The wizard in Hogwarts is unscientific

Chapter 47 Andy: I ​​am such an excellent little wizard

Thursday, September 19th. newᴄᴏᴍ

Andy woke up half an hour early today, tidied himself up in the bathroom, and used hairspray to give himself a new hairstyle.

“Absolutely perfect!”

Looking at himself in the mirror, Andy was extremely satisfied.

How could there be such a handsome person in this world?

"Merlin literally gave me the best in the world, and that's really annoying."

After changing his clothes, Andy walked out of the dormitory and found a sofa in the lounge to sit down.

As they became more familiar with each other, Andy and Hermione became accustomed to going to the auditorium to eat together. The person who came out first would always wait for the people behind.

It sounds like a coincidence.

Andy and Hermione basically have no friends besides each other. Even if they are roommates, they are just familiar with each other.

So Andy made the decision a few days ago to help Hermione celebrate her birthday.

Ravenclaw has four classes on Thursday.

However, due to class adjustments, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the morning was moved to the afternoon.

Counting this way, from 10:20 am to 2:00 pm, there are almost more than three hours of free time in between.



After sitting in the lounge for a while, Hermione was seen walking out of the girls' dormitory wearing a Hogwarts uniform, holding a stack of books in her arms, and with a head of hair that looked a little messy. new

"Why did you get up so early today?" Hermione was a little surprised. She usually waited for Andy here, and it was rare to see Andy get up early.

"Maybe it's because I didn't sleep last night!"

Andy responded, then stood up and said, "Let's go, there are still a lot of things to be busy with today."

After breakfast, I finished my homework in the auditorium, followed by a Charms class with Gryffindor.

The little wizard's progress was very slow, and the content of the Charms class was of little help to Andy.

Fortunately, Professor Flitwick has a good personality and is the head of Ravenclaw. He is willing to answer Andy's questions that have nothing to do with the course.

This is the main reason why Andy is keen on taking classes.

Including Professor McGonagall, although she was a little stricter, she was not stingy in giving Andy some extra guidance.

Although Andy can read books and learn by himself, many contents in the books are obscure and difficult to understand. With the answers from Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, Andy's learning progress has been much faster.

If only Professor Snape could do the same.

Andy decided to wait until Christmas to give Professor Snape some gifts to get closer to each other.

After all, Andy does not carry the prefix of Gryffindor, so he will not be targeted by Snape under normal circumstances.

"Okay, let's stop here for this lesson!"

Hearing Professor Flitwick announce that get out of class was over, Hermione immediately packed up her books and suggested: "Let's go practice magic. I want to try the spell-casting skills that Professor Flitwick just taught. New"


Andy naturally had no objection, "But the classroom on the sixth floor is a bit small. I discovered a new secret base two days ago. I'll take you to see it!"

"Don't you think I'm small?"

Hermione was a little confused, but she didn't object, "Then go and have a look!"

"Follow me!" After Andy said this, he took Hermione out of the Charms classroom.


There was a call from behind, and the voice seemed to be Ron. Andy pretended not to hear and pulled Hermione directly into a corridor.

"I think someone called you," Hermione said.

"Really? Why didn't I hear it?"


Andy pretended to have amnesia, "Don't worry about it. Even if something happens, don't rush for a while."

Taking Hermione to the third floor of the castle, Andy stopped in front of the statue of the one-eyed witch.

"This is it. Look carefully. There is a mechanism here."

As Andy spoke, he took out his wand and tapped the statue, saying: "Separate left and right!"


The entrance to the secret passage slowly opened.

"Is there a secret passage here!?"

Hermione covered her mouth and exclaimed, "We should tell the professor about this!"

Andy: "..."

Okay, that's very Hermione.

After flicking Hermione's forehead, Andy said angrily: "Do you think the professors don't know about this place? They do! But the secret passage in Hogwarts is reserved for little wizards to take risks. Maybe this secret passage It was built by Ravenclaw."


Hermione covered her head and stared at Andy fiercely.

Andy continued to lie: "You may not think that Hogwarts has many school rules, but there is actually only one real school rule, and that is - don't get caught doing bad things."

"This is also a kind of exercise for the little wizard."

"Take this secret passage for example. Once we have the experience of exploring secret passages, we won't have trouble exploring some ancient ruins after graduation."

Hermione: "..."

She always felt that Andy was lying to her.

But thinking about the stairs in the castle, it seems not unreasonable to say that this secret passage was built by Ravenclaw.

Andy looked at Hermione with a sincere face, "Trust me!"

Hermione: I don't!

It's hard for people to believe you. Are you trying to trick me into seeing goldfish?

After hesitating for a while, Hermione decided to go in and take a look.

"If there is any dangerous mechanism in the secret passage, we must tell the professor." Hermione said.

After sliding up the stone stairs for about ten minutes, Andy and Hermione arrived at the bottom of the steps.

Go up the steps and push open the trap door to reach the cellar of Honeydukes Candy Shop.

"Let's go up."

Andy raised his chin to signal Hermione, and then walked up first.

Hermione followed Andy cautiously, still holding the wand tightly in her hand. I don't know if she took the wand to protect herself, or if she wanted to take the opportunity to give Andy a hard blow.

Andy pushed open the trap door and took a look.

Good, there's no one in the cellar.

"Hermione, come up here!"

Andy pulled Hermione out of the trap door, first used the Disillusionment Spell to make the two invisible, and then sneaked out of the cellar.

While no one noticed, Andy pulled Hermione and ran out of Bee Duke Candy Store quickly.

"Welcome to Hogsmeade!"

Andy looked at Hermione with a smile, "This is the only pure wizarding village in the British wizarding world. There are many fun places."

"Want to go sit in a teahouse?"

Hermione looked at Andy. She was hesitating whether to knock him out or turn him to stone.

"Thank you!" Hermione suddenly rushed over and hugged Andy.

"Happy birthday, Hermione!" Andy whispered.

Lady Puddieffe's Teahouse is a major feature of Hogsmeade.

It is famous not because of the elegant decoration of the teahouse, nor because of the delicious food in the teahouse. The real reason it's famous is that there's only one teahouse in Hogsmeade.

No one competes with it for business.

Andy took Hermione along the main street of Hogsmeade and walked to the corner, "Let's eat something here first!"

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