The Witcher

Chapter 232: Battle of the Twin Towers 3

"Boom boom boom!!"


   After a long time, the corpse refining in the black mist was finally over, and then there was another heavy footstep.


   I saw the neat rows of black-armored puppets slowly walking out of the black foggy sea behind Lian's corpse.


   These puppets are taller than the corpse refining in front, and they are also pitch black, with black armor emitting a faint black glow, holding weapons such as huge swords or knight guns, and walking silently behind the corpse refining army.


   In the next moment, I saw all the puppets of the entire puppet army. The black light flashed all over, and two black flames suddenly lit up in the eyes under the dark visor.


   Suddenly the entire puppet army began to speed up in an instant. The puppet army, which was still somewhat lifeless, immediately moved like a rabbit, flashing black, following the corpse refining army, and rushing forward.


   Within a few breaths, the front end of the black corpse refining army has rushed to the white light curtain, and even the wizards within the light curtain can clearly see the faceless faces of the black refining corpses.


   I was a little bit timid. After this kind of battle, I couldn't help but feel cold when I watched the boundless corpse refining army in front of me. Even if it was blocked by the tower protection, a look of fear flashed across his face.




   Suddenly, the guard tower of ‘Notre Dame College’ was restricted, and a flash of white light knocked out a big hole in the chest of a corpse covered in black mist.


However, the black refining corpse was not affected at all. He still raised the flashing black weapon in his hand and slashed towards the white light curtain, and the blood splashing from the big hole in his chest sprayed on the white light curtain, immediately emitting a burst The corrosive sound of'chichi'.


   I saw that the white light curtain was constantly twisting under the corrosion of the black blood, and the original solid mask began to become a little thin.


   "No, these black refining corpses are all refined by a special method, and they seem to be specifically used to prohibit the ‘Guardian of the Holy Light’!!!"


   Suddenly, when a wizard saw what happened above the white light curtain, his expression turned pale and furious. Even if the Guardian of the Holy Light was thick, it could not withstand the consumption of so many corpses of refining corpses.


   "Quickly, summon the guards of the temple!!"


   Thinking of this, the wizard said anxiously.


   The next moment, I saw a white-robed wizard with a calm complexion and extraordinary bearing. He took out a golden rune token from his arms, several golden lights, and poured from his hand to the golden token in his hand.


   Suddenly, the golden token was stimulated by its mana, and immediately emitted a faint golden glow.


"go with!!"


   The white robe wizard looked down and threw the golden token in his hand into the air. The golden token immediately floated slowly into the void like being pulled by mysterious gravity.




   Then the curse mark on the hand of the white robe wizard kept changing, and several golden lights flooded towards the golden token in the void, after submerged in the golden light.


Sure enough, the golden token cast a beam of golden light to the ground, and immediately formed a huge circular magic circle on the ground. Numerous golden patterns in the magic circle lit up with golden light, and finally gathered in the circular magic circle. Seeing a golden giant gate from scratch, slowly appearing in the golden light.


   "The door of the temple, come!!"


   Seeing this, the white-robed wizard looked very solemn, and saw him utter a low drink, with golden light shining in both hands, and drew several mysterious golden runes in front of him.


   Then the golden runes were all rushed towards the golden giant gate under the guidance of the spiritual power of the white robe wizard. Suddenly, the golden light on the surface of the golden giant gate flashed, illuminating countless mysterious lines.


"Crack!!" With a sound, the golden giant door slowly opened, and then rows of guards with golden armor and golden light came out of the giant door. These guards exuded a sacred aura, but their faces were expressionless. , There is not the slightest cleverness in his eyes, like a puppet.


The next moment, the white robe wizard once again shot a golden light into the void token, and saw all the golden armored guards below. The golden light flashed all over his body, a mysterious golden rune flashed in his eyes, and his figure slowly began to become agile. , All the golden armor guards rushed towards the corpse refining army outside the white light curtain.




After a few breaths, two torrents of gold and black on the battlefield smashed into each other fiercely. They could no longer be separated. There was an interlaced line of canine teeth formed by gold and black, forming where the two torrents converged. To swallow and cut each other.




   Seeing the black corpse refining army, it was blocked by the golden guards summoned by the wizard of ‘Notre Dame’s College’. The several ‘Black Thorns’ wizards who had originally flown in the air couldn’t help but snorted.


Seeing the token light flashing in the hands of several people, the puppet knights who were originally behind the black corpse refining army immediately turned around, bypassing the battlefield of the black corpse refining and the golden guard in front, and appeared directly at the golden guard. In the flanks position, launch an impact on it.


   "Boom..." I saw an army of black puppets, like a sharp knife, cutting into the golden torrent, splitting it into two, and being attacked by the enemy.


   For a while, the golden front formed by the golden guards, under the attack of the corpse refining army and the puppet knights, immediately became fragmented and precarious.




   At this moment, suddenly on the battlefield, a roar of beasts composed of various roars came, and the wizard of'Black Thorns' felt nervous when he heard the sound.


Within the white light curtain, thousands of creatures of various kinds suddenly burst out, led by the three extremely powerful creatures in front, rushing towards the black armored puppet army that suddenly appeared on the side of the temple guard. .




An extremely faint neighing sound came from and I saw the golden giant python, one of the three leading creatures in the front, covered in golden light, and with a sound of neighing, it was like a water tank, swaying rapidly, and then toward the army of puppets. Crushing past, directly rushed into the puppet army, the thick tail turned into a golden whip shadow, raging violently among the puppet army, shooting countless puppets flying.




   Just as the golden python rushed into the puppet army and raged, the other two super creatures also let out a roar and rushed into the puppet army.


   I saw a golden lion the size of a house. The golden light flashed, and a giant claw waved forward, and several black-armored knights were shot and flew out.


   At the same time, there was a long, long red cheetah on the other side. As soon as the fire light flashed, three black-armored puppets were caught in two pieces, and then the cheetah turned into a fire light and disappeared in place.


   Seeing the army of puppets, some were suppressed under the impact of the biological army of ‘Notre Dame College’, and the several ‘Black Thorns’ wizards flying above couldn’t help but look a little ugly. Several people looked at each other, then one of them nodded. (To be continued...)



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