the blue flame was much larger than last time, the color was deeper, and the chill was even more bitter. After the absorption of'ice flame cold gold' increased, the blue ice flame also began to become more dazzling and exuberant. After feeling the power of the cold flame in his hand, Lin Meng put it away.

Then Lin Meng moved to the box where the'giant golden beetle' was placed, "It is true that this'giant golden beetle' has been in this way since it was cultivated. No matter what you feed, the'giant golden beetle' cannot grow. Fast forward half a minute." This made Lin Meng very helpless, looking at the dark red beetle the size of a thumb, Lin Meng was a little anxious. However, after Lin Meng injected the "Black Demon Insect" gene into the "Giant Golden Beetle" last time, the color of the carapace on its back had begun to evolve towards pitch black, and there were only a few red lines on its body.

According to the information about the cultivation of the'Giant Golden Beetle' obtained from Wizard Denier, Lin Meng tried it and found that it was completely useless. Lin Meng was also in the high position. The tower acquired some, how to quickly cultivate some strange worms and beasts, it is still ineffective. In the end, Lin Meng had to attribute the cause to the ‘Black Demon Insect’ gene.

After thinking about it, Lin Meng picked up a piece of ore with a big head and threw it into the glass case where the ‘Giant Golden Beetle’ was kept. I saw the insect swarm hung upside down in a spherical shape in the glass cabinet, suddenly exploded, and "buzzing" pounced on the black ore on the ground.

"Kacha! Kacha!!" The gnawing sound was loud, and it didn't take long for the ore, which was the size of an adult's head, to be gnawed away. Without food, the insect swarms searched on the ground for a while, then flew back to the habitat again, hugged it into a ball, silent.

"Hey..." Lin Meng sighed softly, shook his head and walked to the side rather helplessly. Originally, Lin Meng planned that if he could quickly breed and multiply the ‘Giant Golden Beetle’, he would be more sure about his trip to the secret realm three years later.

After several days of deliberation, Lin Meng still couldn't give up the temptation of the rare resources in the'Crimson Secret Realm'. Decided to go for a fight, Lin Meng was able to reach the top apprentice level in a short time with the help of the "breath of frost". When he was in possession of the secret technique of the'forging body', the'devil-breaking metal', "Ice Flame Cold Gold" and various demonized items of himself, may not have lost to those strong on the "Black List".

The "Giant Golden Beetle" Lin Meng was used as a big hole card. If he could double the number of the existing insects, Lin Meng would be more confident.

Lin Meng kept thinking about it, walked to a huge block of ice and stopped. The ice cube is about one meter high, with many dense runes engraved on it, and it is exuding bursts of cold air around it. Through the ice cube, it can be seen that the heart of the ‘lava troll’ is being sealed inside.

The ice block in front of him was that after Lin Meng returned to the tower, he specially arranged a ‘ice element aggregation witch formation’ to prevent the ‘lava troll’ from losing energy in the heart and to seal it up. Lin Meng was expecting to use this heart to summon an elemental creature similar to the "flaming giant" in the cave of the ruins. However, Lin Meng hasn't made any breakthroughs so far, so he can't use this heart, so he has to temporarily seal it.

Lin Meng touched the ice cube with his hand and carefully felt the operation of the "Ice Elemental Convergence Witch Array". Fortunately, everything was normal. Lin Meng would use the piece of the "Ember Warlock" Lius left by him every once in a while. Ban the token and carefully check whether there is a new consciousness born in the heart of the'lava troll'.

"It seems that when the auction is over, I have to ask the Bikron wizard to purchase his advanced knowledge of'puppetry' and'corpse alchemy'. Before the'Crimson Secret Realm' opens, I will try to complete the'Elemental Creature Activation'. In the experiment, he successfully summoned an elemental creature of his own, so that the trip to the secret realm would be more secure!!" Lin Meng meditated.

One month later, in the afternoon...

The largest auction plaza in "Thorn City" is crowded with people at this moment. Almost all the free apprentices in the "Thorn City" came to this auction square. Of course, there are people with all kinds of thoughts. Some made up their minds to buy a lot at this auction. While gearing up, some are just thinking about watching the excitement, so now there are still casual walks around. Some simply took advantage of this opportunity to set up a street stall in the square outside the auction hall, which attracted a lot of other apprentices for a while. The stall came, and it was very lively for a while. The real auction meeting has not yet begun, but the apprentices outside have begun to stir the atmosphere spontaneously.

In the evening, the lights are on...

Lin Meng was covered with a consistent black cloak, covering his whole body tightly. Inside the cloak was the rune array that Lin Meng personally portrayed, which was an alchemy item. This cloak was named "Invisible Cloak" by Lin Meng. It was made by Lin Meng using a material with special functions of hiding aura. It was engraved with "invisibility", "breathing", and isolation from other people's detection. The talisman is an alchemy item made by Lin Meng himself. Although it is nothing compared with some offensive demonized items, it is very practical, especially during the trip to the secret realm a few years later. At least it was used by others. The probability of discovery, sneak attack, and tracking is much smaller.

After Lin Meng arrived at the auction square, he didn't rush in, but turned to the reception desk on the side of the auction hall. Lin Meng was going to sell some things that he didn't need for the time being.

"Does the distinguished guest want to identify items or sell items?" Suddenly a charming voice came from Lin Meng's side. A young woman in a tight-fitting purple dress was looking at Lin Meng with a full smile. There was a look of questioning inside. Lin Meng swept away his mental power and found that the woman in front of him had only the mental power of an intermediate apprentice. Lin Meng immediately understood that the woman in front of him should be the receptionist here.

"I don't know what is the difference between the identified item and the sold item?" A hoarse voice asked from under the black cloak. This is because Lin Meng deliberately made his voice hoarse and low after taking the'voice changing potion'.

The woman in the purple dress felt Lin Meng's mental power sweep her unscrupulously, and explained to Lin Meng with a sweet smile, her expression unchanged. "Identified items are charged based on one percent of the value of the items identified. There are two types of items for sale. One is to sell the items directly to our auction house, but the price is lower than the market price. Interview with the appraiser inside. Another thing is that the value of the guest’s items is too high and can be auctioned at tonight’s auction. Then we only charge a 10% commission. Of course, if the auction fails, the guest can also Sell ​​things to our auction house!!" For Lin Meng's sorcerer who didn't want to be recognized, the woman had no idea how many she saw today.

"Well, okay, I get it!!" Wen Yan, Lin nodded sharply, and walked towards a room where someone had just come out of it.

"Is the guest appraising or selling the item?" Lin Meng entered the door and opened a curtain to see a gray-haired old man with goatee sitting behind the counter, looking at himself and asked with a smile.

Lin Meng heard the words, but didn't say anything. Spiritual power immediately gushed out from the center of his eyebrows and prodded towards the room. After a few breaths, Lin Meng recovered the spiritual power that had been revealed, and the face hidden under the cloak also eased, Lin Meng Make sure there is no third person in the whole room except for the goatee old man and himself.

"Items for sale!!" Lin Meng whispered.

"Hehe, please sit down and say, please put all the items to be sold on the table, and wait until the old man carefully evaluates the price?" The goatee old man felt Lin Meng's mental energy fluctuations, and he didn't mind, he still smiled. Said politely towards Lin Meng.

Lin Meng heard the words and said nothing. With a flick of his hand, there were four more items on the table, including seven potions and a blue barking stone. Then he sat on the chair and stopped speaking, raising his head and looking at the old man.

"Hey, this is..." Suddenly the old man looked at the four objects on the table with surprise on his face, and hurriedly picked up a blue potion carefully, and looked at it for felt the potion. With the chill, the old man with goatee became more cautious, and after thinking about it, he took out a test tube and a small straw from the counter. The goatee old man carefully unscrewed the lid of the medicine bottle, sucked a little blue medicine into the test tube, and then put the test tube under his nose, then closed his eyes and felt it carefully. Finally, the old man opened his eyes and looked at Lin. After a long while, he spoke slowly.

"Guest, is this'breath of frost'?"

"Since your Excellency has identified it, let's make a price?" Lin Meng under the cloak said noncommittal to the old man.

"The customer's potion is too precious, and it can already be put on tonight's auction. As one of the final items, the old man will give a guaranteed price of 10,000 magic stones. I don't know what the customer wants?" The old man with a goatee, stroked He stroked the beard on his chin and looked at Lin Meng with a smile.

"Yes, sir, don't you look at a few other things?" Lin Meng thought for a while. It was already much higher than the Frost Breath that he sold to Luo Linna last time. Of course, Luo Linna did it afterwards last time. He told himself information about the'Crimson Secret Realm' to compensate.

"Of course it depends. Please wait a moment for the guest, until the old man recognizes these things one by one!" After speaking, the old man with a goatee picked up the items Lin Meng put on the table one by one and carefully identified them. (To be continued.)

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