Chapter 41

Unlike the 17th-floor shelter where I balanced hunting and training, at the 25th-floor shelter, I am fully devoted to magical training.

Although the runes that make up the warp magic have opened their hearts, I still cannot draw the magic circle.

Knowing the runes and drawing the magic circle are separate issues.

The warp magic circle is not a single, complete magic circle. It is a harmonious combination of four different magic circles.

Since it is not a concept of overlapping magic, I am still at a loss.

As my master said, the inside of the Tower of Infinity is rich in mana compared to the outside, making it a good place for training.

However, there were also inconveniences.

Being cut off from the outside world is a small problem. The bigger problem is that even if I encounter a blockage in my training, I cannot go to the world of Doomsday to seek advice from my master and elders.

When I made no progress in training the warp magic circle, I took out a fist-sized red gem from the infinite bag.

It was the life vessel of a lich.

Although it has now lost all its energy and become an ordinary gem, the dark magic, or dark runes, used to create the life vessel still remain on its surface.

“Similar yet different.”

The biggest difference between the runes used in white magic and dark runes is the concept of ‘summoning.’

The runes of white magic are manifested by the most basic energy that makes up the world, mana.

Similarly, dark runes are also manifested by dark mana, but unlike ordinary mana, dark mana can only be used after a summoning ritual.

I raise my hand and trace the dark runes engraved on the surface of the gem.

As the dark rune is completed, my fingertip tingles as if pricked by a needle, and I hastily withdraw my hand.

It seems to be a side effect of me, who has learned white magic, drawing a dark rune.

Can white magic and dark magic coexist?

This is another issue I need to seek advice from my master in the world of Doomsday.


I concluded that shutting myself in the shelter and only training is not the answer.

I climb onto the roof of the small building that serves as the entrance to the shelter and look around the land of the dead. Countless undead are wandering aimlessly.

In the distance, I see an undead exuding a black aura.

“Dark Knight.”

When a corrupted knight is revived by dark mana, it becomes a dark knight.

Among the undead, the dark knight is the strongest entity that appears on the 25th floor.

Although it cannot be compared to the death knight, known as the strongest undead, the dark knight is also famous for being a difficult opponent. Like knights, dark knights imbue their swords with aura, and the destructive power of dark aura is tremendous.

It is well known that when the United States took over the mana stone mine on the 29th floor, they suffered enormous damage to defeat the dozens of dark knights inside the mine.

Steadying my breath, I shape the runes in the space of my consciousness.

The runes, given life by mana, begin to emit their individual energies. I combine the runes and arrange them in the most ideal form.


The air in front of me twists.

The following magic is spatial magic. Spatial magic is bidirectional, not unidirectional, so the number of runes used is significantly higher. The combination is also tricky, requiring more than twice the time needed for distortion magic.

Coordinates are essential for spatial magic.

The distortion that will be the entrance gradually moves away from the distortion that will be the exit. The set coordinates are places where zombies and ghouls are densely packed.

As the spatial connection lengthens, a severe headache sets in. I can somehow endure the mana consumption, but the constant focus and calculations place an unbearable burden on my mind.

I grit my teeth and endure.

‘Just a little more-.’

Finally, I managed to create another distortion at the desired location.

Maintaining the space and distortion, I cast the spell again.


Several thin strands of lightning are generated. The lightnings intertwine and move ceaselessly.

“Chain Lightning.”

The 5th circle lightning magic, Chain Lightning.

I move the completed Chain Lightning into the distortion. The moment the chain of lightning, now blue particles, disappears into the distortion, I send it to the opposite distortion with the magic of leap.

The distortion, located at least 200 meters away, spews out the blue energy of the lightning.

Now, for the final part.

I challenge a combination that I have never succeeded in before.

The blue energies intertwine to form a shape.

‘Just a little more-.’

I heighten my concentration.

I expand the world of my consciousness. Even the place 200 meters away falls within my realm of awareness.

The irregularly intertwined energies of the lightning gradually take on a complete form.

And then-!


The completed chain of lightning grants eternal rest to the undead wandering the land of the dead.

Just as the joy of finally succeeding washes over me-.

My head spins and the world turns black.


He muttered with a groan and then lost consciousness.


– Level has increased.

– Name: Noon

Level: 25

Occupation: Mage (Origin)

Title: Disciple of the Tower Master, Mage of the Source

Strength: 32 Stamina: 32 Agility: 32 Intelligence: 182(↑2) Magic: 214(↑6)

Achievements: One who has touched the Source, Orc Slayer

After mastering the magic of space, the speed of leveling up increased significantly.

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In the land of the dead, where the number of undead was so high that there was no need for herding, using area magic anywhere would yield a large amount of experience points.

Attacking the nearby undead would attract all the surrounding undead, so he used space magic to sweep away the distant undead groups.

He reached level 25.

When he reached level 20, he hoped that the infinite bag would expand again, but that did not happen.

As he continued to repeatedly use space magic, he became accustomed to it, and no longer suffered from severe headaches or lost consciousness as he did at first.

He entered the underground mausoleum that had become his own sanctuary.

He organized the items he had used so far.

Today, he planned to leave the Infinite Tower. It had been almost two months since he entered the Infinite Tower. Although he wanted to stay until he completed the warp magic circle, he could not ignore his real-life responsibilities.

He was eager to connect to Doomsday and seek advice from his master.

After staying for a while, he left the familiar sanctuary.

“Next time I come, I will definitely complete the warp magic circle.”


He was on his way home in a taxi.

He hadn’t brought his car, thinking he would stay in the Infinite Tower for a long time.

He checked his emails on his phone.

As expected, there were quite a few emails from Park Dong-hyuk.

Most of them were related to the operation of the Craksha Tower Healing Center.

There were also many inquiries from around the world about the lack of artifact supply for the past two months.

He had made a considerable amount of fire and aqua artifacts in the infinite bag. He had made them while resting during his training of the warp magic circle.

– A request has come from the Chiu Guild.

After checking the email, I call Park Dong-hyuk.

– Haha, Master of the Tower of Kraksha. It’s been a long time.

“Yes. Hello.”

– You must have been very busy. Your phone has been off continuously.

“I just came out after staying in the Tower of Infinity for about two months.”

– Ah, you went to the Tower of Infinity. I’m really curious about which floor you are attacking. Of course, you don’t have to answer.

“You said there was a request from the Chiu Guild?”

– Master Baek Dong-wook of the Chiu Guild expressed his intention to purchase an artifact enchanted with high-circle healing magic.

High-circle healing magic means the 5th circle Great Heal.

Since I learned it while making the Mana Drain artifact, I can make it anytime if I decide to.

– It seems they are having trouble attacking the 32nd floor. They said they would pay any amount of money if they could buy the healing artifact.

“I’m not someone who urgently needs money.”

– Haha. Of course. By the way, have you checked your account?

“Not yet. I just got out and took a taxi.”

– You’ll be surprised when you check your account.


– Check it when you get home.

Park Dong-hyuk chattered about various things he experienced while running the treatment center.

Even though quite some time has passed since the start of full-scale treatment, the media, backed by powerful people, are still pouring out bad articles targeting the Dark Merchant and the Tower of Kraksha Treatment Center.

Since I decided to leave it entirely to Park Dong-hyuk, I don’t need to worry about it.

I get out of the taxi and enter the house.

In the garden, Baek Song-yi is playing with Seol-gi and her minions.


“Yes. Song-yi, it’s been a while.”


Seol-gi, who found me, runs at an incredible speed, kicks off the ground, and jumps up. Seol-gi, who fits snugly in my arms, rubs her face against my chest.

“Haha, did you miss me? I missed you a lot too.”

Seol-gi’s minions are still circling around her, as if they are not yet familiar with me.

“Boss, you’re back?”

Baek Seong-hoon holds a large pair of scissors, seemingly ready to prune the garden trees.

“Everything alright at home?”

“Yes, sir. Nothing out of the ordinary.”

After exchanging greetings with Baek Seong-hoon’s family, he heads straight to the sauna.

He had missed the sauna dearly while staying at the Tower of Infinity.

After sweating profusely in the sauna and taking a cold shower, it feels like the whole world is his.

He enjoys the seafood stew that Cha Mi-ryeong cooked for him and enters the underground multi-space room with the capsule.

“Shall I go see my master after a long time?”


His master is glaring at him with disapproving eyes.

“You insolent disciple. You haven’t shown your face for over two months. What have you been doing that it took you over two months to come?”

“I was attacking the Tower of Infinity.”


His master pours him some tea.

“So, did you achieve anything?”

“Yes. I made the underground grand tomb on the 25th floor mine.”

“And the lich? You must have defeated it to claim that place. Was it a tough fight?”

“Not really. It kept running away with Blink, so I set up a Lightning Field and cut it down with Thunder Blade.”

His master chuckles.

“Don’t tell me you’ve also completed the Warp Magic Circle?”

“No way. It was really difficult.”

“Of course. It’s a high-level 8-circle magic. It took me over ten years to master Warp Magic. Seeing that you’re here, you must have encountered some obstacle with the Warp Magic.”

“Yes, master. Would you like to see?”

He immediately uses magic.

After using the magic of distortion and space, he creates a small flame and makes it leap to the opposite distortion.

His master’s jaw drops as he watches the series of processes.

“You said you hadn’t completed it?”

“I can do this much, but when it comes to drawing the magic circle, I can’t make any progress.”

His master shakes his head.

“Even that much is almost complete. The lack of progress with the magic circle is due to the lack of knowledge about the mana connections between each magic circle. Once you understand that, completing the Warp Magic Circle won’t be difficult.”


“Yes, you monstrous disciple. It took me over ten years of hard work to master Warp, and you learned it in just a few months of training. Does that even make sense?”

“Haha. It’s all thanks to your excellent teaching, Master. Now that we’re on the topic, please teach me quickly.”

Master chuckles and pats my shoulder.

“I understand your eagerness, but don’t rush too much. You’re already doing well. No, you’re doing too well, and that’s the problem. So, don’t be impatient.”

“Yes, Master. Oh, and I have something I’m curious about.”

“Go ahead.”

I told him about the experience I had while drawing the dark rune after obtaining the lich’s life vessel.

“The dark rune, huh. That’s a difficult problem. The Magic Tower has been researching it for a long time. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been much progress. If we find any clues, I’ll let you know first.”

“Thank you, Master.”

“Well then, shall we start studying the Warp magic circle in earnest?”

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