Chapter 47

Chiu House, Baek Dong-wook’s office.

The door opens and a man walks in. The guild emblem of the Haedong Guild is engraved on his chest. The man who entered flinches when he sees me.


“Yes, hello.”

“You’re from the Haedong Guild.”

“I’m Yoon Se-hyung, the vice-master of the Haedong Guild.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m from the Tower of Kraksha.”

Yoon Se-hyung’s eyes widen in surprise.

He didn’t expect the person wearing the golden mask, the hottest name among the awakened ones recently, to be from the Tower of Kraksha.

“You heard from Master Baek Dong-wook, right?”

“I was only told to follow the instructions of the person inside.”

“Good. Come here and sign this. And a drop of blood is a bonus.”

The yellow parchment is filled with strange languages that are not of Earth.

“What is this?”

“It’s a contract.”

“A contract?”

“Yes. It outlines a few prohibitions you must adhere to in exchange for the benefits I provide.”

“It’s neither in Korean nor English?”

Suspicion fills Yoon Se-hyung’s eyes.

“It’s in the runic language used by wizards.”

“Runic language? Such a language exists?”

“It’s the great language that manifests magic. A gift from the gods to humans. By the way, Earth’s wizard awakeners do not know the runic language. So even if you ask the guild’s wizards, you won’t get the answers you want.”

“How do you know the runes of Kraksia’s Tower?”

Most of the people who entered this room asked the same question as Yun Se-hyung.

Each time, I gave the same answer.

“Because I am the Tower of Kraksia.”


I am the Tower of Kraksia, the one who creates artifacts and potions with over-technology that enchanters and alchemists cannot produce.

I am the one who solved the eternal problem of mana addiction, which humanity must endure and suffer.

“Does that answer your question?”

It means not to understand me with the common sense of ordinary people.

Yun Se-hyung, who was lost in thought for a moment, nodded.

“Can I know what is written in the contract?”

“It’s simple. You will not talk about me anywhere. And you will not talk about the benefits you receive from me. If you violate these two conditions, you will die. How about it? Really simple, right?”

“Are you trying to hire a hitman?”

“A hitman? Hahaha!”

I burst into laughter at Yun Se-hyung’s words.

After laughing for a while, I stopped and said.

“Why would I choose such a troublesome and traceable method?”

I gently shook the parchment with my fingers.

“The runes have power. That power exacts a price when the contractor violates the contract conditions.”

“Is that possible?”

“If you’re curious, sign and violate the contract. Of course, the price is death.”

I drew my finger across my neck.

“For reference, Master Baek Dong-wook and Master Kwon Dae-young of the Haedong Guild, to which Se-hyung belongs, have all signed the contract.”

“Can I know the benefits after signing the contract?”

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“You will know after signing the contract. Sign and ask Master Kwon Dae-young. He will tell you in detail. So, shall we proceed with the contract?”

I pushed the parchment towards Yun Se-hyung.

When I handed over the quill pen dipped in mana ink, he hesitated for a moment but eventually signed.


Yun Se-hyung dropped the quill pen with a short groan. A wound appeared on the finger holding the quill pen, and a drop of blood fell on the contract.


A faint light emanates from the parchment, enveloping Yoon Se-hyung and me before disappearing.

“The contract is complete. I look forward to working with you.”

Yoon Se-hyung, with a bewildered expression, steps outside.

“Sigh, this is just another job.”

I’ve already processed contracts with over a hundred people.

The parchment was brought from the world of Doomsday.

The contract details are written in runes on the magically treated parchment, making it an artifact in itself.

If either party violates the contract, they must bear the penalties specified in the contract.

I told Yoon Se-hyung that breaking the contract would result in death, but that’s not true.

The moment the contract is made, others, except those bound by other contracts, cannot speak about matters related to me or the tasks we undertake together, even if they want to.

It’s a mental magic called the ‘Pledge of Silence,’ similar to the skill possessed by the master of the Dark Merchant.

Looking at the stack of unused contracts, I can only sigh.

“How many are left?”


“Is this the right path?”

Baek Dong-wook asks, seemingly puzzled.

“Yes, it is.”

It seems he finds it strange because it’s not the usual path he takes to the 32nd floor.

“I’m guiding you through the safest and fastest route, so just follow me.”

Leading the guilds, including the Chiwoo Guild, that will be accompanying me, we are moving to the 32nd floor using the wizard’s path.

“It’s been about two hours since we left the base city, and we haven’t encountered a single monster so far, right?”

“I was wondering about that too.”

“This is the safest path, right?”

“It seems so.”

When we arrived at the 32nd floor, everyone, including Baek Dong-wook, let out exclamations. We hadn’t encountered a single monster on the way here.

Normally, we would have had to fight several monsters on the way to the 32nd floor.

“Alright, let’s quickly pass through the 32nd floor as well. Tell the guides in the guild to remember the path we’ve taken. We’ll need to use it frequently from now on.”

“I’ve already given those instructions.”

While moving to the 33rd floor, we encountered an ogre and a troll, but since we had selected the elite of the elite from ten guilds to accompany us, we easily dealt with them.


With a trembling voice, Baek Dong-wook speaks.

“We’ve reached the 33rd floor.”

“Are you that pleased?”

“I wandered the 32nd floor for over a year to reach the 33rd. I never imagined it would be so close.”

The entrance to the 33rd floor is not far from the entrance of the 32nd floor. It’s always darkest under the lamp. Naturally, they assumed it would be far from the entrance.

How much must the American and Chinese awakeners, who conquered the 33rd floor earlier, have laughed at the Korean awakeners wandering the 32nd floor?

Not only Baek Dong-wook but other awakeners as well cannot contain their emotions. Some awakeners hug each other and burst into tears.

“Uh-, everyone?”

The awakeners’ gazes gather on me.

“Our destination is not the 33rd floor but the 36th floor, isn’t it?”

I tap Baek Dong-wook on the shoulder and say.

“What are you doing not walking quickly?”


We arrived at our destination, the 36th floor.

“Did Master of the Tower of Kraksha make this alone?”

Baek Dong-wook asks, looking at the wall blocking the entrance to the canyon.

“Since there was no one to help, he must have done it alone.”

“Master of the Tower of Kraksha is truly amazing.”

A woman says with a bright smile.

She is Lee Soo-yeon, the master of the Carpe Diem Guild. Although the Carpe Diem Guild is not included in the top 10 guilds, it is a considerably powerful guild.

The other masters gathered around me also nod, seemingly agreeing with Lee Soo-yeon.

“I built the wall, but you all have to handle installing the door. Shall we go inside?”

We pass through the wall and enter.

With the canyon rising high on both sides and the terrain blocked inside, it can be called a natural fortress.

“The ground is flat, so it seems easy to build structures. I will immediately start constructing a base city.”

Baek Dong-wook’s face is full of smiles, seemingly pleased with the place I prepared.

“For reference, the base of the American awakeners is quite far from here. If you operate centered here, you won’t encounter the American awakeners.”

While the masters of each guild are looking around the inside of the canyon with their guild members, I go outside the wall with Baek Dong-wook.

“There is a place we need to visit.”

I extended my hand to Baek Dong-wook.

“Hold out your arm.”

Grabbing Baek Dong-wook’s arm, I use Reverse Gravity magic on him and immediately take off with Fly magic.

“Uh, uh-.”

A flustered Baek Dong-wook struggles.

“Stay still. You’ll fall otherwise.”

Baek Dong-wook shudders as he looks down. We begin our flight together, with a now calm Baek Dong-wook.

“Where are we going?”

“To a place that will make me, you all, and Korea prosperous.”


“You’ll see when we get there.”

We arrive at our destination and land on the ground.

“There’s nothing here?”

Even after looking around, all he sees are rocky mountains.

“It’s a gift.”

I hand Baek Dong-wook a silver coin.

On one side, a tower is embossed, and on the other, a mask is engraved.

The Tower of Kraksha.

In other words, a silver coin symbolizing me.

I had it made by the dwarf artisans of the Enchant Workshop.


Baek Dong-wook’s eyes widen in surprise as he accepts the silver coin.

It’s no wonder he’s surprised, as the surrounding scenery suddenly changes.

“There’s an illusion magic circle here that shows a vision. Those without this coin will wander around and eventually die. Follow me.”

We enter the mana stone mine together.

“Why do you think the United States can act so high and mighty towards the world? Because their awakened ones are the best in the world?”


“Master Baek Dong-wook knows the reason, right? It’s because they monopolize the good things from the Infinite Tower. How much do you think the United States gains from the mana stone mine on the 29th floor? Money? They make a lot of money, but the bigger gain is that they can make various demands on other countries in exchange for exporting mana stones. The mana stones themselves become a diplomatic weapon.”

“I know. The places the United States monopolizes aren’t just the 29th-floor mana stone mine. There are artifact and potion materials, rare minerals, and more. There are many countries that have become dependent on the United States because of the Infinite Tower.”

Baek Dong-wook’s voice grows louder as he speaks, seemingly excited.

“They lure awakened ones from other countries to obtain their nationality. Many awakened ones from our country have emigrated to the United States. Even an entire guild once moved to the United States. But politicians try to please the United States by giving away everything.”

It was clear that he had always harbored many complaints about America.

“So, from now on, we need to change. America’s high-handedness? Why can’t Korea do the same?”

They left the passage and arrived at a vast cavern.

“This, this is…”

Baek Dong-wook’s mouth gaped open.

“Welcome to the Mana Stone Mine.”

He led Baek Dong-wook deep into the mine.

With magic, he extracted a mana stone embedded in the cavern wall.

“This is a mid-grade mana stone. It holds far greater value than the low-grade and lowest-grade mana stones mined on the 29th floor. So now, we too…”

He placed a mana stone in Baek Dong-wook’s palm and spoke in a subtle tone.

“Let’s show them what high-handedness looks like.”

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