Chapter 39

After returning to reality from the world of Doomsday, I deeply pondered my master’s words.

It was a conversation that made me think about many things.

After sweating in the sauna and taking a cold shower, I sent a message to Park Dong-hyuk.

– I plan to focus on conquering the Tower of Infinity. Please continue to help me as you have done so far.

Even though it was a short message, Park Dong-hyuk would understand the meaning behind it.

I intended to leave the matters outside the Tower of Infinity to Park Dong-hyuk.

There were quite a few things that needed attention, and I would leave all those matters to Park Dong-hyuk.

There is a saying, “Personnel is everything.”

By placing the right people in the right positions, things will go smoothly.

Dealing with people is something Park Dong-hyuk does better than I do. Especially dealing with those in power is not something that suits me.

Until recently, I was just an ordinary citizen with no power.

Watching YouTube, my only interest in politics was cursing politicians and conglomerates in related videos.

So, I would delegate everything to Park Dong-hyuk. He would handle everything ‘smoothly’ on my behalf.

Just like the Mana Addiction Treatment Center.

How many inquiries or complaints must Park Dong-hyuk be receiving? The endless protests by unknown groups are the same.

He never said a word to me. He just silently worked according to the rules he made based on what I wanted.

Of course, I knew well that just by representing me, Park Dong-hyuk’s status would rise vertically. All the artifacts and potions I created were traded through Park Dong-hyuk.

No matter how great an awakened one’s abilities were, they could never purchase those items if they fell out of Park Dong-hyuk’s favor.

His high status would not harm me. On the contrary, the rise in Park Dong-hyuk’s status, who represented me, would ultimately be beneficial for me.

Now, my task was clear.

– Grasp all the interests of the Tower of Infinity tightly. Devour them all. Make it so that nothing can be done without going through you.

It was to climb the Tower of Infinity.


– Do you know about the path of the hunter?

This was what my master said when I showed my determination to seriously conquer the Tower of Infinity.

– In the mountains, there are paths that only animals take. Hunters have similar paths, and they call them the path of the hunter. A path where you can approach your prey without being noticed, avoiding the traps you set. A path where you can move quickly through the dense forest. That is the path of the hunter. There is such a path for wizards too.

From noble mtl dot com

My master called that path the “Path of the Wizard.”

For some unknown reason, the warp magic circles installed in the Tower of Infinity all stopped working at once. After about a week, they resumed normal operation, and since then, such an occurrence has not happened again, but the wizards felt a sense of crisis.

What if such a phenomenon occurred again in a crisis situation?

Thus, the wizards of the Magic Tower put their heads together and created the “Path of the Wizard.”

The Path of the Wizard is the fastest and safest way to ascend the Tower of Infinity without using warp magic circles. It is a place where the probability of encountering monsters is low, and there are shelters where one can rest safely along the way.

Just as ordinary people cannot find the Hunter’s Path, others climbing the Tower of Infinity cannot find the Path of the Wizard. They might pass by it by chance, but they would not know it is the wizards’ secret route.

Moving at an incredible speed.

The surrounding scenery rushes backward.

Hovering about 5 centimeters above the ground, moving at more than twice the speed of flying magic.

It was a magic called “Chukji,” created by modifying flying magic.

It is a magic that makes the body light with reverse gravity and then pushes the body forward using the mana of the wind.

It took about six hours to pass through the 10th floor via the Path of the Wizard.

Compared to the four to five days it takes for Awakened Ones to move as quickly as possible, it is an incredible speed.

When encountering Awakened Ones during the journey, they had to slow down and slightly change direction to avoid their eyes, so the actual travel time was much shorter.

Even after reaching the 11th floor, they did not reduce their speed.

They broke through to the 17th floor without stopping.

The place they arrived at was a fairly wide dry land, quite different from the surrounding swampy environment.

There were large Lizardmen and Naga villages nearby, and the Poison Frog habitats, which the Awakened Ones called “Frogmen,” were scattered around, making it a place where Awakened Ones could not easily set foot.

“Fortunately, it seems no one has come.”

The wide clearing was completely surrounded by large, thick trees, making it hard to see from the outside. The trees themselves formed a natural wooden fence, protecting the clearing.

After surveying the surroundings, they immediately began their work.

They pulled trees from afar and planted them between the trees surrounding the clearing. Filling the empty spaces with trees created a perfectly isolated space.

They installed magic circles on the wooden fence.

Simple traps using 6-circle illusion magic and runes of distortion and loss.

Even if someone visited by chance, they would not be able to find this place.

The Path of the Wizard and the Wizard’s Shelter were completed.

Like the abandoned mine tunnel on the 3rd floor, this place would also become a shelter and research lab just for them.

They also built a log cabin in the middle of the clearing. Having learned how to build a log cabin through YouTube, it was not too difficult.

“The greatness of magic.”

They exclaimed in admiration as they looked at the log cabin they had built in no time. Even they thought it was a pretty decent log cabin. It was something that would have been impossible if they were not a wizard.

Inside the log cabin, I unfold the folding bed and take out a few pre-prepared items.

“The aroma of coffee mix enjoyed with nature is exquisite.”

I also brought food items like cup noodles and instant rice.

I quickly make a ‘preservation’ artifact that extends the shelf life and store the food in it.

After roughly finishing setting up the shelter, I lie down on the bed.

For the time being, I will stay here, level up, and craft artifacts.



A monster with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a snake.

The venom it possesses is so potent that a single drop can kill hundreds of people, and its sharp claws and teeth can tear through the thick skin of a lizardman like paper.

In the swamp area of the 11th floor, if lizardmen are the most numerous monsters, then the most powerful monster, though fewer in number, is the naga.

The naga’s corpse is traded at a much higher price compared to a lizardman’s.

The naga’s venom is eagerly bought up by companies and laboratories that manufacture pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, and its skin is used to make high-end luxury brands or defensive equipment.

Even its claws, teeth, and bones are traded at high prices, as the bones contain toxins that can be used to craft special weapons.

Not far from my shelter, there is a large naga village.

Many awakened ones seek to hunt the naga because their corpses fetch high prices. However, they are reluctant to attack a large naga village.

This is not only because the naga itself is a powerful monster, but also because of the monsters that inevitably exist around the naga village.

Poison Frog.

A bipedal monster resembling a frog, called frogman by the awakened ones.

Its tongue can shoot through a 10-meter space, and its quick movements and large mouth, capable of swallowing a person whole, are terrifying.

Usually hiding in the water of the swamp, it only sticks its bulging eyes out when it senses movement, rolling them around before shooting its tongue at its prey.

If you get caught by the Poison Frog’s tongue, you will be swallowed in an instant.

Poison Frogs are also the favorite prey of the naga. Therefore, where there are Poison Frogs, there is a high chance of finding naga.

I am gliding over the surface of the swamp.

Suddenly, something shoots up from the water. A long, sticky tongue dripping with mucus. As I extend my hand forward, cold air gathers and transforms into the shape of a human hand.

“Ice Hand.”

The ice hand grabs the flying tongue.

The tongue freezes instantly. The ice travels down the tongue to the water’s surface. The water freezes, and soon the Poison Frog leaps out from below. The Poison Frog, which had leaped towards me in an instant, is split in two in mid-air by a contraction spell.

– Your level has increased.

This is the first time my level has increased since I defeated the orc chieftain on the 10th floor.

– Name: No-un

Level: 13

Class: Mage (Origin)

Title: Disciple of the Tower Master, Mage of the Source

Strength: 32 Stamina: 32 Agility: 32 Intelligence: 143(↑2) Magic Power: 157(↑6)

Achievements: One who has touched the Source, Orc Slayer

The increase in magic power slightly surpasses that of intelligence.

I extract only the magic stone from the corpse of the Poison Frog and leave the body as it is. It would fetch a considerable amount of money, but I am not in urgent need of money right now. It is more beneficial for me to hunt one more monster in the time it would take to collect the corpse.


After finishing the hunt, I return to the shelter, sit on a chair, and close my eyes.

It is partly to rest my body, exhausted from the hunt, but also to train my magic through meditation.

I summon the rune that I have not yet reached, that has not yet been permitted, in my consciousness.

The 8-circle rune that constitutes Warp Magic.

I already know it, but the rune seems reluctant to show itself and rarely reveals its form.

It was the same when I crafted the 7-circle Mana Drain Artifact. The rune only opened its heart to me after a long period of push and pull.

Therefore, I do not rush.


After about an hour of meditation training, I exhale deeply. It may seem like I am just sitting still, but the mental energy consumption is considerable.

“When the Warp Magic Circle is installed…”

I imagine the time after the Warp Magic Circle is installed.

I will not install the Warp Magic Circle on every floor immediately. I will choose one floor for every ten floors and install the Warp Magic Circle. Even that alone will be a revolutionary breakthrough.

Everything about the strategy for the Tower of Infinity will change.

I will be at the center of it.

Following my master’s advice, I will monopolize all the interests of the Tower of Infinity.

Except for what the awakened ones occupied before I awakened, the places their hands have not yet reached will be entirely mine.

I will make it so that nothing can be done in the Tower of Infinity without going through me.

Movement to higher floors, transportation of goods, supply of artifacts and potions, and provision of safe shelters.

I will create an ecosystem that revolves entirely around me.

“It will be my own kingdom.”


After complex calculations, the space in front of me warps.

The prolonged concentration has taken its toll, and my head feels like it’s about to split open.


A small flame is created.


The flame flies rapidly into the warped space.

And then-.

It disappears.

The flame reappears about 20 meters away.


Just as I am about to speak, the flame vanishes into nothingness.


A month has already passed since I started training the runes of the warp magic circle while staying at the 17th-floor shelter.

The runes that make up the magic have gradually opened their hearts. I have been able to shape the runes and manifest mana.


I could not use the runes to cast magic.

The magic I just cast was something my master had shown me.

It is an application magic that can transfer a flame to a desired space.

To perfectly cast this magic, most of the 8-circle runes used in the warp magic circle are needed.

Create a gap with the rune of distortion and mix the rune of space into it. Summon the flame, decompose it, and then use the rune of leap to jump between spaces.

Finally, recombine the decomposed flame.

I succeeded in opening the space and sending the flame to the desired space, but I failed to recombine the flame.


I lose my balance and stagger.

My head feels like it’s about to split open, and my vision turns black.

And then I lose consciousness and collapse.

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