The Witcher

Chapter 259: transaction

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   "Well, the auction of all items in this trade fair has been completed. Next, it is your free trading time. [Zero ↑ ​​Nine △ Small ↓ Say △ Net]"


“I’m here to say yes. The next free transaction will be ignored by the organizer unless there is a strong buying or selling. If there is a misstep, you are responsible for it, and have nothing to do with the organizer. , Well, who will come up first?"


   said, the mask wizard stepped back and gave up the place.


   As soon as the mask wizard's voice fell, three figures flashed and ran towards the high platform.


   In the end, he was taken a step ahead by a mysterious wizard who was not tall, and the other two had to turn back in anguish.


   "I have a ‘Dark Gold Stone’ in my hand, and I intend to exchange it for a ‘Saprosy Grass’. Do you have any friends here who are willing to exchange it?"


   Seeing on the high platform, the short wizard took out a skull-sized piece of black metal, put it on the table in front of him, scanned the hall with his eyes, and said hopefully.


   As a result, after a long while, the whole hall was still unattended, and a hint of disappointment flashed in the eyes of the short wizard.


   After a while, the short wizard had to put away the black metal on the table and walked down the high platform a little gloomily.


   Then another wizard hurriedly walked towards the platform...


   After half a day, many wizards in the hall have already been on the high platform, but there are very few who can successfully exchange for what they need.


   is not something exchanged by the people on the stage, the value is too low, it is because the many wizards under the stage have no interest in the exchange items offered by the wizards on the high stage.


   After a long time, there were very few wizards present in the hall on stage. At this time, Lin Meng looked at the opportunity and got up and walked towards the high stage.


   Standing on the high platform, Lin Meng first silently took out an inconspicuous black stone from the space ring, put it on the table in front of him, and then swept the people below, and slowly said.


"This thing is of some use to me. I don't know if any of my friends here can recognize it, what it is, or where it can be obtained in large quantities, I must offer a generous reward. In addition, I have also purchased rare winds. The material "Wind Spirit Gold", the price is easy to say, and a set of prohibition circle that can protect one's home!!"


   After finishing speaking, Lin Meng stopped speaking and stood silently on the high platform, looking at the wizards sitting below.


   After a long time, there was silence in the audience and no one came forward. Lin Meng couldn't help flashing a look of disappointment in his eyes.


   It was still the same after a while, Lin Meng had to take the black stone away from the table with regret, and walked off the stage with a gloomy expression.


After Lin Meng, several wizards came to the stage to exchange for the materials they needed, but the success was still very few. After a while, no one was on the stage, and the mask wizard who was standing on the side immediately stepped forward. .


   "Since no one is on stage, I declare that this underground trade fair is over. Welcome everyone to come again next time!!"


   After speaking, the mask wizard and the other two turned inside, and the wizards in the hall began to get up and leave.


   Of course, the one who left the fastest was the old wizard who bid for the "Shaping Potion". The mask wizard's voice had just fallen off, and his figure had disappeared from his seat.


   The next moment, I saw his figure appear at the door outside the hall. As soon as the door was opened, the old wizard flew away immediately.


   At the same time, in the hall, watching the old wizard leave, at the same time several people quickly got up and followed.


Not all wizards in the hall hurriedly chose to leave. Some wizards stayed or walked towards the wizards who had been identified before, but there was no voice between the two, they were all in use. Secret art conversation.


   After sitting for a while, Lin Meng was about to get up and leave. Although there was still no information about the black stone, the biggest purpose of this trip had been accomplished.


   Thinking of this, Lin Meng's fingers gently stroked the flame ring on his hand, which contained the alchemy drawing of the advanced microscope that Lin Meng had just bought.


   "Eye of Ailan!!!"


   This is the name of the microscope on the design drawing that Lin Meng bought. Based on a series of complex calculation formulas and rune arrays listed on the drawing, it is indeed worthy of being designed by a second-level wizard. Lin Meng was secretly delighted.


   Although it seems that it takes a lot of work to successfully make this advanced microscope, but after a rough estimate from the earth.


   Lin Meng has been able to determine that the "Eye of Ailan" in his hand can definitely achieve the accuracy he requires, and it is even more advanced than the microscope Audrey Wizard.


   Thinking of these things in his mind, Lin Meng kept under his feet, got up and walked out of the hall.


   Just a few steps away, Lin Meng's figure suddenly stagnated, and his eyebrows were raised, then Lin Meng stayed silent, turned around, and walked towards a wizard who was sitting aside.


   "Just now you called me and said that I wanted to make a deal with me. I don't know what you meant by the transaction?"


   Seeing Lin Meng walked straight to the front of a slightly fat wizard who was not tall, he directly asked the wizard in front of him through the sound transmission witchcraft.


   "The black stone that you took out earlier, I know its origin, so I want to make a deal with you. I wonder if you are interested in listening?"


   The chunky wizard heard the words, his eyes flashed, staring at Lin Meng carefully.


   "Oh? Listening to your excellency, I am somewhat I don’t know what the transaction is? I would like to hear more!"


  Although Lin Meng was shaking in his heart, his tone was still calm, without any surprise, staring at the pudgy wizard in front of him and said calmly.


   "I can tell your Excellency all the information about the black stone, but in return, your Excellency must make a shot for me against a first-level creature, how about it?"


   Suddenly the pudgy wizard, his eyes rolled, and he said to Lin Meng slyly.


   "Huh, do you think it's so foolish?"


   Lin Meng heard the words, and his voice sank, full of anger.


   "You only need a few words, and you want me to take a huge risk to deal with an ignorant first-degree creature, and I don't know whether the information you said is true or false!!"


   "Huh, your excellency, this deal is too cost-effective!!" After finishing speaking, Lin Meng grinned back in anger.


   If it weren't for the black stone, it would be too important for the "giant golden beetle" in Lin Meng's hand. Lin Meng would have left long ago.


"You don't have to be so angry. The transaction is all negotiated. Since you feel that you are at a disadvantage, I still have a set of alchemy items for the'Dark Blood Vine' forbidden circle. This is a treasure I have collected over the years, a second-level wizard. I dare not say, but as long as the first-level wizard is trapped in it, don't want to retreat. I don't know if this condition is added, what do you think?"


   Feeling Lin Meng's anger, the chunky wizard smiled low, and then spoke out what he had prepared.

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