The Witcher

Chapter 520: success

"The extract from the venom claw of the Heiman spider-" he silently recalled the extraction process, then reached out his hand to take a test tube from the table, and held a pair of shiny silver surgical forceps in his other hand. Carefully clamped the two poisonous claws of the big striped spider. Although it was attacked by external forces, it had long and furry legs, and it kicked weakly, but it still couldn't break free from the clamp of the surgical forceps.

Lin Meng extremely steadily placed the test tube under the spider's venomous claw, pressed hard, and suddenly a jet of black ink flowed into the test tube slowly along the test tube wall. The stench was so bad that he frowned slightly, and then A gentle breeze appeared indoors, and swept the stench straight away.

After several times of this, the venom of the poisonous claw of the'Blackman Spider' all flowed into the test tube. He picked up the test tube and shook it until it was filled with a small half. Then, following the same procedure, he put the test tube in the other one of the'Blackman Spider'. On the poison chelator, the gurgling black liquor was slowly flowing into the test tube. After a while, the venom of the two poison chelices had been taken out, and the liquid in the test tube in his hand was almost full.

He placed it on a shelf casually, and then picked up a black snake-like plant that looked like a black snake. It seemed that the branches and leaves of the plant were large and well-hydrated. He held the rhizome of this'viper grass'. , Lin Meng's hand flashed the golden light, and he cut it open. Suddenly, the blue-green liquid accompanied by the weird and clear fragrance came out of the wound and was dripped by Lin Meng into a beaker that had already been prepared. , And the plant shook madly in his hand, screaming screams, like a living creature, and the picture was extremely strange.

After processing the'viper grass', Lin Meng spent more than half a day processing the'snake resentment flower' and other materials. He watched the beakers and test tubes filled with many test tubes on the stone platform. All kinds of materials, there are liquids that are coping with black gas, there are solutions that are constantly rotating, and there are powders that emit disgusting and stench...

After handling these things, he stood up and relaxed, remembering the steps of the configuration in his head, then he took out a "magic-recovering potion" to take it, and quickly replenished the mana consumed in the body, and then he took off the equipment at will. The test tube with the venom of the "Black Man Spider" is fixed on a test tube clamp.

The blue light flashed on his hand, and the refreshing coolness gushed out of his hand. He flicked his fingers, and the blue light immediately shot towards the test tube, wrapped the test tube, the temperature in the test tube dropped sharply, and the tube wall began to freeze. The venom in the original test tube, under the rapid freezing low temperature, actually began to shrink slowly, turning into a thick jelly-like blue substance. Seeing this, Lin Meng's eyes were condensed, and he stared at it until he felt it was almost the same. He picked up a small pinch of red powder next to it and sprinkled it carefully on the test tube.

Suddenly, the sound of'zizizi' sounded, and the blue substance of the test tube was stained with red powder, and it began to disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into light smoke, and finally only a third of the light blue was left after a while. Lin Meng put him aside, and then started to move again.

Two days later, with the cooperation of Lin Meng and Earth, all the experimental materials in the room were turned into the contents of the beaker in his hand. At this moment, he was holding a beaker in his hand, shaking constantly, and it was filled with half a cup of gray liquid. Some turbid things can also be seen floating in it. At this time, the liquid constantly emits a strange smell that he can't describe. It is not a foul smell or a good smell. If you have to describe it, it is a bit like he has smelled it before. Of musk.

At this time, he stretched out his hand and scratched it with five fingers. The ice cube that had not been used until now was placed under his hand. He stared at the ice cube. His eyes flashed, and there was a drop of scarlet in it. The blood, enclosed in ice, is Christina's own blood.

The two most important things to configure this "Snake Snake Potion" are the "Snake Snake Flower" and the blood of powerful snakes. Since she has the blood of the extremely powerful creatures of the "Nether Snake Blood" in her body, this powerful snake is She directly provided her own blood.

Staring at it, Lin Meng couldn't help laughing at himself. In order to get Christina's blood, when the two of them fled for their lives, he took advantage of her serious injury and coma, and quietly collected a lot of them. The piece was crushed, and then the red droplet inside dropped into the beaker with a ding-dong sound.

Suddenly, the liquid level, which was originally still calm, was like cold water poured into boiling oil, crackling, and a violent sound erupted. The whole liquid was spinning in the beaker without wind and waves, and it spun at a very fast speed, bursts of black smoke, from the mouth of the beaker. It kept popping up, gathering more and more, staying for a long time, and finally gathered into a small black snake covered with colorful tattoos. I don’t know if it was because of the blood of Christina, Lin Meng looked at the little snake and felt peaceful. The Nether Snake that Christina transformed last time is very similar.

He waved a big hand, and the breeze blew, and the black mist snake on the bottle mouth suddenly screamed unwillingly, and then slowly disappeared. At this time, the liquid in the beaker had become pitch black, like something like ink.

"This is the'Snake Snake Potion'?" He looked at the hand, his eyes condensed, and he shook the liquid in the cup. Perhaps the reaction has been completed. At this moment, the black potion is the same as usual, quiet Jingsheng put it in the beaker, and then he filled it with a potion bottle.


A week later, Lin Meng was standing in a huge room in the'Netherworld High Tower'. He squinted and looked at the huge circle in the room. It is not so much a room as it is a square. Appropriate, a huge space, comparable to the Victory Square in the Red Fort, surrounded by thick pillars with densely packed amulets, arranged in a predetermined order, and the array in the square is often faintly fluctuating from time to time.

He wore a cloak of night to completely cover himself, and Christina stood beside him, the same was true, with a black cloak, and the other party did not want others to notice her presence.

At this time, many wizards came to the square one after another. Except for a few carelessly, it was no surprise that the other wizards all dressed up like him, covered in black robes, and breathless.

In a few moments, the wizards on the square will have few other wizards coming in. The rest of the wizards will come in groups of three or five, perhaps the companions that have been arranged in advance, but also the lone wizards who come and go alone, find a place to stay by themselves. He didn’t talk to people around him.

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