The wizard in Hogwarts is unscientific

Chapter 696 Dumbledore, the beginning of all conspiracies!

Chapter 696 The beginning of all conspiracies—Dumbledore!

Dumbledore told the truth.

He knew very well that Andy had exchanged magic with Grindelwald.

Andy gained some spell-casting skills from Grindelwald, and Grindelwald also learned the secret of the fusion of mind and magic from Andy.

Once Grindelwald completes the fusion of mind and magic, his strength will be greatly improved.

Dumbledore felt that... the outcome between the two was probably 50-50.

However, to Scrimgeour's ears, Dumbledore's words had a different meaning.

What if Grindelwald cannot be captured soon?

The meaning of this sentence is: Even though I am so well prepared, this arrest operation will definitely fail!

Even I am not his opponent?

What this sentence means is: After the capture operation fails, I will be in a stalemate with Grindelwald for a long time.

Scrimgeour's heart was shocked and his hands were cold.

Looking at the kind-hearted Dumbledore in front of him, Scrimgeour only felt that a shocking conspiracy was hanging over the magical world.

And the starting point of this conspiracy is Dumbledore!


With a soft breath, Scrimgeour's expression remained unchanged, but he was sorting out all the information about Dumbledore in his heart.

First of all, Dumbledore and Grindelwald were best friends when they were teenagers.

During the period when Grindelwald was wreaking havoc on the European wizarding world, Dumbledore had been hiding in Hogwarts, indifferent to what was happening outside.

It wasn't until Grindelwald was done that Dumbledore stepped forward to stop Grindelwald.


According to intelligence, the year Grindelwald failed happened to be the year Voldemort - that is, the year Tom Riddle graduated.

It was Dumbledore who personally brought Voldemort into the wizarding world!

Not only that.

Scrimgeour recalled the last Wizarding War - one in which he had participated.

During the war, although Dumbledore actively resisted Voldemort and even formed a civilian organization called the Order of the Phoenix, from beginning to end, Dumbledore never had a head-on duel with Voldemort.

After Voldemort's resurrection, the two sides have always been 'evenly matched'.

It wasn't until Grindelwald came back that Dumbledore killed Voldemort as quickly as possible.

It took...two days!

The more he thought about it, the more shocked Scrimgeour was.

To be fair, Scrimgeour had never doubted Dumbledore before the Battle of Diagon Alley.

Although he didn't like some of Dumbledore's actions, he always respected the headmaster.

It wasn't until the Battle of Diagon Alley and the unfavorable rumors about Dumbledore broke out that Scrimgeour became suspicious.

After Voldemort's death, Scrimgeour's suspicions reached their peak.

What on earth did Dumbledore want to do?

He has neither fame nor status, and the so-called rights are at his fingertips - according to Scrimgeour's understanding, Dumbledore has rejected the position of Minister of Magic several times.

It can be seen that this is definitely not what Dumbledore wants!

So what does he want?

Scrimgeour looked at Dumbledore nonchalantly.


Or eternal life?

Within a hundred years, there were two Dark Lords who wreaked havoc on the wizarding world. One was Dumbledore's best friend, and the other was Dumbledore's student.

It’s okay not to dwell on it.

But when he thought about it carefully, Scrimgeour suddenly shuddered.

And that Andy Collins...he was also Dumbledore's student!

Judging from Andy's general behavior, this person is definitely not a kind person.

At a young age, he killed people without blinking an eye.

Even if the people Andy killed were Death Eaters, from a legal perspective, these actions were legal.

But just think of Andy's age...

Scrimgeour felt extremely cold in his heart.

Facing Dumbledore, Scrimgeour did not dare to show any flaws on his face.

"Can't you even do anything?"

While operating Occlumency, Scrimgeour said in a respectful tone: "You have defeated him once. Now that Grindelwald has been imprisoned for decades, he should not be your opponent, right?"

At present, all this is just Scrimgeour's speculation.

He needed to confirm his suspicions.

And the method of confirmation is also very simple - it depends on whether the arrest operation can be successful this time!

Grindelwald has been imprisoned for decades, and it stands to reason that his abilities in all aspects will be reduced.

The Grindelwald of that year was no match for Dumbledore, let alone the Grindelwald of today.

"I know him!"

Dumbledore said in a solemn tone, "Since Grindelwald dares to escape from prison, he must be prepared. He is proficient in divination and prophecy. If he insists on hiding, there is nothing I can do against him."

The foreshadowing is very good!

Scrimgeour sneered inwardly.

But... wasn't Voldemort easily killed by you when he was hiding?

"It's indeed a bit tricky!" Scrimgeour said with a frown.

Dumbledore nodded slightly.

Based on Dumbledore's life experience, even without Legilimency, he knew exactly what Scrimgeour was thinking.

But Dumbledore didn't care.

Information about the Horcrux must be concealed.

The secret of the fusion of mind and magic... also cannot be revealed.

Without these two key pieces of information, it was normal for Dumbledore to be suspected.

He was in no mood to argue.

Compared to these, Dumbledore is more worried about the future of the magic world.

In this world, anyone with a little ability will not be content with being ordinary - the only difference is that their pursuits are different.

Dumbledore is the same.

If it weren't for the death of his sister Ariana that made him realize the truth, there would have been no one else in this magic world.

If you are not content with being ordinary, you will toss around.

Grindelwald is like this, and so are Voldemort and Andy.

What Dumbledore is worried about is that the lawful faction in the magic world lacks heirs, and Dumbledore alone is really a bit alone.

It's not that reform is bad.

Dumbledore is very clear about the shortcomings of the magic world, and he is also very clear that the current magic world is in urgent need of change.

However, the reform of the magic world must never be based on "going to war with Muggles" as a premise, and it must never be based on "enslaving Muggles" as the goal of reform.

That is just self-destruction!

So... Grindelwald is not suitable to lead the magic world.

His thoughts are too extreme.

In comparison, Andy is undoubtedly a more suitable candidate.

In Dumbledore's view, Andy has magical talents that surpass everyone else, and he also has all kinds of fantastic ideas, and he has the ability and execution to turn these 'fantastic ideas' into reality.

The fusion of mind and magic has undoubtedly greatly increased the upper limit of wizards.

More importantly, Andy understands Muggles, has no discrimination against Muggles, and has never thought of enslaving Muggles.

Dumbledore believes that in today's magic world, only Andy has the ability to lead wizards to complete the transformation of self-transformation and gain more living space for wizards.

But the problem is...

Although Andy does not discriminate against Muggles, he looks down on wizards!

And this is also the main reason why Dumbledore wants to 'pull Andy back'.

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