Chapter 11

The mechanism by which an awakened one’s profession is determined has not yet been revealed.

Awakened ones are broadly divided into combat and non-combat types.

First, combat types are divided into close-range combat types with high strength and stamina stats, and long-range combat types with high agility and intelligence stats.

Representative combat professions include swordsman, martial artist, archer, assassin, mage, support sorcerer, and finally healer. Although the combat style varies slightly depending on the individual’s combat tendencies after the profession is determined, the professions can be broadly divided into these categories.

There are far more non-combat professions than combat ones.

The representative non-combat professions include appraisers who discover the uses or hidden functions of items obtained from the Tower of Infinity, blacksmiths who craft weapons, alchemists who create potions, and enchanters who make artifacts.

There are also many awakened ones who cannot even become either combat or non-combat professions.

These are the ones who, unlike others, only received three bonus stats instead of five, or whose bonus stats were scattered randomly.

In such cases, they cannot obtain proper jobs or skills and are commonly referred to among the awakened as trash characters, useless characters, or miscellaneous characters.

They often become porters or supporters for those attacking the Tower of Infinity. Some give up on the Tower and take up security or other jobs.

Those whose abilities are so poor that they can’t even do that, or who have personal reasons preventing them from climbing the Tower, sometimes give up the life of an awakened one altogether.

“An enchanter, huh.”

I walk out of the pub and stroll down the street.

Even though it’s late, there are quite a few people walking around. They seem to be the ‘Doomsday tribe’ who spend their leisure time in Doomsday to escape the harshness of reality.

Enchanters are among the non-combat awakened who make a lot of money. As the job title suggests, they are awakened who create artifacts.

I have yet to see or use an artifact made by an enchanter in reality.

But I can easily guess the level of the artifacts they make.

– Don’t even call those half-wits wizards.

That’s what my master said about awakened wizards.

My master’s disdain for awakened wizards is immense because they can use magic without any effort, unlike those who formally sense mana, create circles, learn runes, and manifest magic.

In fact, the power of the magic used by awakened wizards is said to be less than half of that used by native wizards.

Enchanting is also a branch of magic.

There is even a place in the Magic Tower that specializes in training enchanters.

If the magic power of combat wizards is pathetic, I don’t think enchanters would be much different.

“I think it would be nice to learn enchanting.”

Even artifacts made by those half-wits are traded for enormous sums, so how much would artifacts made by a real wizard, especially a primordial wizard, be worth?

I keep smiling, perhaps because of the pleasant imagination.


“Thank you for everything.”

“Mr. Woon, you’ve worked hard. Let’s meet again if we get the chance.”

“Mr. Woon, good job.”

I say goodbye to my colleagues.

I don’t even glance at Deputy Manager Park Hyun-do, who looks at me with disapproval as I sit at my desk in the field office.

We are not close enough to exchange warm farewells, nor do we have any particular conversation to share.

After exchanging greetings with Jo Geuntae, Yoo Jin-ho leaves the company.

“Una. Whatever you do, just do it as well as you did here. Then you’ll surely be recognized.”

“Haha. Sir. Thank you. Please always stay healthy.”

After saying goodbye to the security guard for the last time, he steps out of the company’s main gate.

It’s well past the rush hour, and since it’s a bus heading out of the industrial complex, I’m the only passenger. As I gaze out the window, the three years at Sewoon Industries flash by quickly.

Arriving at the destination, I get off the bus.

I stop by the large mart at the entrance of the neighborhood where I live and buy various foods.

“Did I buy too much?”

I had been saving money and couldn’t eat what I wanted. But now that I’ve awakened, I didn’t want to live miserably.

With two large bags in both hands, I head home.

“Should I buy a car?”

But soon dismiss the thought.

Even if I wanted to buy a car, I don’t have the money right now. The severance pay from the company wouldn’t even be ten million won, and even if I combined it with the money I have, I could only afford a used car.

There’s also the option of cashing in the gold my master gave me.

“I shouldn’t do that.”

Cashing in the allowance my master gave me is out of the question. If I want something in reality, I should work hard and earn money to buy it.


The pork belly cooking on the grill.

It’s been a long time since I grilled meat in the one-room apartment where I live.

I also bought a bottle of soju, so I take a sip with the cooked meat as a side dish.

“Ah-, this is good.”

The reason I can grill meat without worrying about others in the one-room apartment is that it’s my own place, not a rented one.

It’s the ‘my home’ I bought with all the not-so-large insurance money my parents left when they passed away.

After finishing a pound of pork belly and a bottle of soju, I take out the trash and go outside.

I desperately crave the cigarette I quit last year.

It was when I was heading back home after throwing away the trash.

– Meowww.

I hear the cry of a cat.

It’s quite different from the usual cries of the stray cats I hear around.

Should I say it sounds pitiful?

I walk towards the sound of crying. Under the streetlamp, a small creature is wriggling. It’s a kitten, barely born. It seems its mother has lost it.

I look at the kitten for a moment and then turn away. I’ve never had a pet before. I’ve always been too busy to take care of anything else around me.


The crying sound comes again.

My feet feel like they’re glued to the ground.

“If I leave it like that, it will die, right?”

The chances of a motherless kitten surviving are close to zero.

“Anyway, I’m unemployed now.”

I go back under the streetlamp and carefully pick up the wriggling kitten. It’s so small it barely fits in my palm.

I quickly climb the stairs and enter my house.

I lay the softest piece of clothing on the floor and place the kitten on it.

“What should I do?”

I’ve never had a pet, so I don’t know what to do.


But I have the powerful weapon called ‘internet search.’

According to the search results, the first thing to do when adopting a baby pet is to take it to the vet.

You need to check its overall health and see if it has any potential infectious diseases.

It’s too late to go to the vet now.

“It’ll be okay, right?”

Even if I can’t go to the vet, there’s a way to achieve a similar effect.

I draw a rune in the air. A milky light faintly reveals itself.

– The Rune of Healing.

It’s the most basic healing rune used in healing magic like Heal and Recovery.

The milky mana seeps into the kitten’s wriggling body.


Maybe it’s just my imagination, but the crying sounds more comfortable than before.

“Next is detoxification.”

To expel any bad energy that might be in the kitten’s body, I manifest the detoxification rune that constitutes the Cure detoxification spell and let it flow into the kitten’s body.

After injecting a few more manas, I search again.

“When you pick up a stray kitten, don’t give it milk right away? It might be dehydrated, so give it an electrolyte drink first?”

Fortunately, there is an ion drink in the refrigerator.

I take it out, pour a little, and place it in front of the cat’s snout. The cat, perhaps smelling the ion drink, sticks out its tongue and licks it.

“Good kitty.”

The cat’s breathing becomes more comfortable after drinking all the ion drink. I send a wave of healing mana once more, and it soon falls asleep.


The place I woke up in the world of Doomsday is ‘my’ room in the magic tower.

It’s a place filled with luxurious furniture, so spacious that my real home seems pitiful in comparison.

“Let’s earn money and buy a house like this, no, an even better one in reality.”

With a determined spirit, I leave the room and head to my master’s office.

“You’re here?”

In the office, my master and two elders were having a conversation.

The eyes of the two elders looking at me were dripping with honey.

“Just in time. We were just talking about you.”

“About me?”

“Yes. Although there are still two days left in the promised week, thanks to your efforts, we have achieved more than expected, so we plan to advance the talent nurturing project by two days.”


I thought I would spend today memorizing rune letters as usual, but the good news makes my ears perk up.

“You seem to be in a good mood.”

“Yes, master. It’s the best.”

“Good. Let’s go right away.”

The place we moved to through the magic circle was the first basement floor of the magic tower.

“Wow! It’s incredibly spacious.”

“Of course. There are over a thousand people working here.”

“A thousand people?”

The explanation was given by the great elder.

“Enchanting. Making artifacts requires many people. Explorers to find rare minerals or materials, mercenaries to help them, miners to extract the veins, blacksmiths to process them, and so on. There must be tens of thousands of mouths attached to this enchantment workshop.”

“That’s really amazing.”

“Our magic tower collaborates with the Black Rock Dwarf clan to make artifacts. The workshop of the Black Rock Dwarf clan is inside there. The people here are wizards who make artifacts. In other words, they belong to the enchantment school. And the one who manages this place is…”

“It’s me.”

A person joins the conversation.

An old man wearing a wizard’s hat with a bent tip.

From noble mtl dot com

“It’s the Twelfth Elder.”


“Yes. Nice to meet you. I’ve heard your story from the Tower Master and those old men until my ears were worn out.”

The Twelfth Elder looks at me with curious eyes.

“The start of the Tower’s Talent Cultivation Project begins right here with the Enchant School.”

My master pats my back and then moves forward.

My master, along with the three elders, tours the Enchant Workshop.

“If I were to define the Tower’s Talent Cultivation Project in one word, it would be to create a ‘flawless wizard.'”

“A flawless wizard?”

“That’s right. The Tower is divided into several areas, including this Enchant Workshop. There’s also an Alchemy Workshop, and some guys who only dig into support magic. The wizards belonging to the Enchant School are very skillful. They are adept at handling mana very delicately. It’s a natural result since they engrave magic circles on small objects and embed mana stones to create artifacts. However, they lack knowledge in other fields besides their specialty, enchantment. Although they are wizards, they can’t even use proper attack magic.”

My master pauses for a moment, picks up a ring from a nearby workshop table, examines it, and hands it to me.

“It’s a ring enchanted with Fire Arrow. It can be used five times, and after five uses, it needs to be recharged with a mana stone.”

“It’s a wonderful artifact.”

“Indeed. It allows even those who can’t use magic to use it. The problem is that the wizards of the Enchant School also use artifacts.”

Not understanding, I look at him, and the Twelfth Elder speaks with a grim expression.

“Since they have no talent for attack magic, they have to hang all the artifacts they made on themselves if they want to go out.”


“If you’re an enchanter like me, you can reach a certain level of attack magic, but enchanters below the 5th circle are really the worst.”

My master takes the ring back and places it on the table again.

“The same goes for the Alchemy School. They make potions brilliantly, but other magic is a disaster. If the wizards of the Enchant School hang artifacts all over themselves, the wizards of the Alchemy School hang potions. They carry around strange potions like explosive potions and poison mist potions. Of course, that doesn’t mean they are doing something wrong. Just as everyone looks different, they have different talents. It means there are strengths and weaknesses.”

My master pauses for a moment and looks at me.

“What if. What if, a flawless wizard with no weaknesses is born? A wizard who perfectly masters all fields such as enchantment, alchemy, illusion, support, and attack. Wouldn’t they be able to overcome any crisis with their own abilities?”

“It’s not just alchemy or enchantment that’s the problem.”

The First Elder speaks.

“The same goes for battle wizards. As they walk the path of mana, they naturally develop an affinity with certain elements. For example, they might be well-suited to fire mana or water mana. Among famous wizards, there are many with nicknames like ‘So-and-so of Fire’ or ‘So-and-so of Ice.’ This is also wrong.”

“A wizard should be familiar with all mana. It’s like how a child shouldn’t be picky with food.”

I nod my head involuntarily at the Second Elder’s words.

My master concludes the story.

“The Tower’s Talent Cultivation Project ‘Flawless.’ A grand project to cultivate a flawless wizard begins now.”

The faces of the three elders flush with excitement at the master’s declaration.


Exactly what they wanted.

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