The Witcher

Chapter 308: Zhi Ge

"Auguus, I will ask again, do you answer the conditions mentioned in the crystal or not?"

Suddenly, in the distance, a majestic voice came from the sky, like a thunder in the void, rolling in, and immediately on the entire battlefield, every corner of the battlefield heard the majestic voice of the white-robed old man.

For a while, everyone couldn't help but slow down, all looking at the sky, the old man with more and more aggressive aura.

"Haha, Imoleta, if you want to grab food from the mouth of your own people, if you are brave enough, you can stretch your hand for fear that your claws are not hard enough!!"

The next moment, in the eyes of the black giant snake, the color of playfulness flashed, and then a muffled voice sounded, unceremoniously sarcastically.

Seeing that the giant snake twisted, the black air was tumbling all over, the terrifying figure immediately drove the airflow around him, and the fishy wind was violent.

"Holy Word Art-Forbidden!!"

Hearing this, the white-robed old man's complexion suddenly sharpened, and then a rich golden light appeared on the golden scepter in his hand. A golden rune full of sacred meaning floated out from the golden scepter and suddenly fell into the golden saint in front of the old man. In the classic.

Then, on the golden holy scripture, countless lines were lit up, a series of mysterious golden runes gushing out from the opened golden holy scripture, and gathered in the air into a golden light full of sacred aura, and blasted towards the giant snake on the opposite side. go with.

"Well, Holy Word?"

Staring at the golden light coming in and the horrible sacred energy fluctuations contained in it, the ridiculous color in the eyes of the giant snake is gone, full of dignity, for one of the three long-standing secrets of the "Guardian of Heaven" tower. 'Holy Words', Augustus, who turned into the Great Serpent, is also cautious.

"Hmph,'Nether Eyes'-open!!"

Immediately, the two vertical pupils of the Great Sky Giant Snake condensed, and a fierce color flashed, and then the black stripes on the huge snake body of the giant snake suddenly brightened, and then the black energy became violent, the one on the head of the giant snake The strange eyeballs that were originally closed slowly opened.


At the next moment, a giant eye full of bloodshot eyes appeared.

At the moment when the weird eyeballs on the giant snake's head opened, a **** ray of light shot out from the bloodshot eyeballs, and slammed into the golden light displayed by the white-robed old man, and then between the two It didn't even make any sound, it was so strangely annihilated.


Seeing this, the two snorted at the same time. When they looked at each other again, they were quite serious. Obviously, both of them were very sure just now. Unexpectedly, they were easily resolved by the other's witchcraft. The two understood that each other was not so easy to pass.

"Holy Words-Sealing!!"

The white-robed old man then changed his complexion, extremely solemn, and slowly opened another page of the golden scripture in front of him with his other hand, then held both hands up, his lips moved, and immediately the golden scripture once again surged with dazzling golden light. The sacred aura that was much stronger than before, sprayed out from the golden holy scripture, and rushed straight into the sky.

"Hmph,'Nether Eyes'..."

Seeing the old man in white robe facing him, the golden holy scripture once again surged with golden light, and the black giant snake opened its mouth, and immediately spewed a thick black air into the giant eyes on the head, and then the giant snake was about to perform some powerful witchcraft.


At this moment, a red fireball glowing with weird waves suddenly shot out from the black armored knight commanding the ‘dark council’ wizard army from the battlefield.

The red fireball lifted into the sky, emitting dazzling flames all the way, and drew a red fire trail in the sky, even in the scorching sun in the "rocky Gobi", it is still clearly visible.

"Well, this is..."

Suddenly, the black giant snake casting a spell saw this, his eyes flickered, and then he was full of black energy. It immediately turned into a black figure and shot towards the black knight in the distance. In a moment, it appeared in it. In front of him.

At the same time, the white-robed old man on the other side saw this scene and couldn't help his eyes sinking, staring closely at the black figure leaping away, his eyes flickering.

In the end, the white-robed old man still did not pursue him, but stayed in place, with a flash of thinking on his face, wondering what was going on, and made Augustus hurried away.

Just as the white-robed old man was guessing in his heart, suddenly the person in charge of the White Wizard Alliance, the golden-armored man in the distance, also sank, staring at the crystal in his hand, and then a golden light shining with golden light. The bullet flew out of its hand and shot towards the sky.

Suddenly, all the wizards of the ‘White Wizards Alliance’ saw this and immediately stagnated, and quickly turned and flew towards their own position.

Seeing the golden light flare, the white-robed old man couldn't help being shocked. Thinking of Augustus who had hurriedly left just now, the white-robed old man immediately flashed a golden light on his body and turned into a golden glow, which instantly appeared on the golden-armored knight's body. Before, Shen Sheng asked.

"Klondiff, what happened?"

"The orcs are going south..."

At the same time, on the other side where the ‘dark council’ wizard team is located.

At this moment, Lin Meng was quietly staying in the group of wizards he belonged to, squinting his eyes slightly, staring at the crowd, which seemed to be constantly arguing.

The crowd was the third-level wizard of the "Dark Council" during the war just now, and they all gathered at this moment to ask what happened.

"It seems that some unexpected change has occurred that forced the two sides to stop the war between the two sides. The'White Wizard League' has also received information. It seems that something really happened!!"

Lin Meng glanced at the third-level wizard in the sky, then turned his head to look at the opposite sky, the ‘White Wizard Alliance’ who was also constantly arguing, thought to himself.

"I just don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing for them these low-level wizards!!"

After all, the current battle that could swallow Lin Meng at any time stopped temporarily, giving Lin Meng a chance to breathe.

"Constans, what happened, how did you send the emergency signal?"

Seeing the black light that Augustus turned into, appeared in front of the black-armored knight, and immediately dispersed, revealing his upright figure, and asked the black-armored knight.

Both of them are from the Rhine Kingdom’s Hell For the usual character of the black armored knight, Augustus also knows very well. It is not an important matter. The black armored knight will never interrupt the two sides. War.

"Auguus, see for yourself!!" Hearing this, the black armored knight passed the crystal in his hand straight, and was accepted by Augustus.

"Well, the orcs went south again, and they have broken through the three major fortresses of the Kingdom of Sith. The Bingfeng points directly at the hinterland of the Blair Human Alliance. Below this, the Duchy of Falaia, the Duchy of Bilistan, the Autonomous State of Georgia, and the Dominion of Bondis , Carolina united government... Wait, the wizarding forces of more than a dozen small countries announced the establishment of a'free parliament' in the south!!"

Seeing this, Augustus' complexion sank, his eyes flickered, and the orcs would not go south to say that every few hundred years, they would go south to invade the southern continent on a large scale, but Blair has always been The alliance is firmly blocked in the sunset grassland, otherwise, if there is no orc restraint, I am afraid that the powerful Blair Alliance would have dominated the southern continent for a long time.

"It's this'Freedom Council', huh, I'm afraid it was suddenly formed after feeling the pressure of the'Dark Council' and the'White Wizard Alliance' during this period of rapid expansion." Thinking of this, Augustus saw it. The cold light flashed. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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